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1、 所有,两个字是相应的,一样没做好都不行。2、礼仪的形成与发展:”刀耕火种“是一种形式就是农耕礼仪3、我国礼仪发展的五个阶段:公务礼仪的特征以形成规范性系统性严肃性(所以公务礼仪必须严肃认真对待)4、礼仪的作用:不要说别人的隐私,这是不礼貌的,“修饰避人”要维护自己的形象。二、社 交 礼 仪1、女性化妆是必修课:女孩子要装扮自己,三分人才,七分打扮,爱美是女孩的天,女孩以后要淡妆出门。2、优雅高贵的女士晚装:可以通过钻饰、手包,一些名牌用品就可以显示你的高贵华丽一面。三、用餐礼仪四、出 行 礼 仪团队精神-在外出旅游或集体活动的时候要注意到地方。小结:刚才我们共同学习并了解公务礼仪四个方面的细

2、节,当中有哪些允许和不允许的行为的规范,大概也知道,希望在座的同事以后在每个地方都能够呈现一个良好的外在形象,让大家记住你的美和风采。第二篇:求职信概述应届毕业生求职网 http:/1. 求职信概述:在求职过程中,除了利用履历表来简介并推销自己外,依例仍须附上一封求职信,告诉求才单位,你对该工作之胜任及申请意愿。履历表是求职程序中之主体,但求职信却可补其不足,达到画龙点睛,锦上添花之妙用。因此可将一些无法在履历表中充分发挥之个人专长或才能,透过求职信详细说明,藉由履历表及求职信之相辅相成,争取到面试的机会。2.写求职信的策略:求职信是另类推销信,它推销的不是产品,而是你自己。写求职信时应做到以

3、下几点:1) attract the attention of your potential employer吸引您未来老板的注意力2) arouse your employers interest in you引起未来老板对你的兴趣3) create a desire for employing you激发聘用你的欲望4) encourage the employer to take prompt action促使未来的老板采取果断的聘用行动3. 写求职信应考虑的问题:1) who is the potential employer?你申请的是什么公司?2) what is your mai

4、n attraction?你有什么吸引老板之处?3) what are the unique characteristics that make you special?有什么方法可以使你鹤立鸡群,脱颖而出?4) how can you inform the potential employer about your strengths?你如何向未来的老板展现你的优点和特长?5) what misconception about you should you try to correct? for instance, if he thinks that you are tooyoung and

5、 inexperienced, how can you convince him that he is wrong?你如何纠正未来老板对你可能产生的错误认识?比方说,他认为你太年轻,缺乏经验?4. 求职信的内容:1) source of information求职信息来源是看报纸杂志上的招工广告,还是从人才市场上获取的信息2) position you want to apply for你打算应聘何种岗位3) personal information个人背景资料年龄(age),性别(sex),受教育程度(educational background),专业(major),工作 经历 (work

6、ing experience)4) your strengths个人特长5) reasons for quitting the previous job and for applying the present job辞去前单位工作的简单理由并陈述应聘县职务的充足理由6) contact method and when you are available to the interview联系方式:如电话号码,电子邮件地址,以及可以面试的时间7) reference证明人5. 求职信的具体写法:求职信可分三段书写:第一段应告诉收信人你是从何处得知该公司(单位)的行名和地址,从何处获悉对方有职位空

7、缺,譬如从当地报纸、电台或者电视台等,表达对该职位的兴趣和原因。第二段提供你的个人资料,如年龄、婚姻状况、兴趣、所参加的社团活动等等,提供你的教学资料:学历、专业、毕业学校、所学课程等,讲述相关的工作经验、如任职公司、担任职位、相关工作业绩等以及个人性格特点。第三段希望对方给予面试机会,留下联络方式,感谢对方关心,盼望早日收到回复等。6. 求职信常用句型:求职信开头常用语:1) my interest in the position of masonry supply manager has prompted me to forward my resume foryour review and

8、 consideration.2) the sales manager position advertised in the chicago tribune on october 12 intrigues me. i believeyou will find me well-qualified.3) i am writing to inquire opportunities for computer programmers in your organization.4) are you currently seeking a security specialist to maintain or

9、 upgrade the security of your organization?if so, i would like to apply for the position.5) having majored in mathematics at rice university, where i also worked as a research assistant, i amconfident that i would make a successful addition to your economics research department.6) at the suggestion

10、of walter durrane, i am enclosing my resume for your consideration pertaining toconsulting or related assignments with any corporation.7) i am forwarding my resume in regards to the opening we discussed in your marketing department.8) attention of human resource manager :like many other young men, i

11、 am looking for a position. iwant to get started. at the bottom, perhaps, but started.说明写应征函的起因:1) replying to your advertisement in todays issue of the (newspaper), i wish to apply for the position inyour esteemed firm.2) with reference to your advertisement in (newspaper) of may 2 for a clerk, i o

12、ffer myself for the post.3) please consider me an applicant for the position which you advertised in (newspaper) of december 5.4) i should like to apply for the position mentioned in your advertisement in (newspaper) of july 22.5) having noticed the enclosed advertisement in this mornings newspaper,

13、 i wish to apply for theposition referred to.6) in answer to your advertisement in todays newspaper for a secretary, i wish to tender my services.7) your advertisement for a telephone operator in the newspaper of march 8 has interested me, i feel ican fill that position.8) referring to your advertis

14、ement in the newspaper of june 30 for an assistant chemist, i hope to offermy services.自我介绍:叙述个人年龄、经验1) i have been for over five years in the employ of an exporting company2) i have been in the business for the last ten years, and worked as the superintendent in the personnel department.3) i have h

15、ad five years experience with a company as a salesman.4) for the past three years, i have been in the office of the brothers trading co., where i have been ad still am an accountant.5) i am twenty years of age, and have been employed for the last two years by the green trees co., in the general clerical work of the office.6) i am 25 years of age, and have ha

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