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1、21. parking lot 停车场22. ask for 要求;请求23. teach someone a lesson 给某人一个教训24. be afraid of 不敢(害怕)做某事25. dare to (do something) 胆敢;敢于26. take a leaf of someones book 学某人的样;以某人为榜样27. call for 需要28. as a result 结果29. be true with 符合于,对适应30. try doing sth 试一试31. last but not least 最后但并非最不重要的32. in one go 一口

2、气33. as well 也,又34. out of 因为,由于;出于35. point to 指向36. fill with /be filled with 注满;填满37. jump in 突然插话;打断别人的谈话38. take someones advice 接受某人的建议;听从某人劝告39. be well kown 有名的;著名的40. because of 因为;凭的理由41. take part in 参加42. make friends with 跟做朋友43. dress up 装扮44. on top of the world 极其高兴的45. turn to 转向46.

3、 at the end of 在末端;在结尾47. give up 放弃48. in spite of 虽然;不管;尽管49. cry out 大声呼喊50. go about 1.四处走动 2.着手;从事51. write out 写;写下52. go down (计算机)出故障53. go down with 感染上54. no way 不可能;无论如何不55. find out 发现;查明56. at the moment 此刻;现在57. stand/be/wait in line 站成一排;排队等候58. get over 克服 ;战胜59. the other day 前几天;日前

4、60. walk through 步行通过61. in point of fact 事实上;实际上62. keep from 阻止;使不做某事63. check out 结账离去64. get it/someone wrong 误会;误解65. keep away (使)不靠近66. instead of 代替;而不是67. keep in contact with 与 保持联系68. in fact 事实上69. pick up 收听到70. look forward of 期待;等待71. along the way 随着时间的推移72. in brief 简而言之;简单地说73. wor

5、k on 致力于74. at present 目前75. funnily enough 说来奇怪;说来也巧76. in the long term从长远看77. in order to 为了;以便78. wonder at 对感到惊奇;想知道79. take a day/two days off 休假一/两天80. takefor granted 想当然;认为当然81. practice doing sth 练习做某事82. in the end 最终;后来83. try hard to do sth 努力做某事84. give a hand 帮忙;援助85. build up 1.吹捧;2.

6、增加86. tear down 诋毁;推倒87. at ease 放松;感到自在88. give importance to 重视89. bring in 引入;把带进90. in common 共用的;共同的91. drive away 赶走92. take place 发生93. in the shape of 以的形状94. light up 开灯,点灯;照亮;使生辉95. put up 盖起;搭起96. join in 参加; 加入97. carry out 履行 实现;实行98. not at all 完全(不);全然(不)99. selectas 选择作为100. catch on

7、 流行;受欢迎101. be kown as 以知名;称为102. hang up 挂;悬103. learn about 获悉;得知104. in debt 负债105. be about to 即将106. send out 发出;发送107. on the other side 另一边;彼岸; 反面;另一面108. check off 清点;清查109. gather around/round 聚集;会合110. prepare for 为作准备111. protect from 保护免受,免遭112. hide from 躲避;把藏起来以防113. scare away 吓走;吓跑11

8、4. try on 试穿;试戴115. date back to 回溯至年代;始于116. in the past 在过去;以前117. along with 跟一块;同时118. end with 用结束119. as well as 也;还;而且120. finish up 结束;完成121. (and)what is more 而且;更重要的是122. pick out 1.辨认出;区别出2.挑选123. tell from 从中辨认出124. put across 表达;使被了解125. spell out 详细编写;详细说明126. in conversation with 与谈话1

9、27. glance at 匆匆一看;瞥视128. be directed at 针对129. thanks to 由于;多亏130. hold back from 阻止;阻挡131. be careful with 小心132. in/by contrast 对比之下;相反133. with/in regard to 关于;就而论134. act as 充当;扮演的角色135. fun and games 好玩;戏闹136. in the field 现场;参加比赛137. take/make(a) mental note(s) 记在心里138. stand for 1.象征;代表 2.忍受

10、;容忍139. take note of 注意(到);留意(到)140. stick to 坚持;坚守141. take on 开始雇用142. fit in with (使)符合;适合143. send in (使)进入144. on (the/an)average 平均;通常145. by the time 当的时候;在之前146. on ones own 独立;独自147. be limited to 限制;限定于148. take care of 1.照顾;看护 2.处理149. jump rope 跳绳150. compate withfor 为而与竞争151. be interes

11、ted in 对感兴趣152. take turns(doing sth )轮流;依次153. depend on 取决于;视而定154. be concerned with 1.关心;关注2.关于;涉及155. tear down 推倒;拆毁156. in danger of 处于危险之中157. agree with 同意158. line of thinking/thought 思路;想法159. afford to do 花得起;承担得起160. close down (使)停业161. have nothing to do with 与毫无关系162. make sense 有道理1

12、63. stopfrom 阻止164. even so 尽管如此165. take away 带走;拿走;拆毁(旧物)166. rush out 赶紧出去167. make a trip/trips to 旅行;旅游168. anything but 根本不;一点也不169. more than a little 非常;极其170. of the worst kind 最糟糕的171. at work 起作用172. be opposed to 反对;不同意173. in detail 详细地174. play out 演戏;演出175. long before 早在以前176. be qui

13、ck to do sth 很快做某事177. more than just 不仅仅178. in style 时髦;流行179. out of date 过时的;不用的180. get away from 逃避;逃离181. in/out of fashion 流行/不流行182. and the like 诸如此类;等等183. come and go 来来去去184. make money 挣钱;赚钱185. live off 靠过活186. enjoy doing sth 享受的乐趣;喜欢做187. as early as 早在的时候188. would rather 宁愿189. in every aspect of 在的各个方面190. in reality 实际上;事实上191. try hard to do sth 努力争取去做192.

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