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1、3A. seldom B. already C. always D. still4A. expressed B. introduced C. improved D. examined5A. disadvantage B. pain C. attitude D. noise6A. explained B. described C. guessed D. believed7A. weak B. blind C. deaf D. straight8A. brought B. invited C. forced D. begged9A. Secretly B. Unfortunately C. Nat

2、urally D. Suddenly10A. send B. ran C. rushed D. persuaded11A. report B. note C. concern D. spelling12A. home B. car C. office D. identity13A. doubt B. way C. matter D. problem14A. carried B. followed C. flowed D. guided15A. since B. before C. until D. while16A. call B. visit C. schedule D. congratul

3、ation17A. wondering B. giving in C. expressing D. determining18A. with B. at C. out of D. by19A. encouraged B. fond of C. employed D. forced20A. missed B. met C. praised D. judged1D2A3C4B5D6A7C8B9D10C11B12A13D14B15C16A17A18D19C20B【解析】本文通过讲述作者和隔壁邻居一对老夫妇的故事,使作者明白你永远不知道什么时候,在哪里,或者以一个什么样的方式结交到新朋友。生活中充满了

4、惊喜。无论发生什么,试着像你想要的那样对待别人。1D 考查动词。 邻居家的一对夫妇总是很大声,忍受了几周之后,作者打算当面交涉。face 面对; challenge 挑战;treat 对待; punish 惩罚。 2A考查形容词。因为那对老夫妇总是太大声音,因此作者礼貌地请求他们午后安静(quiet)一点。3C考查副词。作者解释原因,说他总是工作到半夜,因此他总是(always)大约在午后上床休息。4B 考查动词词义。 作者去了邻居家敲门,老太太开门,作者首先介绍(introduced)自己。5D 考查名词词义。老太太知道作者上门的意图。问作者是不是来抱怨说他们制造了太大的噪声(noise)。

5、6A 考查动词词义。她解释说,她和丈夫都在变得耳背,不得不大声说话才能听到彼此。7C考查上下文。大声说话的原因是耳朵不好使,变得耳聋(deaf)。8B考查动词词义。顺承一系列动作:她邀请(invite)我进来,给(offer)我一杯咖啡,我们接着聊(talk)。9D考查副词词义。这时候突然厨房里发出巨大声响。10C考查动词词义。因为事发紧急,我们立刻紧急送他去医院。rush 匆忙地做。11B考查名词。a note 一张便条。作者发现一张老太太写来的便条,邀请我过去一趟。12A考查名词词义。作者到了邻居家里。13D考查固定短语。no doubt无疑地,很有可能; no way没门; no mat

6、ter无论; no problem 没问题。老太太请求我开车送她去医院,我表示没问题。14B考查动词词义。作者跟着(follow)进入了病房。15C考查连词。自此作者就跟隔壁的老夫妇成了朋友直到(until)他们一年以后搬走。16A 考查上下文。十年后的一天作者接到一个律师打来的电话。17A 作者很好奇发生了什么事。18D考查介词。by their name通过他们的名字。律师提到了夫妇的名字,问作者是不是认识他们。19C考查动词词义。律师是被老夫妇的孩子雇用(employ)来找到作者。20B考查动词词义和上下文。老夫妇的孩子通过律师找到了作者,想亲自来表示感谢。作者与他们见面(meet)并且

7、也成了好朋友。When I was in seventh grade, I was a candy striper(志愿当护士助手的小姑娘)at a local hospital in my town. Most of the_I spent there was with Mr. Gillespie. He never had any_ , and nobody seemed to care about his_.I spent many days there holding his hand and talking to him, _anything that needed to be do

8、ne. He became a close friend of mine, _he responded with only an occasional squeeze(捏)of my hand. Mr. Gillespie was in a coma(昏迷).I left for a week to vacation with my parents, and when I came back, Mr. Gillespie was_ . I didnt have the _to ask any of the nurses where he was, for fear they might _me

9、 he had died. Several_later, when I was a junior in high school, I was at the gas station when I noticed a familiar face.When I _who it was, my eyes were filled with tears. He was _! I got up the nerve to ask him if his name was Mr. Gillespie. With a(n)_look on his face, he replied yes. I _how I kne

10、w him, and that I had spent many hours talking with him in the hospital. His eyes welled up with tears, and he gave me the warmest hug I had ever _ .He began to tell me how, _ he lay there asleep, he could hear me talking to him and could_me holding his hand the whole time. Mr. Gillespie_believed tha

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