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1、 2、书写要认真规范;教师讲解时,务必用红色笔修正答案。预习案Pre-reading(一)Words:英汉互译1.听众_ 2. 古典音乐_ 3.作曲家_ 4.王子_ 5. 指挥_ 6. 爵士乐_ 7.音乐家_ 8.管弦乐队_9.宫廷_ 10 .天才_11.失去_ 12.音乐的_13.农民_14.交响乐_15.奥地利_16.symphony_17.talent_18.tour_19.continue_20.biography_21.drum_22.guitar_23.instrument_ 24.rock_25.teenager_26.successful_27.voice_ 28.easter

2、n_29.concert_ 30.impressed_(二)Phrases:1. 由组成_ 2.超过,多于_3. 作为而出名_4.把转变成_5. have a beautiful singing voice_ 6. move to_7. a piece of music_ 8. by the time_9. be impressed with_10. have talent for _Step 1 Fast Reading Read the text on page 22 quickly and answer the following questions .1. Choose the bes

3、t title for the passage.A. Three Great Austrian Composers B. Three Great Child ComposersC. Three Great Composers of the Eighteenth Century 2. From the story of Haydn we may learn that _ .A. one can become successful even if he was a son of a peasantB. Haydn was the most famous for his beautiful voic

4、eC. Haydn was the first to write symphoniesD. Haydn spent most of his life in London3. What did Mozart and Beethoven have in common ?A. Both of their fathers were singers .B. Both of them learned a lot from Haydn .C. Both of them showed musical talent as a young boy .D. They were of the same nationa

5、lity .4. Who couldnt learn music from his father ?A. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart B. Joseph HaydnC. Ludwig van Beethoven D. None of them5. Mozart met Beethoven _ .A. together with Haydn B. later than Haydn met BeethovenC. earlier than Haydn met Beethoven D. in 17916. In which city do you think a composer

6、 will develop better ?A. In London B. In Salzburg C. In Bonn D. In ViennaStep 2 Careful Reading (一)Read part I and answer the questions .1.What is Haydn known as all over the world?2.How did Haydn change the form of symphonies? 3. How long did he work in eastern Austria?(二)Read part 2 again and deci

7、de these sentences are true or false.1.When Mozart was four, he learned to play the piano.( )2. Mozart composed more than 600 pieces of music.( )3.Mozart and Haydn were friends for ten years.( )4.Mozarts father was a musician and symphony conductor. ( )(三) Read part 3 and fill in the blanksBeethoven

8、 was born in Bonn, Germany. He showed musical _ when he was very young ,and learned to play the _ and _ from his father. Then Mozart met Beethoven and was _ by him. It was _ who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna. Beethoven became very _ in the Austria. As he grew older, he began to go _ . He be

9、came completely deaf during the last years of his life, but he _. 探究案 Language Points 1. composer n. 作曲家,创作者 (P22)_ vt. 谱写,写作(尤指音乐或诗歌); 组成,构成_ n. 作曲,作文be composed of sth. _= _ 由组成 compose oneself _【反馈检测】 Do you know how many doctors and nurses is the medical team _?Amade of Bmade up Cconsisted of Dc

10、omposed of2.lose vt.丢失;错过;迷路;输掉;使沉溺于;专心致志于(P22)n. _ 短语拓展:lose face _ _ 灰心;泄气_ 迷路 lose oneself in sth./be lost in. _(be) lost in thought _lose sight of _ 失去理智 _ 发脾气at a loss _ Linda was very upset about _. 琳达因为丢了工作很沮丧。 The girl, seated herself behind me _in thought.Awas lost Bis losingCwas losing D.

11、lost3.教材原句: Joseph Haydn was an Austrian composer dad is known as “the father of the symphony”约瑟夫、海顿,是奥地利作曲家,以“交响乐之父”著称。(P22)此处known为形容词,表示_ ,常用搭配有:_ 作为 而出名_ 由于而出名_ 为所熟知It is well known that _ Speaking of all the songs he has written,I think this is probably his _one.Abetter known Bwell known Cbest known Dmost known It is known _us that Lu Xun is known _a great writer in China. Afor;to Bto;as Cby;for Dto;for4. By the time he was 14, Mozart had c

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