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1、 B. in place of C. in name of D. in honor of3.We were sad to learn that several students were_by a car yesterday.A. hit outB. knocked over C. run across D. picked up 4.My teacher punished me this morning.Why? Youve done nothing wrong, _I can see.A. as long asB. as well asC. as far asD. as soon as5.T

2、he well was found _ when we got there. A. diggingB. to be dug C. to digD. being dug 6.The ship rocked violently from side to side, _many passengers to feel seasick A. causing B. caused C. which causing D. to cause 7.If Mary carries on working like this, she will _ sooner or later.A. put down B. get

3、down C. break down D. go down 8. _Have you seen the film The Lord of Rings?_Yes. When in the country, I _ it twice.A. saw B. have seen C. had seen D. would seen 9._to reach them on the phone, we sent an e-mail instead.A. Fail B. Failed C. To fail D. Having failed 10.Im tired outI stayed up the whole

4、 night, _ for my final examAstudying Bto study Cto be studyingDstudied 11.The house caught fire last week, with little of the original building _.A. remain B. remained C. remains D. remaining12.Better take a break. You _the Internet for more than three hours.A.are surfing B.surfed C.have surfed D.ha

5、ve been surfing13._Fancy meeting you here!_Pleased to see you. If they _ me to the party, I _ here.A. hadnt invited; wouldnt beB. didnt invite; wouldnt beC. hadnt invited; wouldnt have been D. didnt invite; wont be14._Do you like the material?_Yes,it_very soft. feeling B.felt C.feels felt1

6、5._ Im not good at basketball, you know. _ _ Were playing for fun. Just try and youll see you can do it. A. Well, it depends. B. Take your time. C. Come on! D. Thats it.第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)Our thoughts, words, and actions often cause harm to others and to us. Without reconciliation(和解), we ca

7、nnot deepen our understanding and only cause more suffering. Beginning Anew is a(n)16of reconciliation. It involves three steps - sharing appreciation, expressing 17 , and expressing hurt and difficulties.In the first step, we share appreciation. We acknowledge the18 qualities of the other person. T

8、he second step - expressing regret, is to 19with the other person our regrets for the things we have done or said that might have caused him or her 20 . This requires humility (谦逊), and the 41 to let go of our own pride. In the third step, we 22 our own hurt with mindful and loving 23 without blamin

9、g or criticizing. We speak in such a way that the other person can listen and 24 our words. If we 25 the other person, his heart will 26 and he will not be able to hear us. We ask the other person to help us to understand 27 he has spoken and acted as he has , causing us so much pain. Perhaps, later

10、, he can share his feelings 28 we can understand him more deeply. If a strong 29 arises in us while we are expressing our suffering, we should simply 30 and come back to our breathing until the emotion becomes 31 . The other person can 32 us by following his breathing until we are ready to continue.

11、 We can enjoy practicing with our partner, our family, or our friends 33 . By doing this, we will 34 misunderstandings from accumulating. Rather, we will take care of them as they arise, 35 we take care of our children.16. A. method B. practice C. example D. experience17. A. concern B. belief C. reg

12、ret D. sympathy18. A. positive B. poor C. confident D. selfish19. A. chat B. compare C. debate D. share20. A. pain B. anxiety C. confusion D. loss21. A. willingnessB. kindness C. happiness D. weakness22. A. charge B. argue C. express D. combine23. A. speech B. letter C. story D. question24. A. choose B. accept C, spread D. change25. A. trustB. praise C. envy D. blame26. A. open B. close C. beat D. melt27. A. when B. how C

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