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1、The team who were wearing green 2定语从句通常由关系代词来引导,如which, that, who, whom, whose,或关系副词 来引导,如when, where, why。关系代词可以在定语从句中担当主语,宾语,表语,定语;关系副词可以在定语从句中担当状语。 如:做主语The trees which are on the school campus have lost their leaves. 做宾语The student whom we saw just now is the best runner in our school. 做表语Jack i

2、s no longer the lazy boy that he used to be. 做定语She has a brother whose name I cant remember. 做状语The school where he studied is in Shenzhen.二、定语从句:关系代词:that,which,who,whom,和whose 1 在定语从句中,that和which用来指代物。This is the story that /which we wrote for our storytelling contest.2 在定语从句中,who 用来指代人。I am goin

3、g to see a friend who has just come back from the UK. 3 当who在定语从句中做宾语时,可以用whom来取代,且whom比who更正式。I dont know the name of the teacher who/whom I saw in the computer room the other day. 4 当关系代词在定语从句中做宾语时,who,whom,which和that可以被省略。He likes all the birthday presents(that/which)his friends gave him.5 Whose用

4、来表示所属,它既可指人也可指物。I sat next to a girl whose name was Diane. The club whose members are music fans meet in the school garden every Saturday afternoon.第二单元 定语从句一、定语从句:介词提前的定语从句 (prepositionwhich; prepositionwhom)当关系代词(which/whom)做定语从句中介词的宾语时,可以把介词提到关系代词的前面。We thought you were a person from whom we coul

5、d expect good decisions. 在非正式英语中,介词通常放在定语从句的最后。Art is the subject which I know little about. 如果介词放在定语从句的最后,which 可以被that取代,whom可以被that和who 取代。Dad is a person whom/that/who I can easily talk to. 当关系代词做定语从句中介词的宾语,并且介词又放在定语从句的末尾时,我们通常省 略关系代词who和that。The topic (which) Eric is interested in is Physics. D

6、aniel is the person (whom) I want to make friends with. 当先行词是way时,我们用in which或that来引导定语从句,这种情况下,in which 或that 可以被省略。I didnt like the way (that /in which) she talked to me.关系副词:when,where, why 我们通常用关系副词when 引导先行词是time,moment,day, season,year 等的定语从句。Do you remember the day when we left you in charge?

7、I often think of the moment when I saw the UFO. 2我们通常用关系副词where引导先行词是place,house,city,country,city,world等的定语从句。The police searched the house where the thief had stayed. This is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished. 3我们通常用关系副词why引导先行词是reason的定语从句。I dont know the reason why the house is so

8、dirty. 4在更加正式的英语中,where,when和why能够被介词which 所替代。The study is the place where/in which I often have talks with my father. This is the reason why/for which my parents got home earlier.It rained the whole day when/on which he traveled with his family. 第三单元 定语从句非限制性定语从句 1非限制性定语从句是一个为主句添加额外信息的从句,在非限制性定语从句

9、前通常有个逗号。Amy, who took weight-loss pills, now realizes that health is important. My pills are in the bathroom, where I always keep them. 2当先行词是整个主句时,可以用which来引导定语从句。He missed the show, which was a great pity. 3我们可以用allwhom/which 来表示全部数量,用some ofwhom/which来表示部分数量。I am doing different types of exercise

10、s, all of which are quite helpful to my health. Many people, some of whom are not overweight, are going on diet. 二、附加疑问句 1附加疑问句是放在陈述句后面的短问句。它们通常被用在口语中来引出一段对话,以一个更加礼貌的方式来询问信息,温柔的发号施令或要求某人做某事。我们用附加疑问句来询问意见或征求同意。当我们用附加疑问句来询问意见时,为了期待对方能同意我们的观点,附加疑问句会用降调来表达。当我们用附加疑问句来征求同意时,我们实际上是在询问我们自己也不太能确信的事情,这时候附加疑问句

11、会用升调来表达。2附加疑问句的构成有以下几种:1)在肯定的陈述句之后,我们会用否定的附加疑问句。在否定的陈述句之后,我们会用肯定的附加疑问句。We can still be friends, cant we?He doesnt like ice cream, does he?2) 当主句中有像neither,none,nobody,nothing,few,little,never,hardly 或seldom这类词时,它们被认为是否定的,因此后面会跟个肯定的附加疑问句。Neither of you will have coffee, will you?No one has found my C

12、D, have they?Nobody understood his speech, did they?His sister seldom argues with people, does she?3) 人称代词如I,we,you,he,she,it或they会放在附加疑问句中。I was pretty silly, wasnt I?Everyone has advises you not to go on a diet, havent you?4) 助动词,情态动词或be动词会放在附加疑问句中。You like traveling, dont you?There is something w

13、rong, isnt there?You cant speak Italian, can you?5) 祁使句后用will you, Lets后用shall we Post a letter for me, will you?Lets have a break, shall we?- 38 -牛津高中英语-模块二牛津高中英语-模块二 第一单元 现在完成时态一、现在完成时态 1我们用现在完成时态来表示在最近的过去发生的但跟现在有联系的事情。The disappearance of Justin has made Kelly very unhappy. 2我们也用现在完成时态来表示在过去刚开始,并

14、且现在还没结束的事情。I have not seen Justin since last Friday night. 3 当动作发生的确切时间不清楚或不重要时,我们也用现在完成时态。经常连用的时间短 语有:already ever for just lately never recently since yet already 用语肯定句,yet用语否定句。The boy has already come home. I havent heard anything from him yet. for+一段时间 since+点时间 We havent seen him for two years. We havent seen him since 2002. 注:当已给定具体的时间时,我们往往用一般过去时态,而不是现在完成时态。4 我们用现在完成时态来谈论刚刚完成的动作。The police have just finished searching the area. 5 我们也用现在完成时态来表示重复的动作。Some villages say that they have seen UFOs

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