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1、1. Individuals opinions about _(名词)vary from person to person.2. There is a public discussion on_ .(名词)1. While it is widely noted/stated/claimed by a majority of people/civilians/folks that_,(句子)others consider it differently. 2. Though quite a few people regard_(名词)as_(名词), the rest claim that the

2、 former/the latter is more advisable. 第三句:1. As for me, I believe_(名词)is favorable. 2. However, in my opinion, the advantages of_(名词)outweigh those of_(名词). 三、图画作文第一段:(简单描述图中内容)(任选一句背诵即可)1. In the picture/cartoon/drawing, there be sb. doing sth (图中人物在做的主要动作)+地点+(时间).2. As we can see from the picture

3、, there be sb. doing sth (图中人物在做的主要动作)+地点+(时间).3. The picture above depicts (a/an)_(名词), which/who is doing sth+地点+(时间)第二句:(描述图中具体内容)With sb1 doing sth (and doing sth), sb2 does sth (and does sth) (语言,道具,神情)(点明图中主题)(任选一句背诵即可)1. Obviously, such a picture draws attention to the fact that_.(句子)(图画表达的现象

4、/道理)(题目中找)2. Obviously, the painter reminds us of a common social phenomenon: _.(句子)(图画表达的社会现象)3. Obviously, this picture demonstrates a vital theory of philosophy : _.(句子)(文章想表达的道理)(题目中找)四、评论谚语第一段(引入名言)(任选一句背诵即可)1. Nowadays an old/famous/interesting saying/remark “”comes into vogue. 2. There is a w

5、idespread/ saying goes like that 3. As an ancient Chinese saying goes, ” 4. “”sb. once said (你对谚语的理解)(任选一句背诵即可)1. Simple as the saying is, it informs us that/of 2. Obviously,what we can make of this remark is that/the significance of 3. Obviously,the saying tells us that/of 五、应用文 格式: Dear xxx , Your

6、s , Your name 书信第一段: (任选一句背诵即可)1. I am writing this letter to do 2. I am writing this letter in purpose of doing 3. I would like to extend my n. 书信第二段:(根据题目要求写不同类型的信件)建议信:v. give/offer/render adj. useful/practical/conductive n. suggestions/proposals/recommendations 投诉信:v. express/air n. dissatisfact

7、ion/disappointment/concern 关于. regarding/concerning/as regards n. the canteen/library/bookstore 感谢信:v. express n. thanks/gratefulness/appreciation 对于. to n. you/my teacher 书信第三段:私人信件第一句:1. In a word,my appreciation to you is beyond words. 2. At last, Id like to express my great appreciation for your

8、 help. 1. Best wishes. 2. Give my best regards to 写给机构的信件表示感谢(任选一句背诵即可)1. In a word, my appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond words. 2. I take this opportunity to show my heartfelt appreciation for the kind assistance you render me2. 期待回信 (任选一句背诵即可)1. I am looking forward to hearing f

9、rom you soon. 2. I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience. 六、第三段模板第一句(引出现状):There is a growing tendency for people these days to do sth, which I believe is unfavorable/wrong/favorable 最近有一个趋势大家去,我认为这个趋势不好/错误/好。第二句 (提出建议)(题目要求中有how时可在这句适当扩充) Therefore, what we should do is to

10、do 因此,我们应该做的是下面是第二句可以扩充的部分:1)扬善去恶:(两面性问题,比如手机彩票等等) encourage the merits of sth. and avoid its demerits. 鼓励某事物的优点避免他的缺点2) 大家联合起来:(一般用在解决学生的问题,心理健康,网瘾等等) It is high time that sb. should make combined efforts to put an end to this situation. 大家是时候团结一起来结束这个局面3) 个人意识:(提高环境保护的意识等等) The public should enhan

11、ce the consciousness of sth 公众应该增强的意识4) 加强教育:(一般用在涉及面比较广的社会问题) A large-scale education campaign should be launched to inform the public to do sth/not to do sth 一个大型的教育活动应该被展开去告知公众去做/不去做 5) 政府出台:(一般用在比较大的,比较严重的社会问题,如节约问题,浪费问题等等) The authorities should work out and implement relevant laws and regulati

12、ons to impose a heavy penalty on those who do sth. 政府应该制定和实施相关法律和规章制度来惩戒那些做某事的人。6) 呼吁相关部门加强监管:(一般用在比较大的,比较严重的社会问题。如质量问题,假冒产品问题) The relevant administration departments should strengthen the supervision on sth. 相关部门应该加强在上的监管。第三句(总结):1. Thus,it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that + 结论(句子). 因此

13、,不难得出结论2. From what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that + 结论(句子). 从上面讨论中,我们可以安全的得出结论3. Taking into account all of these factors, we may reach the conclusion that + 结论(句子). 把上述所有因素考虑后,我们可以得出一个结论举例子的方法1. Examples abound in history/our daily life :+ 句子(主谓) 2. An instance occurred recently in which+ 句子(主谓)3. A legend/Gossip/A rumor/Words/A theory/ A piece of news/ A saying has i

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