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Module 1Unit 1 教学设计文档格式.docx

1、(2) 初步掌握本课中的句型 She wants to know what she will be like when she is 25.2技能目标:能听懂并运用first,. next,. then, . finally, . 来表达时间顺序。3. 情感目标:让学生在有趣的活动中体会课堂教学的乐趣,在实践中培养学习英语的兴趣。教学重点及难点:(1) 掌握课标词汇及固定搭配。 其中be on要注意on的含义,see what you will be like注意语序. (2) 学会使用时间顺序副词: first,. next,. then,. finally,.教学用具:1、 照相机,学生每

2、人准备一张当时的照片,教师要准备多张照片,照片后面要有英文注释.例如:When you are 25, you will be 15 centimetres taller.2、按照书上模型做一个魔力照相机3、一个纽扣, 刘谦或者哈里波特的照片,折纸卡片(一面是图片,另一面是英语单词及音标、词性)4、录音机教学方法:任务型教学法教学过程设计:Step 1 warm up1. Duty report: Explain some new words 2. A chain dialogue:A: Excuse me,. How are you?B: Fine, thank you. Hello, .

3、How old are you?C: Im 13. Hi, . How do you come to school every day?D: Icome to school on foot. 设计意图:培养学生预习习惯,帮助学生扫除生词障碍. 每日的口语练习可以帮助学生进入学习英语的良好状态。Step 2 Presentation of new materials1.Teach the new words and expressionsTo teach “ a shopping centre” by using the folded paper. One side is Zhongxing(a

4、 picture of a shopping centre), the other side is a shopping centre.T: Whats this?( Since all the students know Zhongxing Shopping Centre)Ss: Zhongxing. Yes, Zhongxing is a shopping centre. There are a lot of shopping centres in Shenyang. Please tell me more. ( Ss can say many.) Xinmate, Baisheng, L

5、ianying, etc.To teach “ camera, button” by using the real materials. T shows the Ss a camera(a button) and asks “What is this?” Ss can answer: 照相机or a camera(纽扣or a button). Then T tells Ss button also means 电脑上,录音机等上的键子。Then T plays the PLAY button on the cassette and the tape is on. “be on” is tau

6、ght in this way. T will give more sentences and Ss should translate them. The lights are on in our classroom.(教室里的灯亮着)He fell asleep with the TV on.( 电视开着他就睡着了)To teach “magic”like this: T shows Liu Qians photo or Harry Porter to Ss. T tells Ss that Liu Qian is a famous magician, he knows magic very

7、 much. Harry Porter has a magic stick.利用实物或图片教学单词,学生易于接受,再加上造句会使学生记忆更加深刻。2.Read the words. First, Ss look at the pictures and the words together. Next, only pictures or the real materials. 只看图片或实物时就能说出单词或短语,这不正是我们小时候学说话时的办法吗?记忆会很深。3.Show how to use the Magic Camera. There are many magic machines in

8、some shopping centres, maybe they can tell you your future after you put in a coin. Today we have a magic camera, it will tell you what you will be like when you are 25 years old. Do you want to know what you will be like when you are 25. Yes, very much.(T writes the sentence “Kally wants to know wh

9、at she will be like when she is 25.” on the Bb. And get Ss to read it more times and pay attention to the order.)T shows the model magic camera to the Ss, meanwhile, explains how to use it as the book says. (T writes “First,. Next,. Then,. Finally,. on the Bb.)通过学生的亲身实践,不但调动了学生的学习热情,而且有效复习并巩固了语言知识。4

10、.Open the books at Page 26, get Ss to read and match, then check the answers.有了前面环节的铺垫及学生的预习,学生应该很容易能够掌握几个顺序词的用法了。Step 3PracticeGet Ss to think about a joke that Song Dandan made: If we want to put an elephant into a fridge, how many steps are there?Ss can do it in a group of four.First, open the do

11、or of the fridge.Next, lead the elephant into the fridge.Finally, close the door.变换语境操练是机械模仿进一步的发展,对语言运用的能力的要求又有所提高,有利于开发学生的创新能力和求异思维能力,这样的活动增加了趣味性,使紧张的气氛得到缓解。Step 4 More practice Fill in the blanks with the words: First, next, then, Finally. How to plant a tree:_, dig a hole, it must be big enough

12、for a tree._, put a tree in the hole._, put the earth back into the hole and step the earth hard ._, water the tree.让学生体验不同的场景,参与实践,合作交流,从而提高语言的运用能力。让所有学生全面参与,使学生的思维一直处于积极的状态,提高课堂教学质量Step 5 Homework1. Think about how to make dumplings and write down with the adverbs. 2. Preview Read , Draw and Write

13、 on page 26 and Look and learn on page 27板书设计:Module 1 Change Unit 1 (Page26)First, She wants to knowNext, .what she will be like when she is 25. Then, Finally, Period 2 Page 26 Read, draw and matchPage 27Look and learn知识目标:centimeter, kilogramme, glasses, excited, good-looking, more beautiful, good at要求能听懂,会说,会认读,会写。(2) 进一步掌握本课中的句型 What will we be like?能听懂并运用句型When you are 25, you will be 15 centimetres taller.让学生体会到英语的实用性,在盼望长大的同时憧憬美好的未来。4. 教学重点及难点:(1)掌握课标词汇及固定搭配。(2) 一般将来时的用法。1、 照相机,学生每人准备一张当时的照片,教师要准备多张照片,照片后面要有英文注释。

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