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仁爱英语7年级上册Unit4 Topic1学科讲义.docx

1、仁爱英语7年级上册Unit4 Topic1学科讲义【基础知识巩固】U4T1SA1 What can I do for you., Madam? 我能为您做什么呢,女士?这是服务性行业常用的客套用语,与 Can/May I help you?意思相同。madam意为“夫人”,是对妇女的一种尊称,男士则用sir。2 I want to buy some clothes for my daughter. 我想为我女儿买些衣服。buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物(1)She wants to buy some flowers for me. = She wants

2、 to buy me some flowers.(2)He buys me a bike. = He buys a bike for me. 他给我买了一辆自行车。3 Not at all. = Youre welcome. = Thats all right. = Thats OK. 常用来回答别人的感谢,意为“不客气”。4. Can I try it on? 我可以试穿一下吗? try on 试穿 5 It looks very nice on you. 它穿在你身上真好看。6.Well take it. 我们将买下它。take v. 意为“买”,相当于buy。通常指“当场买下”。U4T1

3、SB1 What do you think of ? =How do you like ? 你认为怎么样?How do you like the book? = What do you think of the book? 你觉得这本书怎么样?2. I like it/them very much. 3. I dont like it/them at all. 4. Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧?5. Thank you all the same. =Thanks all the same.仍然感谢你。别人不能为自己提供帮助或不能满足自己的要求时所说的话。e.g.Sorry,

4、 I dont know. 对不起,我不知道。Thank you all the same. 无论如何还是谢谢你。6 Why not try that pair? 为什么不试穿一下那一条呢? why not. 为什么不?7 think about意为“想”,尤指考虑计划、意见、行动等是否可行。e.g. think about a plan考虑一项计划think about having a meeting考虑开个会U4T1SC1 Big sale! 大甩卖! 大放血! 跳楼价!2 What do we need? 我们需要什么呢? need在此是实义动词,意为“需要.e.g. She need

5、s a pen. 她需要一支钢笔。3. rice为不可数名词,如果要表示数量可在前加表示量的名词修饰,e.g. a bag of rice 一袋大米salt为不可数名词,如果要表示数量可在前加表示量的名词修饰,e.g. a bag of salt 一袋盐4 How heavy is it? 它多重?how heavy 多重,对重量提问。类似的还有how long how tall多长,对长度提问;多高,对身高提问。how+形容词/副词多5 too heavy太重了。too+形容词/副词表示“太”e.g. The box is too big.这个箱子太大了。 语法点:(1)1巧记 100 以内

6、的基数词 基数词,不难记,十二以内词各异; 13数到19去,后加 -teen,莫忘记; 20、30至90,整十之后有 -ty /ti /; 要说基数“几十几”,连字符号“-”别丢弃;a hundred 是“一百”,请你记住别大意。(2)对价格进行提问:how much is/are ? 多少钱?(1)How much is it? 它多少钱?Its 3 yuan .(2)How much are the shoes?Theyre 165 yuan.(3)对数量进行提问:How much+不可数名词+一般疑问句?How many+可数名词复数+一般疑问句?How much rice do you

7、 need? 你需要多少大米?How many toys do you have? 你有多少玩具? how much 既可以对价格又可以对不可数名词进行提问(4)巧记不可数名词食物 面包 大米 饭,(food, bread, rice)牛奶 茶水 橘汁 甜,(milk, tea, orange juice)家务 工作 作业 多,(housework, work, homework)幸福 生活 鱼肉 鲜。(happiness, life, fish, meat)【典型例题讲解】(1). _ milk do we need? Four bottles.A. How much B. How many

8、 C. How old D. How heavy(2). How _ the apples? They are five yuan a kilo.A. many are B. much is C. many is D. much are(3).Thanks for helping me. _A. Youre right. B. Thank you all the same.C. No problem. D. Not at all.(4). Im sorry I cant help you. _A. Not at all. B. Im not happy. C. Thank you all th

9、e same. D. You cant come back.(5).Do you like the dress, madam? Yes. It is very nice and Ill _ it. A. think B. take C. want D. Need【随堂练习巩固】I.词汇。(10分)(A)根据句意及括号内所给单词提示,完成句子。41. Dont be (worry) about it.42. What are they over there? They are _(mouse).43. What can I do for you, madam? I want three _(ki

10、lo) of sugar.44. I need _(buy) some books.45. How many _(bottle) do you want? Four.(B)根据所给的汉语提示完成句子。46. 你觉得这条裤子怎么样?What do you _ _ this pair of pants?47. 你呢,李平?来一些鸡肉吧。_ _ you, Li Ping?Some chicken.48. 我需要两袋大米。I need two _ of _.49. 别着急,我会帮她的。_ _. I can help her.50. 你要多少公斤香蕉?How _ _ of bananas do you

11、want?II.单项选择。(10分)( ) 1. _ is the sugar? Eight yuan a kilo.A. What B. How many C. How much D. Where( ) 2. How do you like the pants? Well, Ill _ it.A. think B. like C. think of D. take( ) 3. _ this one? All right.A. How much B. How to C. How about D. How( ) 4. Read“985” in English.A. Nine hundred an

12、d eighty-five B. Nine hundred, eighty and fiveC. Nine hundreds and eighty-five D. Nine hundreds and eighty and five( ) 5. The pants are very nice. Can I try _? Sure.A. on them B. them on C. it on D. on it( ) 6. The clothes are one hundred yuan. One hundred yuan! _ you _?A. Do; kidding B. Do; kid C.

13、Is; kidding D. Are; kidding( ) 7. What can I do for you, madam? Well, Im _ looking. Thanks.A. just B. good C. so D. only( ) 8. He wants two _ salt and three _ eggs.A. bags; kilos B. bags of; kilos C. bags of; kilos of D. bags; kilos of( ) 9. What would you like? We have _ good meat(肉) here. No, than

14、ks. I dont want _ meat.A. some; some B. any; someC. some; any D. any; any( ) 10. What do you think of the hamburgers? _A. Its nice. B. Not bad. C. It looks very nice. D. I like it very much.【课后强化练习】III.情景交际。(5分)从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。其中有两项是多余的。A:Could you help me out, Sam?B:Sure, mom. 11 A:Could you run over to the shop? We need a few things.B

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