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1、七年级上册 词汇: 1 first name 2 last/family name 3 phone number 4 lost and found 5 the art club 6 the last one 7 bed time 8 tennis racket 9 baseball bat 10 basketball game 11 running star 12 computer games 13 movie star 14 rock bank 15 school day (学校上课日) 16 school trip (郊游) 17 summer camp 18 thanks for 19

2、take to 20 play baseball 21 watch TV 22 come down to (从一处来到另一处) 23 have a look at 24 see for oneself (亲眼看看) 25 want to do sth. 26 go to a movie = see a film 27 play the guitar 28 help sb with 29 be in 30 stay at home 31 be born 32 talk to sb. 33 learn about 34 take a shower 35 get to 36 listen to 37

3、 do homework 38 fill out 39 find out 40 get up 41 go home 42 go to school / work 43 put on 44 in English 45 next to 46 for breakfast (就早餐而言) 47 on weekends 48 in all colors (各种颜色) 49 for the reason (因为) 50 in a word (一句话,总而言之)51 after class52 have English 53 make sb/ sth. + 形容词 (使某人/物)54 for example

4、 55 in fact 56 a little 57 a lot/ a lot of / lots of 58 a kind of 59 all kinds of 60 be strict with sb. 61 be strict in sth. 62. be sure 63 be busy 64 be tired 65 all over the world 66 very much 67 every day 68 how much 69 how old 70 how many 71 a little longer句型(日常用语)1 问候用语 2 介绍用语3 告别用语 4 道歉用语 5 感谢

5、用语 6 询问颜色 7 提建议 A: Peter, lets play basketball this afternoon. B: Oh, great! That sounds good!8 辨认物体用语 A: Excuse me, Mike. Whats that in English? B: Its a pen.9 询问或提供电话号码 10 物品归属A: Is this your ruler, Mike?B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its Amys ruler.11 购物用语 -Can I help you?Yes, please. I want a swe

6、ater.What color do you want? Red. - Here you are. Thanks. How much is it ? Its 2. OK. Ill take it. 12 物品所在地点,位置或方位 13 表示存在、某处有某人或某物14 物品所属关系 A: Do you have a science book? B: Sorry, I dont have one.A: Does Sally have one? B: Yes, she does. She has a new one.15 喜欢与不喜欢 A: Do you like to go to the movi

7、e? B: Yes, I do.A: What kind of movies do you like? B: I like comedies and action movies . They are exciting.A: Yes, I like them, too . But I dont like thrillers. They are scary.16 询问日期和时间 17 谈论能力 18 表达最爱 Whats your favorite subject?/ My favorite subject is Why do you like it ? Because its 语法:1 名词 2

8、 代词 3 数词 4介词 5 句子种类(包括There be 句型)七年级下册词汇: 1 be from / come from 2 live in/at 3 like doing sth. 4 post office 5 library 6 hotel 7 restaurant 8 bank 9 supermarket 10 street 11 pay phone 12 park 13 between and 14 across from 15 next to 16 in front of 17 behind 18 in the neighborhood 19 go straight 20

9、walk down/ along 21 on the left/right 22 turn left/ right 23 take a walk 24 be quiet25 garden 26 a house with 27 (on) the way to 28 have a good trip/day 29 through/across30 airport 31 动物名称: 32 cute/ smart/ clever/ ugly/ friendly/ shy /lazy 33 kind of 34 other 35 in /during the day 36 at night 37 sle

10、ep 38 职业名称: 39 work hark 40 as41 newspaper 42 magazine 43 story 44 dangerous 45 thief 46 clean/ watch TV/ read books/ listen to music 47 TV show 48 天气:sunny/ windy/ snowy / rainy/ cloudy / cold/ hot / cool/ warm/wet/ humid/ dry 49 surprised/ relaxed/ tired/interested surprising/ relaxing/tiring/ int

11、eresting 50 lie- lying 51 (go)on vacation 52 others 53 short /long/ curly hair 54 tall/ short / medium height 55 thin/ heavy/fat/ medium build 56 stop doing sth./ stop to do sth. 57 wear /put on 58 go shopping / fishing/ 59 食物名称: noodles/dumplings/porridge/soup/juice/rice/ tomatoes/ potatoes/cabbage

12、/green tea/dessert 60 bowl/ piece/ glass/cup/bag 61 take an order(for) 62 address 63 would like sth. / would like to do sth. 64 last weekend/ 65 study for the test 66 have a party 67 practice English/ practice doing sth. 68 spend 69 go for a walk 70 动词过去式 71 summer camp 72 visit the museum 73 delici

13、ous / crowded/ awful/ expensive/ cheap 74 find sb. doing sth.(found a small boy crying in the corner) 75 make sb do sth.(made me feel very happy) 76 decide to do sth. 77 stay at home 78 think of 79 game shows 80 talk show 81 sports show 82 soap opera 83 sitcom 84 mind/ mind doing sth. 85 stand 86 co

14、lorful 87 a 13-year-old boy 88 sunglasses/ scarf/ wallet/ belt/ watch/ key ring 89 nice words 90 in the hallway 91 fight 92 break rules 93 else 94 gym class 95 wear uniforms 96 be in bed 97 wash clothes 98 make dinner 99 the childrens palace 100 no talking 101 without句型 (见各单元的Grammar Focus) 1 Where

15、is your pen pal from? 2 Where does he / she live? 3 Is there a supermarket?4 Wheres the park? 5 Just go straight and turn left. 6 Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.7 Why do you like pandas? 8 I want to be an actor. 9 What do you do? = Whats your job?= What are you? 10 What is the weather like (in Beijing)? = How is the weather(in Beijing)?11 What does he look like? 12 What kind of noodles would you like? 13 What size bowl of noodles would he like? 14 How was your weekend? 15 What did you do last weekend?16 How did kids spend the weekend? 17 Where

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