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1、 5 .milk shake奶昔 6.cut up 切碎 7. pour into.将倒入 8.putinto把放入9. two pieces of bread= two slices of bread 两片面包 10. a teaspoon of honey一茶匙蜂蜜11. a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶 12. mixup 把混合 13.addto 把加到上14. on the top 在顶部 15. put sth, in order 将某些东西按顺序排列(二)预习Section A ,完成以下练习1._ the milk _(把倒到里) the blender.2.I hav

2、e _(12个香蕉).3.My mother bought_ _(八个西瓜).4.I need two _(两杯酸奶).5.You should read the _(说明) before you take the medicine.【通过预习提出问题与困惑】(一)、turn (v.) 旋转,转向.变成 (n.) 轮流/次序e.g Dont turn right to the left.1.turn on / off 打开/关闭电器 2.turn up /turn down 调高/调低 调大/小3.turn green 变绿4.Its ones turn to do sth. 该做某事 5.t

3、ake turns doing sth./to do sth.轮流做某事(二)、辨析turn on 与open “打开”turn on指打开水龙头,煤气,电灯,电视等电器开关open 指把关着或封着的门窗,箱盒等打开。对应词close1.Turn _ the TV. Father is sleeping .A. on Bup C. down D. red2.Its getting dark, please _the lights.A. turn on B.turn down C.get on D.turn up【课堂导学方案】1、洗耳运动1、Listen and do 1b.听录音把说明按正确

4、顺序排列起来2、Listen for two times and do 2a and 2b.二、合作探究,质疑解疑1可数名词与不可数名词a).可数名词:指物体的数量可数,其单数形式可在名词前加a或an,表示一个。如:a banana 一根香蕉其复数要在词尾加-s或-es(特殊情况除外)。two bananas 两根香蕉b).不可数名词:指物体的数量不可数。没有单复数之分,也不能再词前加冠词a或an。表示不可数名词的数量时,可在不可数名词前加相应的数量词构成短语。a piece of一片/一块【学点训练】-How much yogurt do we need? -We need _. A. tw

5、o yogurt B. two teaspoons of yogurt C. two yogurts2.How many 和How much 二者都有“多少”的意思,但How many后面接可数名词的复数式(有时被省略);How much后面接不可数名词(有时被省略),此外,它还可以用来询问价格、金额等。How many + _ How much + _yogurt do we need? _ cups of yogurt do we need? _ bananas do you have?3、合作共建,拓展创新(Pairwork)就如何制作水果沙拉进行问答课后检测、单项选择1.Please

6、turn _ the lights when you leave.A. on B. off C. up D. down2.-Tom ! please cut _ the banana for me .-Ok .Ill do it right away. A. on B.up C. down D.into 3.The factory is _ the waste water _ the river .A . pour 。 in B. put 。 into C. Pouring 。into D. putting 。 in4. How _ cups of tea do we need? A.some

7、 B.three C. much D.many5.-How_watermelon do we have?-We have four pieces of it . A.some B.four C.much D.many 6.How _ you make fruit salad? A.are B. do C. does D. is 7.There are many kinds of _ in the shop. A.drink B. drinks C.drinking D.drinkings 8.This water is quite good _(drink).、按要求完成句子1.We need

8、 one teaspoon of honey.(就划线部分提问)_ _ honey do we need?2.They bought three bottlesof yogurt. (就划线部分提问)_ _ bottles of yogurt did they buy?3._ _the bananas(把香蕉切碎)4.Turn on the popper.(改为否定句)_ on the popper.5.I want a good piece of meat.(同义句) I _ _ a good _ of meat.7.He is cutting up the apple. (同义句) He

9、is _ the apple_ _.【作业设计】A:(必做题): 记忆section A中的单词和词组 B:(选做题)使用first then next finally 写一篇制作蔬果沙拉或奶昔第二课时Section A(3a-4) 学习目标: 1.掌握制作步骤 first , next, then,finally. 2.学习短语:mix up ,, put in重点与难点:用first,next,then,finally来描述制作食物的过程(二)将下列可数名词变为复数,不可数名词译为汉语1.fruit _ 2. watermelon_ 3.yogurt_4.orange_5.a

10、pple_6.honey_7.sauce_8.stomach_9.half_10.potato_11.sandwich_12.money_13.a teaspoon of relish_ 14.sheep_ 15.salt_16.a man teacher_ 17. a boy friend_【课堂探究】1、自主学习用方框中的单词填空,完成3a.二、质疑解疑1.into 与 in 的区别 相同点: 都是介词,表示在某一空间内. 不同点:into 表示通过某一动作进入某一空间,是动态介词. In 表示在某一空间内或在某一区域内,是静态介词. She put the eggs _ the box.

11、 There is nothing _ the blender.2.put : put on (反义词) take off put off .推迟/延期 put away 收拾好 put in 插入 put up 举起/张贴 put down 放下1).Its very cold ,please _ your coat. B.put on C.take off D.wears2).-Whats in your hand ?-Its a picture . I want to _ on the wall.A.put up it B.put in it C. put it up D. p

12、ut it in 3).-Who _ my socks? -My mother _. A.put on 。 put on B. put in 。did C. put away 。put away D. put away,。 did3. addtoAddto意为“把加入中”。My mother added some relish to the soup. 我妈妈往汤里加入了一些调味品。Dont_ salt _ sugar(把加入中). Its terrible.4.first,next,then,finally first,next,then,finally是表示顺序的词语。first作副词,意为“第一次;首先”。序数词用作副词或表语时,前面不加冠词。Let me tell you what to do 意为“其次;然后”,用作副词,它在句中的位置比较灵活。What is he go

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