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1、 This Sunday.C. Some nitiney.(.Today s plan.A. Buy a bed, B. Go to bed.2.When v. UI the speakers go to iht reLaumnt?A. This Friday B. This Saturday.3.What did Tom borrow from Marj?A. A bike. B. A book4.猛hai arc the speakers lH】k4唱心h)u门A. The weather, B. The dresses5* Wh will the woman use io deemte

2、their honw11A. Rjbbons and colored lights,EJallcxiTis and colored light九C. Ribbons and batloons.第二节(共15小题:每小且M3分,青分工工5分)所下面,段对辽或独白.每段对话或核白后有几个小朝,从融中所给的A、乩I三个 选中选出最佳选项.听每国对话或独白43你篇有时间阅读#个小黜.斑小因5秒钟;所 先后,弃小照带给出5秒钟的作答时间每段对话或独白读两遍.所第6段材料,回答索6至7题.b. Whai dues the inarTw wife like11A. Classical music H+ Ja

3、n. C. Rock music.7. What will the woman do this weekend?A. Attend a parry. B. Go to (he park. C. Go tc a coftcen.所第7段材料, I可答如8泵9照.R. Why duent the w 口man want to go out tonight?A She feels uio tired13. She (us some i*ori( to doC. She dislikes watching mnvie%.9.C bnjoy ihe ballei.( DifHcultWhit ui th

4、e worrun going to do on SatunLuy A. Hive a barbecue B Ha e a class.所第8段材蚓,何答第】0至心题,10.儒 hui dots Chuck think of Chinese?A. Intrresting Important高市阴期未试卷11.How is Cathy learning Ctamc?A.日y read睢 Chinese books,B 3y $rud yin g Oinese online.C. By listeninjt to Chinew 箱熊里I J. What will Chutk bring tomofr

5、ow?A Sixncboolw. 口 AMieM C. Some CIM . 糕听第9葭材料,问答第13至附国*13 Which pliKC do the 即 io weekend?A AmU. 邑 AM. CAmaMrtH How did Maiilda know aboul the ouldoor markerA She (bund it on the Incmrt.R Her friend 2忖 her a&iul MC, She uaKhcd an ad TV.15 Whiff 曲sc Mntikh sa) about the ouidoor market?A.11 isnt big

6、enoujdi.B Their are eight halls.C The (bod there is cheap 6, How may the speakers golc ihe outdoor markcCA. By subwiy B By car. COhfc所第IO段材料,回答第打全加题。Who 皿 cdebrate the Homeconune Day?A Ovmeis shidenb of & school.B.FreshmCTi of a college.C.Fanner student M a univenity.1K Which country regsnk the Hucn

7、Ecommg Day as a tradition?A. Britain B, Aumlia C Araerici.19.when do people celebrate the HomecDming 出y?A. h 3umm H. In fell. C. In winter.20.Whii da the homettMning celebmiions always cod with?A. A dance. B. A song C A speech,第二部分英语知火运用(共雨节,满分M分) 第一节单项填空(共)小届:每小 I分,濡分10分)请阅亲下面答题,从息申所蛤的M B、C、D四个选项中选

8、出佳选项,萍在答 卡上将该项除黑.2 L Lego 诵 cwMidenng its. products, rental plan. purpose is to reduce plawic waste.Ah. whose B. that C. which D,ofwhicb21.This news of UFOs was immediately due id lick cthud EvidenceA. applied B. utumed C. dismissed D. discouraged2J. US her of time to medical rtscirch that helped Tu

9、 Youyou win ihc Nobtl PrizeA. supply B. mped C. devotion D. anangemeni24. By (he time Mike retires from the vroy, hix tod from college.、酊uduatc、 B. has gradiiBicd C. (graduated D, will have 甲aduaied25Attcntinn, please! T眦 pankipants (参会普)scaled m the back of he nimbly hall, keqj quid,?A. do 卯u 立虹oft

10、 加y C. will you D.dcnlthey 年闸末试电第2页加10贝Vounn people over the world can Yang I Jwci as an example of a man whopi口 If 亡 ilrvuin look mH for H look back on C, look down upon D. look up to27 1 Hi, Cohn Why do yw look so excited+ Wdl. ttiv hnxhef Toby togcihcr with 仲 Miwikco at 4:00 tomortow afternoonA W

11、l|l Hy B will be flying 匚 ii flying O. has been flying方 Toms heinft guihyh his Tnothcr forgave whnl he did.A. Convinced af B Being convinced(.Convinced that D- Convincing of_ foyid | ihe tabk with four neats near the window?,Tembl) xorry but n hns nlrcady been UkenV presen e B reserve C observe D- d

12、eserve- Ton hadnt passed flic cxiim and win ufnsid of being scolded by hit parent*I Neither Md Jim B. So w Jimt; Not was Jim D. Sq il was with Jim常二节 盍茶境空(共工。小总工粮小1$分,清分3。分)请认真阉樽下面织文.从短文后各范所给的A、B、Cs 口四个选承中,选出佳选项 并主答题整上济建项海盥.My mom spreads joy wherever she goes,Right now he ts probably wrihng on erwo

13、ur iging nv e lo a friend. 3L. someone she has met in the hallway, ar reading a newspaper tn i sick ne ghboui.(irouing up, my tikjib thought about becoming a 32 , bin she didnt have the until ific itdrcmetiL, Then she 34 her firvt froup. The Hot Flashes. Once she pul on her tap shoes, -Dancing Gramm

14、y was bom.There seems to be no end to her 乃 的 she 加p-darw啊跳跳踏舞)her way into prop*、 hc-vtsk bnnging smites to 共 pkiccN But this 招 noihtng new for my moorBeing t lifetime oducalor, shr was _ - _ in 2015 a鼻 her school distncl s i-uchcr of the Year. - tniCTiiber the evening phene calk to her students homest when she look a break trom 33 pipers They werent the typical bad-news culls many parents would 39 + Usually she was tilling about sonbething 40 She thought highly of students wbo made small steps f

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