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浙江省杭州市中考单词拼写 含答案Word文档格式.docx

1、5.S_ is the activity of visiting interesting places as tourist。6.ItisapitythatthefamouswriterandpoetYuGuangzhoup_wayinDecember 2017.7. There are thirty students in our class, including sixteen boys and f_ girls8. The salesman has i_ several new products to the customers patiently9 She dreamed of tra

2、veling a_ the world one day when she was young10.-Do you know the woman to w_ Miss Li is talking?-She is our newhead teacher11. The head teacher a_ his parents to have a heart-to-heart talk with their son12. Whats your imagination about senior high school life? I am looking forward toyour r_.13.Rece

3、ntly,aflyingshiphasbeeninventedbyChina.Itisthep_ofallChinese people14. According to scientists, dreams take up one q_ of our sleeping time15. Nowadays, more and more e_ problems attract peoples attention, suchas water pollution.16. He is a c_ person who often comes up with many different ideas.17. I

4、t is said that Hangzhou paper umbrella has a h_ of more than 230 yearsin China.18. Its n_ for students to feel nervous before exams19. My alarm clock didnt go off. So I k_ sleeping and didnt wake up until 8:30 am.20. We enjoyed o_ very much along the West Lake last weekend21. Jack has improved a lot

5、 in w_ English with his teachers help22. She answered my question i_ without thinking.23. When the old farmer noticed the second coin, his surprise d_24. Put on your raincoat to a_ getting wet, because its raining heavily outside25. I have l_ to play the piano since I was five years old26. Much to h

6、is surprise, he r_ a reply from his favorite writer last Friday27.Marktwainsworksweret_intomanylanguages,includingChinese,Japanese and French.28. He enjoyed w_ about something important in a humorous style.29. Watching the Qiantang Bore(钱塘江)on August 15 of Chinese calendar every yearhas been at_ for

7、 many Hangzhou citizens.30. Thirty minus elven is n_.31. Children should be t_ not to litter everywhere.32. The new research s _that sleeping too much is bad for your health33 I think Jack mas short film Gong Shou Dao is very interesting. I have s_ itthree times already.34. You can enjoy all kinds o

8、f water sports or s_ lie on the beach.35. T_ should be allowed to choose their own clothes36.Easterisnotonthes_dateeveryyear.ItcanbeanySundaybetweenMarch22nd and April 25th.37. She has many problems to d_ with this afternoon38.My teachers always e_ us to face failure bravely.39. There are many diffe

9、rences b_ him and his twin brother.40.My p_ has improved greatly by listening to the conversations in Englishmovies41.Itseemsthattheyhavereachedana_.Theywilltaketurnstodohousework.42 In my o_, students should help with chores so that they can learn tobe more independent43. Its said that a huge stone

10、 of ancient time has been d_ in Xixi NationalWetland Park by local people.44.Itisnecessarytotaken_duringclass.Ithelpsmelotinlearninggrammer.45. We helda d_aboutthe advantagesand disadvantages of boarding schoolyesterday.46. When you come a_ any difficulty, you can ask your parents for help.They are

11、always there to offer you help47. In a w_ children are not supposed to eat too much junk food.48. Its dangerous to play with fire. It may c_ terrible accidents.49. Having a good eating h_ is really important. It helps us to keep healthy.50. If you have any trouble s_ this problem, you can ask me for

12、 help at anytime.51. As soon as I arrive home, I was asked to take our dog out for a w_.52. Chinese Kung Fu can date back to a_times53.SincethefilmShaolinTemplewason,ShaolinKungFuhasbeenwell-knownhome and a_54. I am proud that I have made the right d_ when facing challenges.55.C_withtheoldtextbooks,

13、thenewversionpaysmoreattentiontoancient Chineseliterature(文学) than before.56.The new textbooks have 132 traditional Chinese articles in t_.57.A_ the topics are serious, The texts are offered with lively pictures whichmake them easy to understand58. Hefang Street is one of the most famous places of i_ which represents thehistory and culture of Hangzhou.59. Taking r_ exercise is good for you to keep fit.60. Lily was so careless that she hurt one of her f_ in the kitchen yesterdayafternoon.61. We

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