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1、你曾经历过失败吗?I dont know if you ever read any of his books.我不知道你是否读过他写的书。I forbid you ever to use that word!我不准你再用那个词!You wont hear from Gaston ever again.你再也不会收到加斯顿的来信了。2.ADV 副词(表示惊讶、震惊,尤用于希望别人赞同时)曾否,可曾 You use ever in expressions such as did you ever and have you ever to express surprise or shock at s

2、omething you have just seen, heard, or experienced, especially when you expect people to agree with you. in questions【语用信息】:emphasisHave you ever seen anything like it?你可曾见过像它这样的东西?Did you ever hear anyone sound so peculiar?你可曾听过谁的声音如此奇特?3.ADV 副词(用于比较级和最高级后表示强调)以往任何时候,曾经 You use ever after comparati

3、ves and superlatives to emphasize the degree to which something is true or when you are comparing a present situation with the past or the future. ADV after compar thanShes got a great voice and is singing better than ever.她的嗓音非常好,现在的唱功比以往任何时候都要好。Japan is wealthier and more powerful than ever before

4、.日本比以往任何时候都更加富有和强大。He feels better than he has ever felt before.他从未感觉这么好过。Fear Of Music remains among the best albums ever for many music fans.对很多乐迷而言,惧怕音乐仍是有史以来最好的专辑之一。This is the most awful evening I can ever remember.这是我记忆中最可怕的一晚。4.ADV 副词一向;向来 You use ever to indicate that a person is showing a p

5、articular quality that is typical of them. ADV adj/n【FIELD标签】:WRITTEN 笔语He was ever careful to check his scripts.他一向都认真检查剧本。Mother, ever the peacemaker, pointed her finger at my little brother and said, See? Now stop!一向充当和事佬的妈妈用手指着弟弟说:“看到了没?快住手!”5.ADV 副词越来越;愈发 You use ever to say that something happ

6、ens more all the time. ADV adj/advThey grew ever further apart.他们变得越来越疏远了。I think the amount of work will increase and that it will become ever more complex.我想工作会越来越多,而且更加复杂。6.ADV 副词(用于never后表强调)绝对,一定 You can use ever for emphasis after never. 【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式I can never, ever, forgive myself.

7、我永远无法原谅我自己。Felix has never, ever confided in me.费利克斯从来都未向我倾诉过。7.ADV 副词(用于以why,when,who等开头的疑问句中表示强调)究竟,到底 You use ever in questions beginning with words such as why, when, and who when you want to emphasize your surprise or shock. quest ADVWhy ever didnt you tell me?你究竟为什么不告诉我?When ever am I going to

8、 see you again?我到底什么时候再见到你?Who ever heard of a thing like that?究竟是谁听说了那种事?8.PHR-CONJ-SUBORD 自从;打以后一直 If something has been the case ever since a particular time, it has been the case all the time from then until now. ADV after vHes been there ever since you left!自从你离开后他就一直在那里!Ever since we moved las

9、t year, I worry a lot about whether I can handle this new job.自从去年我们搬家,我就一直非常担心能否做好这份新工作。Have you been chatting for long? Ever since you left.“你们聊了很久了吗?”“打你离开后一直在聊。Ever is also an adverb.I simply gave in to him, and Ive regretted it ever since.我居然向他让步了,后来我一直为此后悔不已。In 1985 her first collection receiv

10、ed rave reviews from Womens Wear Daily. Ever since, applause has never ceased.1985年她的首款系列时装得到女性时装日报的高度评价。从那时起,赞赏之声就一直不绝于耳。9.ADV 副词(尤用于表示非常感兴趣或感激时)非常,太 You use ever in the expressions ever such and ever so to emphasize that someone or something has a particular quality, especially when you are expres

11、sing enthusiasm or gratitude. ADV such/so【语域标签】:BRIT 英When I met Derek he was ever such a good dancer.我认识德里克时,他是个非常出色的舞者。This is in ever such good condition.它保存得非常好。I like him ever so much.我非常喜欢他。m ever so grateful.我太感激了。I saw him pause ever so slightly.我看到他稍稍停顿了一下。10.See also:forever; 11.PHRASE 短语就

12、会;总是 You use the expression all someone ever does when you want to emphasize that they do the same thing all the time, and this annoys you. V inflectsAll she ever does is whinge and complain.她就会发牢骚抱怨。All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications.他就会翻来覆去讨论同一个无聊的药品单。12.PHRASE 短语一如既往;

13、像往常那样 You say as ever in order to indicate that something or someones behaviour is not unusual because it is like that all the time or very often. PHR with clAs ever, the meals are primarily fish-based.像往常一样,饭菜主要是鱼。He was by himself, alone, as ever.他独自一人,一如往常。13.CONVENTION 惯用语(用于书信结尾署名之前)你永远的朋友 You can write Yours ever or Ever yours at the end of a letter before you sign your name, as an affectionate way of ending the lett

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