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1、学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。2 能力目标通过阅读进一步了解歌剧的历史以及其他方面的知识。3 情感目标对文中的phantom的内心世界进行分析,判断文学作品中人物的善恶和性格的复杂矛盾性。(三)教学方法采用任务型教学法组织教学,通过听说,讨论等具体活动,达到教学效果。(四)重点和难点1 词汇学习1) 核心词汇 belowobeyphantomrolekidnapaudiencereleaseburstmagicallyinjure2) 拓展词汇 operaangelexistcapture3) 词组和短语 a huge building, with seventeen floorsfor

2、ce him to leave homemake a secret home for sbgain power overmust bebe crowded with in the endbe filling with waterbe shocked atmake sb do4) 句型学习1. In the middle of this lake was an island, and on that island, one hundred years ago, lived the Phantom2. ,he was so ugly that his own mother made him wea

3、r a mask,教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Pre-reading 要学好本课,建议老师在这个阶段完成以下两个任务: 通过图片和歌剧中的音乐将学生带入所带来的特定的场景. 鼓励学生说出自己看海报和听音乐之后的感受,初步体会这部风靡世界多年的名作所来的震撼.为进入课文学习作好铺垫.具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接1,2 中学英语合作网牛津英语教学参考Page 1While-reading 这是本课的重点部分.要求老师与学生一起走进这部名剧.同时初步了解歌剧院的整体布局 (见练习A). 可以由PHANTOM 和OPERA谈起.将课文中出现的词汇贯穿其

4、中,使学生在比较自然的情景中习得课文中的词汇. 通过picture (课本P2)和Skimming (同上)了解歌剧院的布局以及故事的大概梗概。 Scanning 部分通过True or False练习,使学生熟悉故事情节,还通过(P5)中的Read and think 使学生加深对于故事主人公Phantom, Christine and Raoul之间复杂而又凄美的爱情的了解。从而对于剧中人物的遭遇寄予更多的同情和理解。这部分教师除了利用课本中所提供的素材和练习之外,师生间用问答方式则更好。建议文中的填词部分放到课文整体阅读和理解之后进行,这不仅提高教学效果,更重要的是符合学生思维发展的循序

5、渐进规律,让课堂的发展更有层次和合理。 接下来的环节是Further understanding of the text。 学生在这一环节里,可以用适当的形容词来描述文中的主要角色。这个设计安排既可以回顾课文的主要内容,还可以看出学生的理解是否准确,很多精彩的智慧火花会在这一刻出现;这样安排的另一目的是为下一课时language部分作准备。 Consolidation and conclusion 指导学生完成课文后的Scanning部分的其他练习。Post-reading 安排学生讨论:What other operas have you ever heard of? Which one i

6、s your favorite? Which character impressed you most? Why:?同时推荐学生阅读补充材料:见链接4链接1说明:对课文背景知识的介绍。 the Phantom of the opera 故事一开始是一场拍卖会,其中一只八音盒使老年的拉包尔回到了过去:当时青年拉包尔是歌剧院的出资人,新女歌剧演员克里斯汀与他相爱,一个神秘的声音将克里斯汀带到剧院下面地下湖的幽灵的巢穴,幽灵爱上了她,他开始教她声乐,并为了让剧院使用克里斯汀上演主角,他甚至用恐怖的手段来达到目的。 但当它发现拉包尔和克里斯汀的相爱时,它试图阻止这一切,当他失败时,他在最后的演出后,劫

7、持了克里斯汀,但拉乌尔紧紧追赶到地下湖,但幽灵擒获了拉包尔,用他的生命来要挟克里斯汀,克里斯汀勇敢面对了幽灵提出的可怕选择。幽灵终于绝望了,他放他俩离去,自己却柔声地对着八音盒唱起了歌,八音盒开始神奇地转动起来.,最后当人们追来时,他已经消失,只在座位上留下下一个白色的面具。 链接2The Phantom of the Opera 歌词欣赏ABeneath the opera houseI know its there hes with me on the stageHes everywhere and when my song beginsI always find a phantom of

8、 the opera is there inside my mindSing once again with me our strange duetMy power over you shows stronger yetYou give your love to me for love is blindThe phantom of the opera is now your mastermindThose who have seen your faceDraw back in fearI am the mask you wearIts me they hearYour spirit touch

9、 my voice in one combinedThe phantom of the opera is there inside my mind(见The Phantom Of The Opera.mp3)链接3本部分建议采用任务型阅读教学方法。通过略读、扫读、细读等不同手段来提高学生的阅读理解能力,从而培养学生的阅读技巧。Teaching proceduresStep One Students report: Introduction to a famous musician Presenting the students some posters while enjoying the m

10、usic and song from the opera Ask the students to share with each other their feelings.Step Two Skimming Skim the text and do EX A. B, at the same time learn about the new words in this section. Questions for the students to consider and answer1. What do you know about?2. When did this happen?3. Do y

11、ou think the story is true or not?4. What do you think the Phantom is, a man or an animal? Why do you say so?5. Use one word to describe the Phantom. Scanning1. True or False exercise on P. 2教师在进行这一部分练习时,不光只是带领学生练习,更重要的是要通过设问引领学生进入课文。如:1 From the text, we know the Phantom was not born on an island,

12、but lived there. But where is the island?2 The Phantoms mother was cruel to him. Why? As we all know, mother is the person that is the one who loves their kids the most. How come the Phantoms mother was cruel to him. Do you think that she should be blamed or do you think she was not a good mother?3

13、As we know the Phantom was a very cruel and cold-blooded person, whats important, he was loving Christine and wanted her for himself. Raoul saved Christine from the Phantom, what does that show us?4 As we know, the Phantom didnt kill Christine and Raoul, what happened then? How did that happen? Wher

14、e did the Phantom go in the end?通过这样的讨论,我们可以让学生在考虑问题和阅读课文的时候,将对于课文的理解立体起来,不但看到了表面的一些东西,更有助于走入故事各主人公的内心世界,设身处地地站在主人公的位置考虑问题,从而加深对于课文的理解。2. Read and think 这部分的练习主要是对于课文细节的把握,教师依然可以采取师生互动的方式进行。1. What was the Phantoms mothers reaction when she saw her ugly son? How ugly was he?2. Why did the Phantom stay out of her sight?3. How could the Phantom make himself so strong? Why did he make himself strong?4. Which sentences show that t

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