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1、参考译文:大多数殖民时期的医生认为疾病来源人体内不平衡的 体液。2.I n 1976 Sarah Caldwell became at the Metropolita nOpera Housein New York City. A. she was the first woman to conduct B. the first womanconductor C. the woman was first conducting D. the woman conducts first缺宾语,答案中只有 B, D 可以作宾语,但 D 的语序不对。1976, Sarah Caldwell成为在第一个在纽

2、约 MetropolitanOpera House演 出的演奏家补充: 常考 the first/second/ one to do sth3.On January 7, 1955, Marian Anderson became tosing a majorrole at New York Citys Metropolitan Opera House.A.the first African AmericanB.the first African American wasC.she was the first African AmericanD.when the first African Am

3、erican A 分析:缺宾语, C, D 都不能作宾语。一句话中只能 有一个谓语,而B中有was,句中出现两个谓语,一定错。1955年1月7号,Marian Anderson成为在第一个在 纽约 Metropolitan OperaHouse担任主唱的美籍黑人。4.Perhaps the most significant postwar trend was the decentralization ofcities throughout the United States, when massivehighway-buildingprograms permitted greater subu

4、rban growth.A.and accelerated a phenomenonB.a phenomenon that acceleratedC.accelerating a phenomenon which,D.the acceleration of which phenomenon考的是同位语结构, a phenomenon 是 the decentralization of cities throughout the United States的同位语。A中and为conj.,后面应该连接一个完整的句子, 但缺主语,错 ;C 中语序混乱,错 ; D 中 of which 作为 介词宾

5、 语 , 后面 应 该 接一 个 完 整句 , 但 只 有一 个 phe nomenon主语,句子不完整,错。 可能战后最重大的趋势就是美国城市的分散化, 当大 规模高速公路建设项目容许了更大程度的发展郊区, 这个现象更被促 进了。 accelerate/ accomplish/ achieve/ evolve都可以是 vi.不接宾 语5.Ronald Reagan had served two terms as governor of California before President. A. he became B. when becoming C. became D. did he

6、become A分析:before为状语从句引导词conj,后面一般引导一个完整的句子 B 同时出现两个状语从句引导词,错 ;C 缺主语 ;D 应该为正常语序, 选项中使用了倒装句式,错。里根在成为美国总统之前连续两届担任加州的州长。6. , domesticated grapes grow in clusters, range incolor from pale green to black, and contain sugar in varying quantities.A.Their botanical classification as berriesB.Although their

7、botanical classification as berriesC.Because berries being their botanical classificationD.Classified botanically as berriesD分析:句子的主语是grapes ,后面是平行结构grow,range andcon tain空格后的句子已完整,那么空格处就应该是同位语,状语 从句,分词等修饰成分。 A 中 Their 指代不明,而且 classification 和 berries也不相符,错;B中Although为conj.,后面应该是完整句,错;C 中Because为con

8、j.,后面应该是完整句,错。 培植的葡萄的植物分类跟浆果是一样的, 它们成串的长在 树上,颜色从灰白色到黑色,并且包含由不同数量的糖份。7.The cymbal is in the military band and is alsofrequently used in modern orchestral music.A.a basic instrumentB.basic basic an instrument it an instrument is basic instrument 可数,前面应该有限定词 a.and 前为 一简单句。 铙钹在军乐队

9、里是一个基本的乐器, 而且还经常在现 代管弦乐里使用。8.In instrumentalist philosophy , ideas and knowledge are exclusivelyfunctional processes: they are of significance only instrumental inthe development of they areB.are theyC.there areD.areA分析:两个谓语需要有一个 conj.来连接。一个句子中出现 2 个谓语且没有连接词就一定错。 在乐器演奏家的哲学里面, 思想和知识是专

10、有排外性 的功能性的过程。 他们的重要意义仅限于在经验发展的过程中, 用于 乐器演奏。9. either by cooling or by depriving the fire of oxygen , and mostdo both.A.Working fire extinguishers B. Fire extinguishers that work C. Fire extinguishers work D. The work of fire extinguishersC分析:空格中缺主谓。A中没有谓语;B中that多余, 因为句中只有一个谓语 ;D 也没有谓语。 灭火器的通过冷却或者减少火

11、中的氧气的方法工作的, 大 多数时候两个方法都会用到。10.The introduction of mass-production methods enabled many people and gave them an unprecedented amount of purchase their own automobilesB.their own to purchase their own purchase automobilesD.own their automobiles to purchase为固定结构 enable sb

12、to do sth.规模生产方法的产生,使得人们能够买自己的车,并 获得了空前的灵活性。1.Frances Perkins, of the United States cabinet,served in the cabinet as secretary of labor from 1933 to 1945.A.the first female memberB.was the first female memberC.the first female member whoD.of whom the first female member主语同位语结构。B中多了一个谓语was,因为 后面已经有一个

13、谓语动词 served, 一个句子中出现 2 个谓语且没有 连接词就一定错 ;C 中 who 多余,用法也不正确 ;D 中 of whom 多余,不是定语从句, 考的是同位语结构。Fran ces Perkins,是美国内阁的第一为女性成员,她 从 1933 到 1945 年在内阁担任劳工部秘书。2.When to dough and heated, carbon dioxide isreleased, causingthe dough to added baking powder B. added baking powder is C. is baking powder

14、added D. baking powder is added D 分析: When 为状语从句引导词 ;语序应该为正常语序,A,C错;B语序混乱,明显应该用被动形式,而且有固定结构 add to. 当把烘烤用粉加到面团里加热的时候, 会释放出二氧 化碳,使得面团涨开。3. the percentage of individuals with similar traits insucceeding generation,s geneticists use the theory of probability.A.The calculation ofB.To calculateC.Is calculatingD.Calculated 答案: tocalculate,这里用不定式表示 目的”前半句的逻辑主语是geneticists, 只有 B 符合要求 ;A 中只有主语,句子不完整。遗传学家运用概率的

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