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透特的翡翠石板 XII 因果法则和预言的钥匙Word文件下载.docx

1、记下来呀,哦人类,对于我智慧的话,记下来呀亚特兰提斯岛透特的声音。我已征服时空的法则。我已经获得未来时间的知识。我知道以他的运转的人类通过时空将永远成为与全部一体的一Know ye, O man,that all of the future is an open bookto him who can read.All effect shall bring forth its causesas all effects grew from the first cause.Know ye the future is not fixed orstable but varies as cause bri

2、ngs forth an effect.Look in the cause thou shalt bring into being,and surely thou shalt see that all is effect.知道呀,哦人类,未来的全部是一本开启的书对能阅读的他而言。全部的结果将往前带来它的原因因为全部的作用均从第一原因生成。知道呀未来不是确定的或稳定的只是随往前带来的结果的原因变化。看原因你将会形成,而的确你将会看见全部是结果。So, O man, be sure the effects that ye bringforth are ever causes of more per

3、fect effects.Know ye the future is never in fixation butfollows mans free will as it moves throughthe movements of time-space towardthe goal where a new time begins.同样如此,哦人类,确信往前产生的结果就是更多完美结果的永恒原因。知道呀未来决不再定格只跟随人类的自由意志当它通过时空的运动向着新时间开始的目标。Man can only read the future throughthe causes that bring the e

4、ffects.Seek ye within the causation andsurely ye shall find the effects.人类仅仅能读未来通过产生结果的原因。寻找内在原因而的确将会发现结果。List ye, O man, while I speak of the future,speak of the effect that follows the cause.Know ye that man in his journey light-wardis ever seeking escape from the night that surrounds him,like the

5、 shadows that surround the stars in the skyand like the stars in the sky-space, he, too,shall shine from the shadows of night.记下来呀,哦人类,当我谈论未来时,谈论跟随因的果。知道在他旅途中人类光守卫永远寻求逃脱包围他的黑暗,像笼罩天上星星的阴影而他也像天空中的星星,将会从黑暗的阴影中发光。Ever his destiny shall lead him onwarduntil he is One with the Light.Aye, though his way li

6、es midst the shadows,ever before him glows the Great Light.Dark though the way be yet shall he conquerthe shadows that flow around him like night.他的命运将永远导致他向前直到他是与光同在的一。是呀,虽然他的道路置于阴影中间,在他前永远发出伟大的光。虽然道路是黑暗的他仍将征服像黑暗围绕他流动的阴影。Far in the future, I see man as Light-born,free from the darkness that fetters

7、 the Soul,living in Light without the bounds of the darknessto cover the Light that is Light of their Soul.在遥远的未来,我看见像光诞生的人类,解除了拘禁灵魂的黑暗,活在光里没有黑暗的束缚去覆盖是他们灵魂光的光。Know ye, O man, before ye attain this thatmany the dark shadows shall fall on your Lightstriving to quench with the shadows of darknessthe Li

8、ght of the Soul that strives to be free.知道呀,哦人类,在之前获得这多数黑暗阴影将落到你的光里努力去结束黑暗的阴影努力奋斗获得自由的灵魂之光。Great is the struggle between Light and darkness,age old and yet ever new. Yet, know in a time, far in the future,Light shall be All and darkness shall fall.伟大就是光与黑暗间的竞争,古老年代可是永远新的。在遥远未来时间里仍知道,光将是全部而黑暗将会落下。Lis

9、t ye, O man, to my words of wisdom.Prepare and ye shall not bind your Light.Man has risen and man has fallen as ever newwaves of consciousness flow from the greatabyss below us toward the Sun of their goal.记下来呀,哦人类,对于我智慧的话语。有准备而将不约束你的光。人类提升和人类堕落有如永远新的那样意识波从伟大里产生我们之下的深渊向着他们目标的太阳。Ye, my children, have

10、 risen from a statethat was little above the beast,until now of all men ye are greatest.Yet before thee were others greater than thee.Yet tell I thee as before thee others have fallen, 我的孩子,从少许高于畜牲的状态里提升,直到全部的人类现在是最好的。而之前是其他人比你更伟大。我仍告诉你就如你以前的其他人已经堕落,因而同样将会结束。And upon the land where ye dwell now,bari

11、ans shall dwell and in turn rise to Light.Forgotten shall be the ancient-wisdom,yet ever shall live though hidden from men.而现在居住的陆地之上,野人将居住转而依次提升到光里。会忘记远古的智慧,虽然隐藏于人类中仍永远活着。Aye, in the land thou callest Khem,races shall rise and races shall fall.Forgotten shalt thou be of the children of men.Yet thou

12、 shalt have moved to a star-spacebeyond this leaving behind this place where thou has dwelt.是呀,在你呼唤的古埃及土地上,族类会提升而族类会堕落。你会忘记你是人类的孩子。你仍将会向恒星空间移动超越这远离开你已经居住的这个地方。The Soul of man moves ever onward,bound not by any one star.But ever moving to the great goal before himwhere he is dissolved in the Light of

13、 the All.Know ye that ye shall ever go onward,moved by the Law of cause and effect 人类的灵魂永远向前移动,不受任何恒星的限制。而是永远向他前面的伟大目标移动那是他溶解于全部光的地方。知道呀将永远向前去,受因果法则移动直到最后两者成为一Aye, man, after ye have gone,others shall move in the places ye lived.Knowledge and wisdom shall all be forgotten,and only a memory of Gods shall survive.As I to thee am a God by my knowledge,so ye, too shall be Gods of the futurebecause of your knowledge far above theirs.Yet know ye that all through the ages,man shall have access to Law when he will.是呀,人类,已经离去之后,其他人将活在有生命的地方。知识和智慧将全部会忘记,而只有上帝的记忆将存活。对于你我是靠我的知识

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