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1、It is a matter of regret that you couldnt arrive there on time.事情,复数=事态,毛病This is one of the chief events of this year.(大事)3.base/basis/foundationA bottle has a flat bases(是实物的基础,如物体的底座或底架)Whats the basis of your opinion?(理论,信念的根据或基础)The conclusions must have some solid foundation in reality.(既是实物也是

2、理论基础,但侧重于牢固的或坚实的基础)4. cost/price/ charge/expenseA new computer system has been installed at a cost of $ 8000. (原价,成本,包括对某物所付出的一切费用及时间,劳力等的代价)Delivery is free of charge(服务后收取的费用)He said the office expense were too big(常指大量的花费,支出,如求学,旅行,建设,战争等)We had to raise our prices because of the rising costs(价格,

3、价钱)5.condition, situation, stateIve had no exercise for ages, and Im really out of condition(单数指状况=state,常指一定原因或条件造成的状态,如人的健康,物的完好程度,设备的可用性)The oranges may soon rot under the present conditionsThe battle decided the entire military situation指某一时间由各种情况造成的处境,形势The present situation calls for entirely

4、new measuresThe area is in a state of armed conflicts (同condition,还表思想,感情,心理等状态)They were silent for a long time, in a state of painful hesitation and doubt6.form,figure, shapePlaying basketball is one form of physical exercise(应用最广,有外形的或内在的)I saw a figure approaching in the darkness(指身材,或由线条决定的形状,图

5、案)My garden is in the shape of a square.(指外部的线条,有较强的块,团概念)7.income, pay, salary, wages, feeTheir school has greatly increased the teachers incomeHis regular salary doesnt come to much, but he gets bonuses tooHer wages are one hundred dollars a weekIf you want to join, theres an entrance fee of 20 do

6、llars(指手续费,薪金,付给律师,医师,或其他专业人员的酬金,学费)The workers declared for the offer of increasing pay and holidays8.injury, wound, hurt, damage, harmHe suffered serious injuries to the arms and legsHe died from the wounds he had received to his chestThe experience left me with a feeling of deep hurtThe earthquak

7、e caused damage to property estimated at $ 6 millionHe would never frighten anyone or cause them any harm9.mark, sign, signal, symbolHe has a horse with a white mark on its head(留下深刻印迹,用于辨别事物,比sign更侧重区别性)She put her finger to her lips as a sign to be quiet记号,标记,可指符号也可指情绪,性格,直观显示,还可指指示牌,卡片等,征兆,迹象)We

8、live too far from the city to get a strong television signal (指信号,灯光,声音,或信号标志)She had a silver peace symbol hanging on a chain around her neck象征,符号,被人们选出的物体,或图案,代表另一事物,10.method, manner, way, meansIt cant be questioned that the new method is superior to the old one(系统的方法)I dont object to what she sa

9、ys, but I strongly disapprove of her manner of saying it,(用来代替前面任何一个词,可用of+./to+doing)They admired the way she dealt with the crisisThe quickest means of travel is by plane(概括性的方法,this means, such means“用这种方式”In this way, with this method, by this means, in this manner.)11.occupation,job,employment,

10、 profession,work,He followed his fathers occupation of carpentry有报酬的工作比job文雅,不一定有固定收入,常用于填表The huge project will give employment to millions of people庄重的公文用词The government is trying to create new jobs有报酬的工作Im a college teacher by profession指受过较高的教育或专门训练Now computers do lots of the work formerly done

11、 for man12.catch grab grasp seize与snatchcatch是普通用语,有“设法抓住,捉住”的意思 grab 表示“突然地,粗鲁地抓住某物” grasp 表示牢牢地“抓住” seize 指“突然用力抓住使不逃脱” snatch 表示迅速的拉扯动作,出其不意地“抓取” I caught him by the ear He grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the fire He grasped his gun and rushed out Then with that mans permission and even wit

12、h his help,he seized her and took her away He made a dive for the rejected clothing and began to snatch it this way and that.13.congratulate celebrate 这两个词共同的意思“庆祝”congratulate只能以事或物作宾语,如节日,生日,胜利,成功等;而congratulate后面只能是以“被庆贺的人”作宾语 I congratulate myself on my good fortune Lets congratulate them on/upo

13、n their happy marriage We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in Beijing How do people celebrate New Year in your country?14.declare 与announce declare 指在庄严场合,官方权威人士公开郑重宣布,有时指在公共场合对某事表明态度。 announce指对公众或特定人群进行宣布,常指大家感兴趣的事,如国家大事和商品信息等 The government declared war on the drug dealers The new governme

14、nt announced its policy at once15.defend guard protect与preserve 都含“保护,使安全”之意 defend指“保卫,防御”,应用范围很广,对象可以是具体的,也可以是抽象的。guard 指“注意观察,戒备,以免受可能的攻击或伤害 protect指“保护。以免遭受危险或伤害等” preserve指“防护,保存。免被分解或腐烂”Every child must lead to defend himself from the aggression of other childrenSeveral dogs guard the house against strangersMany people protect their eyes from the sun with sunglassesFish are preserved in ice and salt until they are sold 16. earn gain win acquire与obtain earn指为了钱而工作而且含有这些报酬是应得的之意 win指在竞争,战争,比赛中

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