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1、 当.不在时 leave of absence 请假, 准假 absence of mind 精神不集中; 心不在焉 擅离职守;【军】开小差【反义词】antonympresenceprezns出席, 到场, 在场; 参加, 列席His presence inhibits me. 他在场使我十分拘束。【背句子记单词】 We lamented his absence. 我们对他的缺席感到非常遗憾。It happened in my absence. 事情发生时,我不在那里。accommodatekmdeitvt.给方便, 帮助使适应供给.住宿, 照应, 招待容纳调停, 调解accommodate

2、a friend 帮助朋友accommodate (sb.)for the night 留(某人)住一夜The eye can accommodate itself to seeing objects at different distances. 眼睛能自动调节以便观看远近不同的景物。The guests are well accommodated. 待客周到。accommodate oneself to 使自己适应于 accommodate (sb.) with 向(某人)供应提供To have room for; accommodate. 为留出空间;【同义词】synonymconfor

3、mknf:mvi.遵守, 符合(to, with)【宗】遵奉国教His ideas do not conform with mine 他的想法跟我的不一致.I can accommodate you. 我能迁就你。We must accommodate ourselves to circumstances . 我们必须适应环境。afflictfliktvt.使苦恼, 痛苦, 折磨be afflicted with gout 害痛风病be afflicted with a conscience 受良心的指责To oppress or afflict. 压迫,折磨To afflict with p

4、ain or discomfort. 使痛苦或不适perturbpt:bvt.烦扰, 使混乱慌张, 使不安焦急, 干扰【天】使摄动Mother was much perturbed by my illness. 母亲为我的病甚感烦恼不安。I wish you would not afflict me with your constant complains . 我希望你不要总是抱怨而使我苦恼。A shower of blood shall fall, and a dire famine shall afflict mankind. 一阵血雨落下,可怕的饥荒会折磨人类。arouserauzvt.

5、唤醒唤起,激起,引起激励arouse sb. from sleep 唤醒某人 arouse suspicion 引起猜疑arousesb.s enthusiasm 激起某人的积极性Arouse enthusiasm in sb. 引起某人的兴趣To arouse the passions of. 激起的热情To arouse the emotions of; excite. 激起情感;使兴奋provokeprvukvt.对.挑衅; 煽动, 挑拨引起He was provoked beyond endurance. 他被激得怒不可遏。Do not arouse my anger!不要惹我生气!T

6、hey dared not fully arouse the masses. 他们不敢放手发动群众。assumesju:v. think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it.假定;假设;认为 take or begin to have power or responsibility.承担(责任);就(职);取得(权力) pretend to have a particular feeling or quality.装出;假装【词性变化】过去式:assumed 过去分词:assumed 现在

7、分词:assuming【同义词】Suppose猜想,以为I suppose he is still in town.我想他还在城里。Presume假定;推测;I presume you will approve of the plan.我相信你会支持这个计划。Suspect猜想;料想I suspect they will come.我想她们会来的。【反义词】Conclude(最后)决定(为)He concluded to quit on pay day.他决定在发薪水这天辞职。【背句子记单词】Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds.我

8、们暂时假设计划成功。He assumed an air of concern.他装出关心的样子。banishbnivt.流放, 放逐驱逐, 强迫离开消除, 排除(恐惧等)banish sb. from out of the country 把某人流放国外banish (sth.) from memory 完全忘记banish bad thoughts; banish gloom.驱逐掉坏思想;消除阴暗。To banish by ostracism, as in ancient Greece.放逐(在古希腊)通过陶片放逐制度加以放逐to banish cares 消除烦恼expelikspel(

9、expelled; expelling)赶走, 驱逐排出; 消除喷出, 发射开除He was expelled from the school. 他被学校开除了。She was banished from China. 她被驱逐出中国。His assuring words helped to banish my fear. 他的安慰话帮我排除了恐惧。brilliantbrilliant 5briljEntadj.卓越的;灿烂的; 才华横溢的He is a brilliant speaker.他是一个卓越的演说家。【近义词】synonymbright adj. 光明的;聪明伶俐的She is a

10、 bright child.她是一个聪明伶俐的孩子。clever adj. 聪明的;灵巧的Jack is a clever student.杰克是个聪明伶俐的学生。intelligent adj. 聪明的,智力高的Bear is a intelligent animal. 熊是智力高的动物。【词性变化】 word-activitybrilliantly adv. 辉煌地, 灿烂地;Its so brilliantly beautiful!真是美极了!【反义词】antonym foolish adj. 不智的;愚蠢的;It is foolish to haphazardly adventure.

11、随便冒险是愚蠢的。stupid adj. 笨的;头脑迟钝的;Love always makes people do stupid things.爱情总是会让人做一些傻事。unwise adj. 不聪明的;不明智的Cheating in the test is unwise.在考试中作弊是不明智的。causecausek:zn.目标,理想,事业【近义】synonym指最大范围的职业目的careerkəri& n. 生涯, 职业, 事业 指经过专门训练,终身愿意从事的职业。Throughout his career, he fought as a welterweight.他在整个拳击生

12、涯中都是以次中量级参赛。jobdbn. 工作, 职位, 职责 泛指一切有报酬的工作。The whole job only takes half an hour.整个工作只需要半个小时。【记忆】World peace is a cause we should all work for. 争取世界和平是一项我们都应该为之而努力的事业。decay【今日单词】decay dikei腐朽, 腐烂; 分解, 风化, 变化衰减, 衰退, 退化, 消失, 埋没凋谢, 枯萎(荧光屏的)余辉(电荷存储管的)电荷减少, 能量损失Tooth decay; urban decay. 蛀牙;城市的衰落To cause to decay. 使腐烂;使衰败be far gone in decay 衰弱过甚, 凋落不堪 go to decay (=fall into decay) 腐朽, 凋谢, 衰微; 年久失修【近义词】synonymcrumblekrmbl弄碎, 粉碎【背句

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