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1、玩具安全4 要求4.1内销玩具产品4.1.1共性要求a)适用年龄:如“ 6岁(72个月)以上”b)执行标准:GB6675 GB19865 GB/T9832注:GB19865为电玩具强制性标准(非电玩具类不需标识此标准号)、GB9832为布制毛绒玩具类推荐性性标准(其它类不需标识此标准号)。c)产品的包装上标注:“包装含有重要的信息,请保留!“d)带电池充电器的玩具或变压器玩具应在说明书中标注:“使用者应定期检查电线、插头、外壳及相关部件,若发生损坏必须停止使用、直至修复完好!e)带电池盒的玩具应在说明书中标注如 “玩具不能连接到非制造商推荐使用的电源上。” f)主要材质与成份如 “面料100棉


3、充电电池在充电前应从玩具中取出;电池以正确的极性放入;用尽的电池应从玩具中取出;电源端子不得短路。塑胶玩具a、静态塑胶系列b、悠悠球系列c、女孩玩具系列上述警告语中的2、3项要求,可依据产品的特点进行裁剪使用。d、陀螺系列窒息危险 -内含有小零件,不适合3岁及以下儿童使用。高速危险,请不要给8岁及以下儿童使用!弹射玩具若玩具不带电子功能,则不需标识电池”注意“等警告描述。金属玩具4.1.2.5婴儿玩具a、童床或游戏围栏上的悬挂玩具b、婴儿健身玩具及类似玩具当婴儿开始用手或膝支撑站立时,如果不移去玩具与童床、围栏、婴儿车的连接,则可能产生缠结或勒死的伤害

4、。 c、其它婴儿玩具d、其它特殊玩具由QE根据玩具产品的特点,确定警告语及警告标志。 童车/其它玩具车辆a、3岁以下b、3岁以上4.1.2.7布绒玩具4.1.3对照表序号玩具类别要求备注1 电玩具4.1.1(除g和h)、 塑胶玩具4.1.1(除e,f,g,h)、 弹射玩具4.1.1(除e,f,g,h)、 金属玩具4.1.1(除e,f,g,h)、 童车/其它玩具车辆4.1.1(除g,h)、 婴儿玩具(带电)4.1.1、属电玩具和塑胶玩具范围7 婴儿玩具(不带电)4.1.1(除e,f)、4.

5、1.2.58 布绒玩具(带电)4.1.1(除i)、 布绒玩具(不带电)4.1.1(除d,e,f,i)、 外销玩具产品a、适用年龄:OVER YEARS;b、认证标志:CE标识应按照原尺寸做线性缩放,标识在产品或产品的包装上。FCC ID标识以贴纸或蚀刻的方式放置在玩具产品上(若是无线电遥控类玩具,则应放置在发射器上)。如: FCC ID:*例子:c、警告标志及警告语d、电池玩具的“注意”标识CAUTIONnot-rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged;rechargeable batteries are

6、to be removed from the toy before being charged;rechargeable batteries are only to be charged under adult supervision;different types of batteries or new and used batteries are not to be mixed;only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended are to be used;batteries are to be inserted wi

7、th the correct polarity;exhausted batteries are to be removed from the toy;the supply terminals are not to be short-circuited;do not mix old and new batteries;do not mix alkaline batteries, standard(carbon-zinc) or rechargeable(Nickel-cadmium) batteries.e、包装盒上增加“Packing has to be kept since it conta

8、ins important information” f、玩具产品若带电池充电器,说明书中应增加“Charger used with the toy are to be regularly examined for damage to the cord,plug,enclosure and other parts,and that ,in the event of such damage,the toy must not be used with this charger until the damage has been repaired ” g、说明书增加以下内容NOTE:This equ

9、ipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio f

10、requency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or telev

11、ision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment

12、 into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)This device may not cause harmful interfere

13、nce, and(2)this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Changes of modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment.h、彩盒和说明书标识制造商名称、地址、联系方式 。i、WEEE的标识及尺寸要求应优先标注在产品上,因尺寸限制也可标注在产品的使用说明书上。j、标识内容的字体要求j.1 03警告标志的圆圈最小尺寸为10mm,且为彩色图案(图圈盒斜杆为红色、背景为白色、年龄组和脸型轮廓为黑色、方框为黑线)。j.2 CE标志的最小尺寸为5mm。j.3 “WARNING、CAUTION,危险内容描述、其它描述都以主要展示面积来计算字体大小的要求,如下:面积(in2)022551010

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