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1、shoes5.eatdrinkhave二、听对话,选择正确答案回答所提问题6.In a shopIn an officeIn a hospital7.blousesweaterskirt8.watercoffeeorange TVsee a filmgo to the zoo10.oncethree timestwice三、听问题,根据实际情况回答问题,选择正确答案11.Im listening to the musicm having supperm writing12.At homeAt schoolAt the cinema13.Over 2 yearsNear

2、ly 4 yearsOnly one year14.NeverYes, I doNo, I didnt15.Yes, Im notNo, IYes, I am四、听短文,根据你听到的内容,选择正确答案,将句子补充完整16.Lin Ying lives on the floor of a building.secondfirst17.They were _at home one Sunday morning.singingdancingwriting18. came up and knocked at the door.Uncle WangUncle ZhangUncle Yang19.Beca

3、use he nightin the morningin the daytime20.They will go _.outsideinsideboth A and B笔试部分(80分)一、单项选择(30分)A)找出与下列各题划线部分意思相同或相近的选项21.Is Bill in ?at homeat schoolat work22.There are over 3000 students in our school.many thanmore thanmuch than23.m glad to see you again.sadunhappypleased24.We had

4、 a good time in summer holiday.ware good atenjoyed ourselvesdid well in25.That woman was very thankful .gratefulbeautifulcarefulB)从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案26.Youre right. I agree you.toofwith27.There is _ old tree _ front of the house.a, in an, ina, at28.Thank you for _ us.helpinghelphelped29.Can y

5、ou tell me _?Where do they come fromWhere they come fromwhere they came from30.m _ tired _ I cant move any more.tootosothatsuchthat31.She speaks very so that we can hear her _.loudly, clearlyloud, clearlyloudly, clear32.Tom cant speak French. Mike cant, _.eithertooneither33.Help _ to some fruit, chi

6、ldren.youryourselfyourselves34.Listen. Somebody _ at the door.are knockingis knockingknocked35.Neither you nor I _ a little child!areis am36.The forests can stop water from _ away.runningranningruning37.The ground must _ in dugdigbe dug38.Are these table made _ wood?fromin39.The man _ is w

7、earing black jacket is our headmaster.whowhichwhom40.Some of my classmates are interested _ Bill to 41.Tell them _ make any noise in notdontnot to42.September is the _ month of a year.ninthninethnine43.Our dog, Tearl often makes us laughLaughlaughing44.How do you usually go to

8、 school, _ bike or _ foot?on onon byby on45.What _ interesting story it is!Thean a46.Dig the hole _ for the tree.enough bigbigger enough big enough47.Its not easy _ learn English well.Learn toto learnlearn48.Your new books are on those _.shelvesShelfshelfs49.English _ by more than 400 million people

9、 as their first speakis spokenspoken50.Whats this machine used for? -Its used for _ machines.makeMademaking二、选择正确句子,补全对话(5分)A:Good afternoon. (51) madam?B:Good afternoon. Id like to buy a sweater. What size do you want?Size 9. (52) ?My favourite colour is red. (53) What about orange?All right. (54) ?Certainly. Here you are.s very nice. It fits me, too. (55) ? 200 yuan.OK! Ill take it . Here is the m

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