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1、泛 a(n)一类 单 2、A hores is a useful animal(表个体)指 the一类 单 3、The hores is a useful animal(表全体) o一类 单 4、O Horses are useful animals o 5、O Water is a liquid特 6、The water in this well is sweet指 the 单 7、The horse tied to the tree belongs to Mr Smith 复 8、The horses under the trees are Jacks Tips:1)单 泛指时用a/an

2、2|)单 泛指时不用冠词 3)无论还是特指都用the2、不定冠词的用法 a university student a uniona+辅音音素 eg a Eurapeon bay、 a one-eyed monkey、 a useful tool、aunited family an+元音音素 eg an hour、an honour、an honest boy、There is a“u”、an“am”and a “p”in thew 不是字母,是音素!所谓元音音素就是看单词第一个字母的发音,通常说的最多的是对于字母“u”的区别,当字母u发音为“ju:”时,如useful l European,则

3、用a注:表示可数名词,单表单数表示不可数名词,复表复数表示for exemple表示“一个”与数词one相同eg.He is Frenchmon,not on Americon.占专有名词连用便是“某一个”“一个叫”的人eg.A mr smith is woiting for you ot the school gate.表示“每一个”相当于per 用于某些时间、数量、长度等单位前eg 500 dollars a ton :60 mile an hour:tuice a week. a + mast 表示“very”eg this is a mast Interesting book.That

4、 is a best dictronary.= this is a very Interesting book.That is a very good dictronary.Thps除了mast,还有其他表示最高级的词,如best等,也一样用。 a+序数词,表示“再一”“又一” eg You can try it.a second time if you foil. When I sat down.afifth man rose to speak. 不表示第五个而是又一个男的 a(n)+名词,作表语(表职业) eg He became a suilor ofter he grew up. 但

5、He turned sailor after he grew up.表“同一”“相同”等于the sameEg They are of on age =They are of the some age. Birds of a feather flock together.(物以类聚)感叹句中Eg what a splendid performonce it is! How serious the problem it is!Tips:这里详细讲一下what与how在感叹句中的用法。1) What 只对名词发感叹what+a(an)+(形容词)+单Eg what a day! What a be

6、autiful girl she is!what+(形容词)+复Eg what good students they are!what+(形容词)+Eg what bad weather!2)How 可以对形容词、副词、名词、谓语动词发感叹How+形容词Eg how cold it is today!How+副词Eg How fast they are running!How+形容词+a(on)+单Eg How good an example he set to us!How+many muchfewlittle+名词Eg How mary books he has!对谓语动词发感叹Eg Ho

7、w time flies! 华丽的分割线。下面回到不定冠词的用法在so,as,too,how+形容词后Eg He is so famous a poet that he is admired by oters. It is as fine a day os I have ever spent. It is too difficult a book for you to read. He doesnt know how precious a thing it is.在half,mony,quite,rather,such后 Eg half a doien of apples.mary a flo

8、uer,quite a good idea.Rather a deuer boy,such a funny expression.物质名词具体化,表一类/阵/份。Eg a heary rain /a coffce /a wonderful idea.抽象名词具体化,表一个具体的人或事Eg a great success/it is an honour to/it is a pleasure to碰上独一无二东西前有修饰语时Eg we can see a full moon tnight. China hopes to hove a peaceful and friendly world in

9、the rlst century. Tips:若无修饰词,用the,如the moon在表示季节、月份、日期、三餐前的名词有修饰语时Eg we had a very cold winter last year. A rainy Sunday I a wonderful lunch 首次提到的可数名词单数前Eg There is a man at the gate.The man is Tom.可数名词泛指一类人或物前Eg A teacher must love his students.某些固定短语A great deal of+ a number of as a resut of get i

10、n a word a great many+复 a lot of all of a sudd in a hurry 匆忙go for a walk 出去散步 do a good deed 做好事after a while 过一会 hare a cold /look/rest/swim/fever/seat etcin a short while 不久即可 have a good time /time/trip etc.once in a while 不时偶尔 once upon a time 从前once at a time 一次一个 be a waste of 浪费2) 定冠词的使用用在姓氏

11、复数前,表一家人夫妇二人Eg The Greens are at table.用在年代、朝代名词及逢+的数词(表北欧个年代)前Eg the Tang Dgnasty / in the 1990s 或in他和1980s用在表量度单位的名词前,表示“每一”Eg I have hired the car by the hour句型 动词+sb+介词+the+身体某一部分中的the不可用人称物主代词代替Eg take sb by the arm ./bit sb in the face. He red in the face(脸红)/he blind in the eye(眼瞎)说及个类属的名词前Eg

12、 The lion is more fierce than the wolf.表方向、方位的名词前Eg in the east /west/north/south On the right 表自然现象名词前EG the weather、the climate、the wind *前面永远无冠词的词有:nature/cpace/health (太空)用才形容词前使之名词化、表一类人或事物EG the poor/the unemployed/the impossible乐器、文娱场所前EG play the violin/piano/guitar go to the cinema *中国乐器前不用

13、the,如play erhu(二胡) 当乐器作普通名词时,不用the,如:HE is playing a borrowed vioun在某项发明的单数名词前EG The telephone was invented用在only、right、same、vary之前,just之后EG the only personThis is the very book that I am eager to tead just the 民族、国籍的形容词连用指全体EG The Chinese/The English*用在越越结构中EG The busier he is 、the happier he feels

14、专有名词(江河湖海洋、山脉群岛、海湾沙漠海峡、国名、公共建筑、组织机构、杂志会议)Eg the Yangtze River/the Atlantic Ocean/the Alps 阿尔卑斯山 the Taiwan Straits台湾海峡/the Sahara Desert撒哈拉沙漠 the Peoples Republic of China中华人民共和国 the Great Wall/the British Museum the United Nations/the World Trade Organization the Times泰晤士报/the Xian Inoident西安事变高考中常见的纯不可数名词要牢记,永远不与定冠词连用buggage(luggage)、furniture、health、weather、fun、space(太空)、advice、word、progress、information、news固定短语(这些词组用于写作都很好,以后会作统一整理,先被起来)at the age of *be in the habit of有的习惯*make the mast/best of(充分利用) *the other day(several days ago)*not in the least(=not at all) by th

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