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本文(越超平面的艺术基于互动体验性的儿童书籍设计大学论文Word下载.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、指导教师 学科专业名称 设计艺术学论文提交日期 论文答辩日期 答辩委员会主席 摘 要 儿童时期是人的一生中求知欲望最为强烈,集中储备各种知识最为重要的时期。儿童并不像成人那样自律能力较强,能够主动的探索书本里枯燥的知识,想要儿童主动的学习并把阅读当作游戏般快乐的事情,就需要设计者们充分的了解不同年龄阶段儿童不同的认知规律,并根据这一规律在充分了解儿童的心理生理的基础上进行互动体验性儿童书籍的设计,让儿童阅读犹做玩游戏一样通过与书籍之间的互动,让他们爱上阅读并主动地去接受书本里所传达的知识信息。上述所说的互动体验性儿童书籍设计是对儿童书籍整本书的环境塑造。通过儿童与书籍之间五种感官的互动体验、行

2、为的互动体验、设计的互动体验,使儿童融入到书的大环境里去,主动参与到书本的内容中与其更好的互动,使阅读成为一件快乐轻松的事情,让儿童在游戏中主动掌握书中所传达的信息。 本文主要分为四个部分,首先:文章的第一部分是绪论,分析选题的市场背景以及现状,总结出选题未来的发展趋势以及选题的目的意义。其次:在本章的第二部分把互动的含义引申到儿童书籍中去提出儿童书籍互动设计的可能性并在此基础上提出互动体验性儿童书籍设计的特点、探索这种设计方式所需要的设计手段,在于一般传统儿童书籍设计进行对比的同时提出了这种互动体验性儿童书籍设计的创新意义。再次:本文依据心理学家“皮亚杰认知发展规律”对不同年龄阶段儿童所认知

3、的不同规律探索互动体验性儿童书籍设计方式的可能性。最后:结合国内外优秀作品的案例分别从感官之视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉、触觉互动体验;行为之翻动、洞开、打开、折叠、撕裂互动体验;设计之体验式、玩具式、技巧式、语音式互动体验三个方面分析论述儿童书籍中互动体验的营造。关键词:儿童书籍设计;互动体验设计;感官体验;AbstractChildhood is the most intense, seeking knowledge desire in your life focus reserve all kinds of knowledge is the most important period. Chi

4、ldren as adultsisnotself-disciplineability is strong, able to actively explore the knowledge of books boring, want to childrens active learning and happy as reading game, requires the designers fully understand the cognitive rules of different age children, according to the law on the basis of fully

5、 understanding of childrens psychological physiology interaction experience design of childrens books, let the children of judah do play games through interactions with books, let them learn to love reading and actively accept books convey information. The above said interactive experience design ch

6、ildrens books is for childrens books environment of the whole book. Through the five senses of the interaction between children with books interactive experience, design experience, behavior of interactive experience, make children into the environment of the book, active participation to the conten

7、ts of the book and its better interaction, make reading become a happy easy thing, let the children active in the game to master the books message.This article mainly divides into four parts, the first: the first part of the article is the introduction, analysis market background of the selected top

8、ic and the status quo, summed up the subject in the future development trend, and the purpose of the selected topic significance. In this chapter, the second: the second part of the implied meaning of interaction to childrens books to childrens books is put forward in the possibility of interaction

9、design and based on this, advances the interactive experience design, the characteristics of childrens books to explore the means of design, the design needs is usually compared the traditional design of childrens books at the same time put forward the interactive experience design innovation signif

10、icance of childrens books. Again: in this paper, according to psychologist piagets cognitive development rule the different age children cognitive law of the possibility of exploring the way design interactive experiential childrens books. Finally: the combination of domestic and foreign outstanding

11、 works cases respectively from the senses of see, hear, taste, smell, touch the interactive experience; Behavior of flipping, wide open, open, folding, tear interactive experience; The design of experiential, toy type, technique type, YuYinShi interactive experience three aspects discusses construct

12、ion of interactive experience in childrens books.Key words: Childrens books design; Interactive experience design; Sensory experiences; 引言1第一章 绪论21.1课题研究背景2 1.2课题研究现状分析21.2.1儿童书籍市场现状21.2.2儿童书籍设计现状31.3课题发展趋势探讨31.3.1游戏化娱乐化31.3.2人性化41.3.3互动体验性41.4课题研究目的、方法和意义51.4.1研究目的51.4.2研究方法51.4.3研究意义51.5本章小结5第二章 对

13、互动体验性儿童书籍设计的建构62.1互动含义及儿童书籍互动体验的特点62.2互动体验性儿童书籍设计的手段62.3互动体验性儿童书籍设计的创新意义72.4本章小结7第三章 依据皮亚杰认知规律对互动体验性儿童书籍分析83.1感知运算阶段(我不识字,但听得到摸得到)83.2前运算阶段(我喜欢丰富的色彩)93.3具体运算阶段(我喜欢图文并茂的书)103.4形式运算阶段(我是大人了)113.5本章小结 11第四章 互动体验性儿童书籍设计的主要手段124.1感官之互动体验124.1.1视觉体验124.1.2听觉体验144.1.3触觉体验154.1.4嗅觉体验164.1.5味觉体验174.2.行为之互动体验: 174.2.1翻动体验

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