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高一英语 Unit 5《MusicVocabulary and Useful Expressions》教案 新人教版必修2.docx

1、高一英语 Unit 5MusicVocabulary and Useful Expressions教案 新人教版必修22019-2020年高一英语 Unit 5Music-Vocabulary and Useful Expressions教案 新人教版必修2 I. Language points 1.dream vi.梦到,梦见 dream of/about sth./doing sth.梦想dream of a better futuredream of being famousI dreamed that I was flying like a bird in the sky. dream

2、 n.梦,理想 Have a dream(= dream a dream)做一个梦Realize ones dream 实现某人的梦想注意:dream 的用法与think相近,后面一般不用不定式作宾语。Dream的过去式,过去分词有两种形式:dreamed,dreamed;dreamt,dreamt。 Ive long_ paying a visit to the Great Wall of China. A. dreamed up B. dreamed away C. dreamed about D. dreamed out Key: C dream about/of doing sth.

3、“梦想做 ”2. with+n. +现在分词或过去分词构成复合结构在句中做状语 With winter ing its time for us to prepare for our final exam. (伴随的动作) With the homework done, he went home happily. (已经完成被动的动作)拓展:with+n./pron. + to do(将要执行的动作)adj.( ) adv.( ) prep phrases( )参考例句: The professor came in with a lot of students following. With t

4、he problem solved, we all feel very happy. With Lily to help us, we can finish the work in an hour. He likes to sleep with the door open. With her son away from home, she felt very lonely. With a bag on her back,the girl went home happily.3. honest adj. 诚实的拓展: honestly adv. 诚实地dishonest adj.不诚实的hone

5、sty n. 忠实,诚实,正直to be honest 说实话,常用作插入语be honest with sb 对 说老实话,对某人以诚相待(be quite honest about it 老实说,常用作插入语,be frank with you 坦诚相告,坦白说,to tell you the truth 跟你说实话吧 )I will be honest with you.If you are honest with the others, they will help you a lot.To be honest, I dont like to work for our pany. 4.

6、 extra (1.) adj. 额外的,特别的 He is strong enough to carry the cargo,I dont think he needs some extra help.(2.)adv. 额外,另外,外加;特别,分外 They charge extra for wine. 他们另收酒钱。I bought the picture at an extra high price. 我以特别高的价格买下了这幅画。(3.)n.号外(报纸)Late evening extra! 深夜号外!5. play jokes on sb. 在某人身上开玩笑 He is a seri

7、ous man, dont play jokes on him. Though old, they often play jokes on each tricks on 捉弄某人 We should never play tricks on the others.拓展:for a joke 只是为了开玩笑 in joke 闹着玩地joke about 拿 开玩笑 have a joke with sb 和某人一起讲笑话 make a joke of 以 为笑柄 laugh at 嘲笑 make fun of 取笑 play tricks on(= play a trick

8、 on)捉弄某人 6. base on / upon基于, 以为根据 His argument is based on facts. The writer based his book on a true story.拓展:from the basis of 构成 的主要成分 according to 根据base 根基,基础(指具体) basis 要素,基础(指抽象)Max made London the base for his work.马克思把伦敦作为他的工作基地。练习:_on a true story, the film is well worth_.A. Based; seeing

9、 B. Based; seeing C.To base D. Being based; being seenKey:a7. at first 起初,开头,含有后来不这样的意思 At first, she was afraid of water, but she soon learned to swim.8. attractive adj. 有吸引力的,有魅力的attract vt. 吸引,引起attraction n. 吸引力attract ones attention/interest 吸引某人的注意力/兴趣 The girl is very attractive. 那个女孩很有魅力。 Li

10、ke attracts like. 物以类聚。 The advertisement attracted his attention. 那则广告吸引了他的注意力。9. even +比较级Its even colder than yesterday.They became even more popular than “The Beatle”in the USA and sold even more records.even/much/a lot/far+比较级The garden is much more beautiful than that one.10. be confident + 从句

11、 对有信心be confident of (about, in ) 对有信心confidence n. 信心confidently adv.有信心地,确信地confidential adj.机密的,隐秘的拓展例句:He is quite confident that hell pass the driving text.Dont be too confident in your own opinion.Tom is confident of his ability to overe the difficulty.练习: The managing director told the journa

12、lists he was_ of success. A. confident B.optimistic C.happy D.reliableKey:a11. performance n. 表演 performer n. 表演者 perform v. 表演,履行,执行,表现,性能 拓展例句: They put on a performance last night. What play will be performed tomorrow? Perform your promise. The car performs well on hills. One should perform ones

13、duties.12. go wrong 出了毛病 = Something is wrong with = There is something wrong with My watch went wrong yesterday. Whats wrong with you?He was done wrong. 他受了冤枉。13.pretend v.假装,佯装;(在游戏中)装扮,扮作,模拟;(与to连用)自称,自诩 He does not pretent to be a physicist. 他并不自诩为物理学家。 短语:pretend to do sth 假装做某事。14. attach vt.&

14、 vi. (1.)认为有 Do you attach any importance to what he said? 你认为他所说的话重要吗? (2.)附上,贴上,系上 She attached a stamp to the envelope. 她在信封上帖上一枚邮票。 注意: attach to 中的to 为介词,后接名词词组或动名词。 15.form (1.)v. 形成,组成,制作 I cant form any idea or opinion about it. 对此我说不出有什么想法或意见。 (2.)v. 养成,培养 One should form good habits when y

15、oung. 当一个人年轻的时就应该养成良好的习惯。 (3.)n. 样子,外表,形式 It is said that a Greek sea-god could appear in the form of any creature he wished. 据说希腊的海神能随心所欲地以任何动物的样子出现。(4.)n. 表格 Please fill this form in ink. 请用墨水笔填写这张表。拓展: Formal adj. 正式的,正规的,形式上的 Formally adv. 正式地 Formless adj.无形的 Former adj. 前者的,以前的固定短语:In the form of 以 的形式 in form 形式上,情况良好Form into 组成Fill in the form 填表格Form the habit of 养成 的习惯练习: The child

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