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1、TelevisionandthePublicInterestThank you for this opportunity to meet with you today. This is my first public address since I took over my new job. When the New Frontiersmen rode into town, I locked myself in my office to do my homework and get my feet wet. But apparently I havent managed to stay out

2、 of hot water. I seem to have detected a certain nervous apprehension about what I might say or do when I emerged from that locked office for this, my maiden station break.First, let me begin by dispelling a rumor. I was not picked for this job because I regard myself as the fastest draw on the New

3、Frontier. Second, let me start a rumor. Like you, I have carefully read President Kennedys messages about the regulatory agencies, conflict of interest, and the dangers of ex parte contacts. And, of course, we at the Federal Communications Commission will do our part. Indeed, I may even suggest that

4、 we change the name of the FCC to The Seven Untouchables!It may also come as a surprise to some of you, but I want you to know that you have my admiration and respect. Yours is a most honorable profession. Anyone who is in the broadcasting business has a tough row to hoe. You earn your bread by usin

5、g public property. When you work in broadcasting you volunteer for public service, public pressure, and public regulation. You must compete with other attractions and other investments, and the only way you can do it is to prove to us every three years that you should have been in business in the fi

6、rst place.I can think of easier ways to make a living.But I cannot think of more satisfying ways.I admire your courage - but that doesnt mean I would make life any easier for you. Your license lets you use the publics airwaves as trustees for 180 million Americans. The public is your beneficiary. If

7、 you want to stay on as trustees, you must deliver a decent return to the public - not only to your stockholders. So, as a representative of the public, your health and your product are among my chief concerns.As to your health: lets talk only of television today. 1960 gross broadcast revenues of th

8、e television industry were over $1,268,000,000; profit before taxes was $243,900,000, an average return on revenue of 19.2 per cent. Compared with 1959, gross broadcast revenues were $1,163,900,000, and profit before taxes was $222,300,000, an average return on revenue of 19.1 per cent. So, the perc

9、entage increase of total revenues from 1959 to 1960 was 9 per cent, and the percentage increase of profit was 9.7 per cent. This, despite a recession. For your investors, the price has indeed been right.I have confidence in your health.But not in your product.It is with this and much more in mind th

10、at I come before you today.One editorialist in the trade press wrote that the FCC of the New Frontier is going to be one of the toughest FCCs in the history of broadcast regulation. If he meant that we intend to enforce the law in the public interest, let me make it perfectly clear that he is right

11、- we do. If he meant that we intend to muzzle or censor broadcasting, he is dead wrong. It would not surprise me if some of you had expected me to come here today and say in effect, Clean up your own house or the government will do it for you. Well, in a limited sense, you would be right - Ive just

12、said it.But I want to say to you earnestly that it is not in that spirit that I come before you today, nor is it in that spirit that I intend to serve the FCC. I am in Washington to help broadcasting, not to harm it; to strengthen it, not weaken it; to reward it, not punish it; to encourage it, not

13、threaten it; to stimulate it, not censor it. Above all, I am here to uphold and protect the public interest.What do we mean by the public interest? Some say the public interest is merely what interests the public. I disagree. So does your distinguished president, Governor Collins. In a recent speech

14、 he said,Broadcasting to serve the public interest, must have a soul and a conscience, a burning desire to excel, as well as to sell; the urge to build the character, citizenship and intellectual stature of people, as well as to expand the gross national product. .By no means do I imply that broadca

15、sters disregard the public interest. .But a much better job can be done, and should be done.I could not agree more.And I would add that in todays world, with chaos in Laos and the Congo aflame, with Communist tyranny on our Caribbean doorstep and relentless pressure on our Atlantic alliance, with so

16、cial and economic problems at home of the gravest nature, yes, and with technological knowledge that makes it possible, as our President has said, not only to destroy our world but to destroy poverty around the world - in a time of peril and opportunity, the old complacent, unbalanced fare of action-adventure and situation comedies is simply not good enough.Your industry

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