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1、1.我们在医院一直照顾take care of的老太太死了.The old lady whom we had taken care of in the hospital last year died.2.你想娶marry的姑娘昨天偷了我的钱包。The girl whom you want to marry stole your wallet yesterday.3.孙老师写的书是世界上最好的书。The book that Mt. Sun wrote is the best book in the world.4.你喜欢女孩就是我喜欢的女孩。The girl who you like is th

2、e girl who I like.5.昨天被我家的狗咬的人bite今天又被你家狗咬了。The man who was bit by my dog was bit by my dog today again.6.你知道他打算娶reason你的原因吗?Do you know the reason for which he is going to marry you?Do you know the reason why he is going to marry you?7.我讨厌hate我住过的那个旅馆hotel。I hate the hotel where I lived.I hate the

3、hotel in which I lived.I hate the hotel I lived in.8.我永远也忘不了我们共同生活和学习的那个秋天autumn。I will never forget the autumn when I studied and lived with you.I will never forget the autumn in which I studied and lived with you.9.他爱了20年的那个女孩昨天嫁marry人了。The girl whom he had loved for 20 years married someone yeste

4、rday. 10.她是我见过的最漂亮的女孩。She is the beautiful girl that I have ever seen.11.有什么事我能帮你吗?Is there anything that I can do for you?12.昨天死的那个老太太留下了100万美圆。The old lady who died yesterday left one million.13.昨天那个医生告诉我他为我爹什么也做不了了。The doctor told me yesterday that there is nothing that he could do for my father.

5、14.这就是你能在上面找到答案的那一页.This is the page ,where you can find the answer.This is the page ,which you can find the answer on.15.正像老师昨天说的那样,他没有通过考试。As the teacher told me yesterday, he didnt pass the exam.16.正像我们刚才讨论的那样,学习英语很容易。As we was discussing just now, its easy for us to study English.17.正像我妈昨天告诉我的那样

6、,我的女朋友根本不爱我。As my mother told me yesteray , my girlfriend didnt love me at all.18.正像你知道的那样钱是非常重要的。As you know, the money is very important.19. 我们现在学的商务英语非常有用。We are studying the business English, which is very useful for us In the future.20.你知道你们家狗要死的原因吗?Do you know the reason why your dog is going

7、to die?21. 她就是那个到明年年底,会攒一万美圆的那个女孩。She is the girl who will have made ten thousand dollars by the end of nest year.22. 你认识那个警察一直在找的小偷吗?Do you know the thief whom (who) the policeman has been looking for?23. 昨天他告诉我,是谁吃了我的苹果,那个苹果是我妈妈给我买的。Yesterday, He told me who had eaten my apple which my mother boug

8、ht for me.24. 自从她出生以来她就从未见过她爸爸。She has never seen her father since he was born.25. 她昨天告诉我,自从他去年见到她父亲,就再也没有见过了。Yesterday, she told me that she had never seen her father sine she was born26. 你知道你们班长喜欢的那个是贼的女孩吗?Do you know the girl who (whom) your monitor likes?27李昂就是那个决心清除社会上所有坏蛋的职业杀手。 Leon was a prof

9、essional killer who was determined to get rid of all the bad guys in the society.28.玛蒂尔德就是那个父母都已离世的可怜的小女孩。Mathilda was a poor little girl whose parents both died.29.足球是一项培养孩子跟别人合作的团队活动。Football is a team work that trains children to work with others.30.你想见的那个人住进了这家宾馆。The man whom you want to see che

10、cked in this hotel.31.这是我们昨天参观的那家工厂。This is the factory (which/that ) we visited yesterday.32.我昨天收到的那封信是我的一个朋友寄来的。The letter (which/that) I received yesterday was from a friend of mine.33.他常常回忆起童年在乡下跟爷爷去河边钓鱼的日子。He often recalls the days of his childhood when he and his grandfather went fishing by th

11、e river.34.这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。This is the house where Lu Xun once lived.This is the house in which Lu Xun once lived.This is the house which Lu Xun once lived in.35.我们不知道他没有来的原因。We dont know the reason why he didnt show up.We dont know the reason that he didnt show up. ()36.中国政府正在大力发展农业,农业的重要性现在已是人人皆知。Chin

12、ese government is trying to develop agriculture with great efforts, the importance of which is now known to everybody.37.会议延期了,而这正是我们所希望的。The meeting was put off, which/as was exactly what we wanted.38.这是我看过的最好的一部电影。This is the best film (that) I have ever seen.This is the best film (which) I have e

13、ver seen. ()39这是我们天天在那学习的学校This is the school where/in which we study everyday40 这是我们昨天参观的学校This is the school which we visited yesterday41 所需要的只是一些油而已All that is needed is a supply of oil42 我永远都不会忘记我们在高中学习的那段时光Ill never forget the days when I studied in senior school 43我仍然记得他生日的日期I still remember t

14、he date when he was born。44.我们昨天学的那课书不好懂。 The lesson (which, that) we studied yesterday was hard to understand. 45.你可以拿你感兴趣的任何一本书。 You can take any book that interests you best. 46.这是本月上映的最好的一部影片。 This is the best film that has been shown this month. 47.人们喜欢住在空气新鲜,噪声很少的地方。 People like to live in a p

15、lace where theres fresh air and little noise. 48.1949年是新中国诞生的一年。 1949 was the year when new China was born. 49.是在上星期开英语晚会的时候,我们遇到珍妮的。 It was on the day when we had our English evening last week that we first met Jane. 50.你在会上看到的那个女孩是个出名的游泳运动员。 The girl (who, whom, that) you saw at the meeting is a well-known swimmer. 51.他就是我们昨天在报纸上见到照片的那个工人。 He is the very worker whose picture we saw in the newspaper yesterday. 52.他进大学的那一天非常高兴。 He was very happy on the day when (on which) he entered the university. 53.我总不太明白他犯这样一个错误的原因。 I never really understand the

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