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1、石景山区2018年初三统一练习暨毕业考试英语试卷学校名准考证号知识运用(共14分)一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分)从下列各题所给的A、B、 C、D四个选中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1 .Tom is a big boy now. This coat is too short on _ .A .her B .himC it D .them2 .I met Lily a bookstore yesterday.A. onB. to C. inD. of3 .The music was too loud, I turned it down.A .so B. becauseC .hutD.

2、 or4. you get over here in about the minutes?-Oh, no, I cant come now. Im busy.A .CanB. Should C. MustD . May5 .Look! The kids about the park.A .runB. ranC .were runningD .are running6 .Wu Dajing _a gold medal I n February,20 1 8 at the Winter Olympics.A. winB. wonC. has wonD .will win7 .I 3 00 stam

3、ps since last yearA. collectB. collected C .have collected D. will collect 8 .The shoes at this store are muchthan at the other.A. cheap B. cheaperC. cheapestD. the cheapest9. The flower show at the park two weeks ago.A. holdsB. held C. was held D. is held10. The teacher told us a report about the a

4、nimals in danger.A .writeB. wroteC. writing D. to write11. You the chance if you go home now.A. will missB . missedC. missD. have missed12.I am not sure to the party tomorrow.A. when did he comeB. when he cameC. when will he comeD. when he will come二、完形填空(共8分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个

5、选项中,选择最佳选项。A little holiday magicChristmas Eve has always been my favorite day of the year. December 24,2010, I decidedTo 13 a little last-minute shopping before joining my family at my mothers.I bought a large basket of cheeses and a bottle of wine. On my way down, the elevator(电梯)stopped at the th

6、ird floor. where everybody but an older couple and me got off-and whereA tall, handsome man 14 We started down again; then suddenly the elevator stopped. Wewere stuck-on Christmas Eve! 15 there was a phone. arid the old man called someone in maintenance(维修),whotold us that we had to be in for a 1ong

7、 wait.At that point. We-the older couple, Mr. and Mrs. Philips; John, the handsome man; arid I-sat down on the floor and began 16 Christmas memories. An hour passed, then two; wefound ourselves so involved in the conversation that we forgot we were stuck. I shared mybasket of cheeses and wine with t

8、hem. I didnt realize at the time we were creating anotherspecial Christmas 17 After five hours, the elevator finally moved .When the doors opened, the worried storemanager was surprised to find us in such 18 spirits, Saying our good-byes, the four of usexchanged addresses and promised to send holida

9、y greeting to each other in the years to come.I got to my mothers for our traditional family Christmas-a bit late, 19 I got there.Christmas evening I returned to my apartment. Waiting for me was a single red rose and amessage: I really miss the cheese basket. Job. At the bottom was his phone numberJ

10、ohn and I were married the following Christmas Eve. And we are 20 exchangingChristmas greetings with Mr. and Mrs. Phillips. And I still wake up every Christmas EveMorning filled with excitement at the magic of the day.13.A. make B. do C. show D. accept 1 4. A. got up B. got down C. got off D. got on

11、15. A. Sadly B. Proudly C. Luckily D. Strangely16. A. sharing B. losing C. comparing D. studying17. A. accident B. game C. record D. memory 18. A. high B. low C. common D. true19. A. so B. but C. or D. because 10. A. even B. already C. still D. yet三、阅读理解(共26分,每小题2分)阅读下面 的四篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D

12、四个选项中,选择最佳答案.AJOIN TODAY!What are you going to do this year? There are lots of after-school clubs for you to choose from! Make New Friends Are you friendly and talkative? Then the Welcoming Committee is just for you_ Come and meet new or younger students who are quiet and shy. Talk with them every M

13、onday and help them make new friends.Laughter is the Best Medicine Can you make people laugh? You should join the Comedy Club. We meet every Tuesday to play games and learn new jokes. We also go to the childrens hospital to play games with children who are sick.Fun with Sports Are you good at sports

14、? Then come to the Sports Club every Friday! You can join the basketball, football. or swimming teamPainters Paint Together Are you good at drawing? Every Sunday, members of the Art Club get together to take art lessons. Once a month, we go to the art museum to see all the famous paintings there. Sometimes, we go _to a home for older people and make things for them.Go to the school website and join a club today!21. If you are friendly and talkative, the is just for you. A. Art Club B. Sports Cl

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