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1、1.Land consolidation is sometimes incorrectly interpreted to be only the simple reallocation of parcels to remove effects of fragmentation. 土地整理有时被错误的理解成为了克服土地破碎化的影响仅对土地进行的简单再配置。 2.In reality land consolidation has been associated with broader social and economic reforms from the time of its earlies

2、t applications in western Europe.现实中土地整理已与更广泛的社会和经济改革想结合,最初应用在西欧。3.Land consolidation has always been regarded as an instrument or entry point for rural development. 土地整理一直被视为一种工具或切入点,在农村发展问题上。4.Early concepts of rural development were virtually the same as agricultural development because of the pr

3、edominant role of agriculture in rural areas at the time.早期概念的农村发展几乎一样的农业发展,因为农业主导作用在农村地区的时间。5.Improving the agrarian structure was viewed as being identical to maintaining the social viability in rural areas; what was good for the farmers was good for areas.改善农业用地结构被认为与维持乡村地区的社会生存发展能力具有相同的含义,对农民有益的

4、事物也对乡村地区的发展有益。6.The emphasis of land consolidation projects has shifted from a focus on restructuring agriculture to one of achieving more efficient multiple use of rural space by balancing the interests of agriculture, landscape, nature conservation , recreation and transportation, especially when

5、land is required for the construction of major roads.土地整理工程的重点已经从以调整农业结构为主转变为通过平衡农业、景观、自然保护、休闲娱乐和交通特别是土地要满足主干道路建设需求时之间的利益关系来实现乡村空间更有效的多功能利用。7.In line with other changes in the concept of rural development, land consolidation now places increasing importance on gender inclusion , participatory approa

6、ches and the use of mediation and alternative dispute resolution in resolving conflicts.为了保持与乡村发展概念中其他变化的一致性,如今,土地整理日益强调性别包含。参与途径以及在化解矛盾时调节机制和解决选择性冲突。8.The most effective consolidation instrument of rural development is comprehensive land consolidation but at times other approaches such as simplifie

7、d consolidation , voluntary group consolidation , and individual consolidation initiatives can bring benefits. 最有效的整合农村发展的工具是全面的土地整理,但有时其他的方法,如简化的整合,志愿组织整合,和个人整合行动可以带来的好处。9.Comprehensive land consolidation include the re-allocation of parcels together with a broad range of other measures to promote

8、rural development.综合土地整理包括破碎地块的配置和促进乡村发展的范围广泛的其他措施。10.The allocation of responsibilities for carrying out these steps also varies between jurisdictions. 职责分配执行这些步骤也在不同法域之间。There is usually a clear division between responsibility for overall supervision ,control and monitoring functions, and responsi

9、bility for implementation. 在全面监督、控制、监测功能和执行的职责之间具有明显的差别The responsibilities for the supervising agency should be defined in legislation. One of the first considerations in proposing a land consolidation pilot project is determining the roles and responsibilities of the various parties . 负责监督机构应立法界定。

10、一次考虑在提出土地整理试点项目是确定的作用和责任的各当事方。11.Comprehensive land consolidation projects usually have extensive public works and so they require the participation of a large number of central government agencies such as the Ministry of Agriculture ,Ministry of Justice, Cadastre offices, Registry offices, Ministry

11、 of Public Works, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Transportation and Ministry of Rural Development. 土地综合整治项目通常有广泛的公共工程,所以他们需要participationg大量中央政府机构等农业部,司法部,地籍登记办公室,办公室,公共工程部,环境部,交通部和农村发展部。12.With the trend towards decentralization projects increasingly involve local and regional governments, mu

12、nicipalities, water boards or water associations.随着地方分权趋势的深化,工程日益需要地方和区域政府、市政府、水资源理事会或者协会的参与。13.Ensuring that the project is cost-effective is crucial. Geographic information systems and satellite positioning systems are now routinely used to reduce time and costs of surveying and planning . 确保项目的成本

13、效益是crucial.geographic信息系统和卫星定位系统现在经常用来减少时间和成本的测量和规划。Several countries have developed semi-automated systems for use in designing the new layout of reallocated parcels. 几个国家已开发的半自动化系统在设计使用新布局的重新分配包裹。14.Individual consolidation.个人整理。Consolidation of holdings can take place on an informal and sporadic

14、basis.土地整理可以在非正式的、零星的基础上进行。The state is not directly involved and so these initiatives do not include the provision of public facilities. . 国家不直接参与,所以这些举措不包括提供公共。15. However, the state can play a significant role in encourage consolidation that improve agriculture by promoting instrunments such as j

15、oint use agreements,leasing and retirement schemes.但是国家可以在鼓励土地整理方面发挥重要作用,通过促进像联合土地利用协议、租赁和收回方案等手段来改善农业生产条件。第二篇1.Goals are broad statements of desired outcomes(e.g. maintain ecosystem health and productivity, promote community stability, ensure sustainable development)that usually are not quantifiabl

16、e.目的是对通常不能量化的预期成果(例如维持生态系统的健康和生产能力、促进社区稳定、保障可持续发展)都宽泛描述。2.Since the release of the original Handbook, the BLM has worked with RACs (resource advisory councils) to develop Land Health Standards applicable to all ecosystems and management actions.土地管理局原“手册”的发布以来,一直与RACS(资源咨询理事会)开发土地健康标准“适用于所有的生态系统和管理行动。3.These Land Health Standards must be expressed as goals in the land use plan.这些土地的卫生标准必须表示为目标的土地利用规划。4.A sample goa

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