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1、第七页:Raybot的使用方法(操作方法与手持式设备操作方法)第八页:手持式设备简介(界面介绍及控制、加入机器等)第九页:介绍充电器及充电方法第十页:封底(沿用上一版第四页封底内容)公司简介: 苏州科沃斯商用机器人有限公司是全球家庭服务机器人领军品牌科沃斯机器人有限公司全资子公司,是专业从事商业应用领域服务机器人的研发、制造与销售的高新技术企业。目前公司研发的产品“锐宝(Raybot)”主要应用于大型光伏电站,分布式光伏,光伏屋顶等商业领域。科沃斯商用机器人立足于专业化、国际化的发展之路,以其强大的研发、设计及制造能力,为用户提供高智能服务机器人,着力于在商用领域智能服务机器人产业的长远发展,

2、做商用服务机器人市场和技术的领导者。Company Profile: Suzhou Ecovacs Commercial Robots Co., Ltd is the leading brand of family service robots in the wrldA wholly-owned subsidiary of Ecovacs Robots Co., Ltd, which specializes in the R& D production and sales of commercial field, as the high-tech technology company. At

3、present, “Raybot” which is developed by the company is mainly applied to large-scale photovoltaic power station, distributed photovoltaic, photovoltaic roof and other commercial fields. Ecovacs commercial robots base the development upon professionalism and internationalization, and provide high-int

4、elligent service robots to customers with its strong ability of R&D, design and producing. The company focus on the long-term development in the commercial robots field of high-intelligent service, to be a leader in market and technology.公司使命:公司专注于实现人的价值,致力于把人从繁杂、危险、恶劣的工作环境中解放出来,用机器取代人的工作。Mission: O

5、ur company focus on fulfilling peoples value in life, specializes in releasing people from miscellaneous, dangerous and harsh work conditions, to take the place pf humans work with robots.公司愿景 :培养一流人才 创造一流企业Vision: Cultivate first-class talents Create first- class enterprise核心价值观:严谨诚信 务实创新 以人为本 心存感恩

6、 Core Values: rigors and honesty pragmatism and innovation people oriented be grateful光伏发展趋势分析:在能源日益短缺和环境污染日渐严重的背景下,太阳能发电作为一种可持续利用的新型清洁能源受到全世界的关注。世界各地大型光伏电站的建设速度明显加快,光伏发电正以前所未有的速度在全世界范围内发展起来。为最大程度地利用太阳能资源,太阳能发电站主要建设在地势较高、太阳辐射强度大、日照时间长、土地费用相对低廉的地区。光伏电站投资的最大特点是:电站一旦投入使用,其人工投入相对较少,只要设备正常运行,电站就可以持续收益。小小



9、20026000247002392020802340022100当然,遇到“灰尘难题”的不仅只有榆林这一家发电站。据了解,我国绝大多数太阳能电站都或多或少地受到这个问题的困扰。数据显示,2012年我国光伏产业发电量达到2吉瓦(1吉瓦=10亿瓦),而这也意味着2012年我国太阳能发电行业因为灰尘造成的损失高达2.5亿元。光伏电站的经济效益完全取决于光伏发电设备的正常运行时间,蒙上沙尘的电池板组件必然给电站投资者造成巨大的经济损失。Analysis of Photovoltaic Development trend: Under the background of the increasingly

10、 serious energy shortage and environmental pollution, solar power as a new sustainable utilization of clean energy attracts the worlds attention. Around the world large-scale photovoltaic power station speed up the construction apparently, photovoltaic power generation is developing at an unpreceden

11、ted rate in the worldwide. To maximize the use of solar energy rehouses, solar power stations mainly build in higher and relatively cheap ground with large intensity of solar radiation and long-time sunshine. The most obvious characteristic of the photovoltaic power station investment is that once u

12、pon it is put in use, the power station can continuously benefit as long as the equipment runs normally, foe the manual input is relatively small. How much impact little dust on the solar panels has on the efficiency of power generation?We take an example to illustrate. A 20mw photovoltaic power sta

13、tion covers about 700mu in Yulin, Shanxi. It was designed to generate electricity more than 2000degrees a year, so it can earn more than 20million yuan with governments subsidies of 1 yuan per degree. However, it is just the ideal yield. In fact, unable to completely solve the problem of the panels

14、cleaning, the power station suffers a loss of 2 million yuan at least every year, for the actual efficiency of power generation drops down from 23%25% to 17% 18%. The table below is the loss comparison of power generation, which can directly reflect the huge impact the dust has on electricity yield.Loss Comparison of Power GenerationPlant Scale(MW)Plan of power yield(10000KW)5% loss of power generation8% loss of power generation10% loss of power generati

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