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本文(高考第一轮复习非谓语动词解题指导、强调句型解题指导文档格式.doc)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2. 强调句型解题指导要点总结与典型例题:非谓语动词解题指导(一)非谓语动词形式做定语:(五种形式)1. 被修饰名词+doing短语: 正在做的人/正在发生的事。2. 被修饰名词+ done短语: 被的人/事3. 被修饰名词+being done短语:正在被的人/事4. 被修饰名词+ to be done短语:将要被.的人/事 5. 被修饰名词+ to do 短语:要做的事 / 要做某事的人在非限定定语中,还可以用having done / having been done 做定语。He was a short man, walking with a disproportionately lo

2、ng stride, which cause him to roll like a logger making into a head wind.In a camera, the lens must be focused on the object to be photographed.Goods imported from abroad are not always better than those made in China.(二)分词做状语 做时间,原因,条件,让步等状语;(四种形式)Doing 短语,主句(主语+谓语) 当时, / 由于/ 如果 Done 短语,主句(主语+谓语) 当

3、/由于/如果被Having done短语,主句(主语+谓语) 已经之后Having been done短语,主句(主语+谓语) 已经被之后Having been translated into Chinese, the book became very popular in China. Not having received any news from home for many years, she got more and more homesick.Once published, his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at th

4、e end of each line.注意:如果分词短语的主语不是主句的主语,则分词短语的主语(名词)应放在分词前面。Time permitting, well call on our teacher.Work finished, he prepared to return home.(三)做伴随,结果,目的状语(doing / done 形式)He was standing, holding on to a tree that grew against the wall.At last he stopped running, sweat streaming down his face.(四)

5、with结构:with/without+名词+ doing 短语done短语to do 短语介词短语/副词Tom went away, without a word spoken.The silent was suddenly broken when a large car , with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade.With them helping us, we can do it better.解题指导:分词做状语的形式在单选题中常见的形式就是选择分词的种类(doing/done)以及他们的形

6、式(完成式,被动式)。所以作题时一定要在理解句意的基础上,弄清分词动作与主句主语的关系和时间顺序。有些题要注意选项部分是主句的伴随状语还是前面句子的连续动作。【典型例题】1. The Olympic Games , _in 776 BC, didnt included women players until 1912.A. first playingB. to be first playedC. first playedD. to be first playing分析:C 公元前776年被首次举行的奥运会,知道1912年才容纳女运动员。_in 776 BC做定语修饰The Olympic Ga

7、mes,指过去的内容,表示被动。用done做定语。 2. The houses _ for the teachers and the construction work will start soon.A. builtB. to be builtC. to buildD. being builtB 根据句意房子即将开工。_ for the teachers and the construction work修饰The houses应为The houses。The houses将要为教师和施工修建的房子。 3. Hearing the news, he hurried out, _ book _

8、 on the table and disappeared into the distance.A. left; lain openB. leaving; lying openC. leaving; lie openD. left; lying opened根据句意:听到这个消息,他匆匆跑出去,消失在远方,让他得书还打开着放在桌上。hurried out和disappeared是连续的动作。而_ book _ on the table则是伴随的动作。答案:B4. With a lot of difficult problems _, the newly-elected president is

9、 having a hard time.A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settledWith a lot of difficult problems _ 意思是“有这么多难题要解决,”因此使用with+名词+to do 形式。 5. He turned and went to sleep again, _ that it was still early.A. to thinkB. and thoughtC. thinkingD. thoughtturn,go 与think是主语发出的三个动作。而think根据句意应在其他两个动作之前。

10、而且与其他两个动作具有因果关系。“因为觉得天还早,他翻个身又睡了。答案为C6. Though _ money, his parents managed to send him to university. A. lackedB. lacking ofC. lackingD. lacking in虽然缺少钱,他的父母还是想方设法把他送进了大学。Lack of(缺乏)与主语his parents为主动关系。在英语中,为了突出强调句子的某一个成分(谓语除外),达到强调或使听话人特别注意这一部分的目的。便形成了一种强调句型。It is/was+被强调的部分+that/who+句子的其他部分。It is

11、/was not until+时间+that+句子的其他部分。例句:1. I saw John on my way to school this morning.It was John who/that I saw on my way to school this morning.It was on my way to school that I saw John this morning.It was this morning that I saw John on my way to school.2. It was his best suit that John wore to the d

12、ance last night.3. It was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcast began.4. It was the strange way things looked and sounded in my familiar room at night that frightened me so much.5. It was the kindness and sympathy in their eyes that prevented me from doing so. 6. What is it that Joe cant find

13、in the bathroom ?强调句的考察往往混入定语从句或名词性从句的内容:即考察复合句的连词;关系代词和强调句的连接词that1. 注意强调句型与主语从句的辨别。2. 在单选题中强调句中的强调部分带有定语从句,在题中考察关系词和强调句连词that。对这样的题,注意分析句子结构。1. It was only when I reread his poem recently _ I began to appreciate their beauty.A. untilB. thatC. thenD. so选择B本题考查强调句型的用法。“只有在我最近重新读了他的诗作,我才开始欣赏到这些诗的美丽。

14、2. It was in the small house _ was built with stones by his father _he spent his childhood.A. which; thatB. that; whereC. which; whichD. that; which选择A本题考查带有定语从句的强调句型用法。句中:“_ was built with stones by his father的定语从句。被强调的部分是in the small house _ was built with stones by his father。他正是在他父亲用石头盖的房子里度过了他的童年。 3. It was in the stone house _ was built as a school by local villagers _ the boy finished his rpimary school.

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