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1、另一方面,-ed 形容词用于指物的情况也不少见。比较并体会:a frightened look 害怕的表情(指带有这种“表情”的人感到害怕) a frightening look 吓人的表情(指这种“表情”令人害怕) an excited talk 心情激动的谈话(指“谈话”的人心情激动) an exciting talk 令人激动的谈话(指听“谈话”的人心情激动) 由于传统的观点说得太绝对,有时做起题来还可能会因此掉入命题人的陷阱,请看下面一题 :_ do you think of your English teacher? Is he _?A. What, interesting B. W

2、hat, interestedC. How, interesting D. How, interested 此题考查两方面的知识点:一是考查what do you think of与how do you like的用法区别(两者搭配不同,但意思相同);二是考查interesting与interested的用法区别。若套用以上关于-ing形容词与-ed形容词的区别,则可能将答案锁定为D。但是错了,此题的最佳答案应是A。二、正确的观点关于-ing形容词与-ed形容词的区别,比较准确的表述应该是:1. 以后缀 ed结尾的形容词(如ashamed, delighted, excited, fright

3、ened, interested, moved, pleased, surprised, worried等)通常用于说明人,不用于说明事物,即使它们所修饰的名词是事物,那它们指的也是与该事物相关的人。如:He had a pleased smile on his face. 他脸上露出了满意的微笑。He told me the news in a very excited voice. 他声音很激动地告诉了我这个消息。第一句中的a pleased smile 意为“满意的微笑”,它指的是某人因感到满意发出的微笑;第二句中的 a very excited voice 指的是“很激动的声音”,即指

4、的是某人因很激动而发生那样的声音。原则上,-ed 形容词通常直接用于说明人,若修饰事物,则多为 air(神态), appearance(外貌), cry(哭声), face(表情), voice(声音), mood(情绪), mood(等显示某人的情感状况的名词。2. 以后缀 -ing 结尾的形容词(如delighting, exciting, frightening, interesting, moving, surprising, worrying 等)主要用于说明事物,表示事物的性质或特征,若用它们说明人,则表示此人具有此性质或特征。The story is very interesti

5、ng. 这个故事很有趣。The man is very interesting. 这个人很有趣。请再比较并体会以下句子:He is frightened. 他很害怕。He is frightening. 他很吓人。He has a frightened look on his face. 他脸上带有惊恐的神情。He has a frightening look on his face. 他脸上带有吓人的神情。I read an interested expression on his face. 我看到他脸上露出一种感兴趣的表情。I read an interesting expression

6、 on his face. 我看到他脸上露出一种有趣的表情。三、学练结合请做做以下试题,看你是否能克服原来的思维定势,能否跳出命题人的陷阱:1. Laws that punish parents for their little childrens actions against the laws get parents _. A. worried B. to worried C. worrying D. worry2. The little boy isnt getting on well in maths and worse still, he is even unwilling to g

7、o to school. With her son _, she feels very _. A. disappointing;worrying B. disappointing;worried C. disappointed;worried D. disappointed;worrying3. After the Anti-terrorist War, the American soldiers returned home, _. A. safe but tired B. safely but tired C. safe and tiring D. safely and tiring4. A

8、s we all know, typing is a _ job to a _ heart. A. tired; tired B. tired; tiring C. tiring; tired D. tiring; tiring5. Poor boy! His_ looks and _hands suggested he was very afraid.A. frightful; trembling B. frightened; trembling C. frightening; trembled D. frightened; trembly 6._ do you think of your

9、English teacher?A. What, interesting B. What, interested C. How, interesting D. How, interested ed形式及常见短语与 ing形式形容词归纳excited (be d about) / excitingsurprised (be d at) /surprisingamazed (be d at) /amazingembarrassed(be ed in) /embarrassingencouraged(be ed at / by) / encouragingfrustrated (be d of) /

10、 frustratinginterested (be ed in) / interestingthrilled (be ed at) / thrillingterrified (be terrified at/ of / with) / terrifyingpleased (be d with) / pleasing, = pleasantsatisfied(be satisfied with) / satisfyingfrightened (be ed at / of ) / frighteningtired (be d of) / tiring bored (be d with) / bo

11、ringrelaxed (无固定搭配) / relaxingfascinated (be d by) / fascinatingannoyed (be ed with) / annoyingmoved (be d by) / movingworried (be worried about) / worryingconfused (be confused about) / confusing练习:一 用括号内所给动词的-ed形式或-ing形式填空1. The children were _after the trip. (tire) 2. The trip was_. (tire)3. The

12、_children went to bed early after the trip. (tire)4. The _trip lasted a whole day. (tire)5. The trip made the children_. (tire)6. The bad weather made the trip_. (tire)7. Toms parents are _ at his _ results of the exams(disappoint)8. _and angry, he left the meeting-room. (disappoint)9. It is _that h

13、e didnt pass the examination(disappoint)10. When hearing the_ news that Michael Jackson passed away, they were_to look at each other. (surprise)11. He was _ about his _ son. (worry)12. Im not _with his interpretation of this sentence. (satisfy)13. He was _with the _person. (annoy)14. A police car appeared on the road, the thief had a_ look on his face. (frighten)15. The situation here is _and we are_. (encourage)

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