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1、 How to keep yourself safeTeaching Time:Period 1 Warming up and DiscussionPeriod 2 Listening and Speaking Part APeriod 3 Listening and Speaking Part BPeriod 4 Reading and Writing Text and ExercisesPeriod 5 Language in Use Phonetics and VocabularyPeriod 6 Real Life Skills What will you do at the emer

2、gency?Period 7 Further Reading and Unit SummaryPeriod 1 Warming up and Discussion1. Be familiar with the topic “danger and safety”.2. Recognize the safety signs.3. Discuss how to handle the emergency.Teaching Key Points:1. Master some words and phrases about danger and safety.2. Enable the students

3、to recognize the safety signs.3. Improve the students ability of oral English.Teaching Difficult Points:1. Be familiar with some phrases about danger and safety.2. Use proper words to express themselves.Teaching Methods:1. Brain storming 2. Group discussion: What can you do in case of emergencies, s

4、uch as robbery, fire earthquake, nose bleeding, broken arm and so on?Teaching Aids:1. Multimedia2. BlackboardTeaching Procedures:Step GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Leading-inShow some pictures about safety signs and then let the students speak out the meaning of each picture. School a

5、round! Slippery floor! Keep your file safe! Wash your hands!Step List the words and phrases that are related to “danger and safety”.For example: 慢(快)车道 Slow(Quick) Lane 单行道 One Way Only, Single Lane危险弯路 Dangerous Curves 三岔路 Road Junction 十字路 Cross Road 当心行人 Caution pedestrian crossing安全第一 safety fir

6、st 勿踏草地!Keep off the grass!前方没有红绿灯 Traffic lights ahead 减速Slow down注意危险Watch out for danger 人行横道 Pedestrian crossing请小心驾驶Please drive carefully Step Discussion How can you do in case of the following emergencies?EmergencyHow to handleRobberyFireEarthquakeNose bleedingBroken armSome Tips Call 119. Ca

7、ll 120. Go to the doctors. Lie down and take cover. Deal with it by yourself.Key points:1. lie down 躺下(休息或睡眠)Why dont you go upstairs and lie down for a bit? 你不为什么不上楼去躺一会儿呢?Lie down on the couch if youre feeling ill. 如果你感觉不舒服就躺到沙发上去。 Lets lie down for a rest. 咱们躺下休息一会儿。A fit of dizziness came over h

8、er so she had to lie down. 她突然感到头晕,不得不躺下来。 lie一词有两个基本意思。一是“躺下”;一是“说谎”。只是要注意它在不同的意思里,过去式和过去分词的形式也不同。躺下分别为lie, lay, lain;说谎则是lie, lied, lied。2. deal with与.交涉,交易;应付;处理He has learnt to deal properly with all kinds of complicated situations.他已学会恰当地应付各种复杂局面。 关于This book deals with an important. 这本书论及一个重要的

9、问题。do with 常与连接代词 what 连用,而 deal with 常与连接副词 how 连用,如:I dont know how they deal with the problem. (= I dont know what they do with the problem. )我不知道他们如何处理这个问题。He is easy to deal with. (= He is easy to do with. 这时“do”是不及物动词)他是容易相处的人.这两个词组在使用时有细微的差别。一般地说,do with 表示“处置”、“忍受”、“相处”、“有关”等。如:They found a

10、way to do with the elephant. 他们找到对付那头大象的办法了。We cant do with such carelessness. 我们不能容忍这种粗枝大叶的作风。We are difficult to do with the new comer. 我们很难与新来的那个人相处。I have nothing to do with him. 我跟他无任何关系。deal with 意义很广,常表示“对付”、“应付”、“处理”、“安排”、“论述”、“涉及”等。They could properly deal with all kinds of situations. 他能恰当

11、地应付各种局面。Deal with a man as he deals with you. 以其人之道,还治其人之身。This is a book dealing with Asian problems. 这是一本论述亚洲问题的书。They have learned to deal with various persons. 他们学会了和各种人打交道。3. broken arm broken1 (break的过去分词)broken2形容词 a. 破碎的;损坏的s sweep away the broken glass.让我们把这些碎玻璃扫走。Joes watch is broken.乔的手表坏

12、了。被破坏的;遭违背的After a broken promise, it is hard to count on a person.一次失约,再要人相信你就难了。不连续的;中断的She said she had a broken sleep last night.她说昨夜她睡得不熟,常常醒。衰弱的;沮丧的;低沉的John suffered from a broken spirit.约翰心灰意懒。(婚姻)破裂的;(家庭)破碎的 Most of these children come from broken families.这些孩子中的多数人来自婚姻破裂的家庭。(语言)拙劣的,不流利的Alis

13、on speaks broken French.艾莉森讲法语结结巴巴。Step Summary and HomeworkSummary: In this class, we have discussed an important part in our daily life danger and safety. We have known that how to handle the emergencies. We also learned some words and phases in this class. Homework: Everyone should retell an expe

14、rience you once experienced in your life and then enjoy it with all the class in the next lesson.Step The Design of Writing on the blackboardStep Record after teaching1. Be familiar with the topic “Help! Help!”.2. Discuss why Lily calling for help.3. Learn and master the useful phrases and expressions.4.

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