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1、ending n.Children like stories with a happy ending.the end of the bookthe ending of the story辨析:at the end ofby the end ofin the end= at last / finallyAt the end of June, we will have the final exam.By the end of last week, they had written three letters.In the end, we found the house at the end of

2、the road.3. temperature a high/low temperatureat a temperature oftake ones temperature 量体温The seeds should be stored at a low temperature.Water boils at a temperature of 100C.(=degrees Celsius/ centigrade)Water freezes at zero/nought degrees Celsius.The temperature in New York dropped to minus

3、10C last night.The doctor took his temperature and felt his pulse.4. drop v. (dropped, dropped, dropping)An apple dropped from the tree.The temperature has dropped by 5 C/ to 5 CThe price of this kind of products has dropped by 10 percent.(rise-rose-risen)drop n.drops of rain= rain-dropsa drop of bl

4、oodthe drop in prices5. out ofout of breath 上气不接下气out of balance 失去平衡out of date 过时out of patience 不耐烦out of control 失去控制out of fashion 过时,不时髦out of work 失业out of question 毫无疑问.out of danger 没有危险in safety, in danger, in surprise, in order6. sad adj. sadder saddestsadly adv. more sadly most sadlysadn

5、ess n.I was sad to hear that he was leaving.Sadly, our plan failed.He looked sad when he heard the news.He looked sadly at the picture.Why did he look sad (at the beginning)?He looked even sadder when he heard the bad news.7. It is + adj. + of / for sb. to do sth.It is clever of him to work out the

6、problem.It is hard for him to work out the problem.It is impolite of you to speak loudly in the library.Its awful for me to wait in the rain.8. disappoint v.disappointing, disappointed adj.disappointingly, disappointedly adv.disappointment n.sth. disappoint disappointed at sth./with sb.She loo

7、ked a little bit _ and said: “Never mind”.She left_.The result is even _.The room is _ small._ , he failed. (答案自己填,参考笔记)Unit 71. pollute vt.Please stop polluting the environment.The dirty water will be cleaned so that it wont pollute the river nearby. (保持原意)The dirty water will be cleaned _ _ _ _ po

8、llute the river nearby.(in order not to)pollution un.Environmental pollution is a major problem in our city.polluted adj. 被污染了的Dont touch the polluted water.Its terrible to live in a place full of polluted air.2. no+n. = not any + n.There will be no pollution.= There wont be any pollution.3. There i

9、s/are.There will beThere have beenThere may beThere used to be.There is a pen and two books in the desk.There used to be two mountains in the village.4. space1) 宇宙 (前不加the)in space = in the universespaceman= astronautspacecraft 单复同型go space travelling in spacecraft2) 空间 un. = roomIs there enough roo

10、m for me to sit ?There is still a little space in the suitcase.5. able able to do sth. / be unable to do sth.I am unable to speak English.(表示能力,这里可以用cant代替)Students will be able to learn from computers at home.The driver was able to get out of the car in time after the accident.(指某一次成功做某事,这里不

11、能用could代替)was able to = managed to do= succeeded (in) doingenable v.enable sb. to do sth. 使某人能够The dictionary enables me to understand new words better.The modern technology has enabled us to live more comfortably.ability n. (-ies)He has the ability to be in charge of the group.disabled adj. 残疾的a di

12、sabled soldierdisability n. 缺陷,障碍People with learning disabilities are unable to learn.6. I/We (dont ) think that.反义疑问句:I think he is hardworking, _ _?We dont think he works hard, _ _?He thought I am hardworking, _ _?isnt he?/ does he?/ didnt he?问答Do you think he will be able to finish work on time?

13、Yes, I think so ./ No, I dont think so.7. perhaps=possibly= probably =maybe adv.What will he possibly be in the future?He will possibly/probably be an astronaut in the future.= Perhaps/Maybe he will be an astronaut in the future.= He may be an astronaut in the future.8. happen vi.1) sth. happen (in sp.) 某地发生某事An accident happened in the small town last night.2) sth. happen to sb.What has happened to you? 你怎么了?3)

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