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1、loyaltyloyalty 忠诚, 忠心 /loyaltyfaithfaith 信念You must have faith in yourself. 你必须相信你自己。/faithtrusttrust vt.信任, 信赖 n.( in) 信任, 信赖/trusttruthfulnesstruthfulness 真诚genuine 真诚的, 真实的/truthfulness28. When business is _, there is usually an obvious increase in unemployment. A. degraded B. depressed C. reduce

2、d D. lesseneddepressdepress v.使沮丧, 使萧条depression 沮丧, 萧条, 低洼地带/depressdegradedegrade v.(使)降级, (使)堕落品味低/degradereduceduce引起,带来reduce vt.减少, 缩小 带回去induce 诱惑, 劝诱produce 生产deduce 推断, 推论, 演绎出从上往下educate 教育education n.教育introduce 介绍往里带/reducelessenlessen 减少, 变得更小enrich 使丰富, 使充实/lessenrecessionrecession (经济

3、)不景气/recessionredundantredundant 冗余的/redundant29.He believed that the greatest of his _ was that hed never had a college education. A. griefs B. misfortunes C. disasters D. sorrowsgriefgrief 悲伤brief 简洁relief 缓解bleary 模糊的blight 使枯萎/griefmisfortunemisfortune 不幸、灾祸/misfortunedisasterdisaster 灾难敌人把他砸死了/

4、disastersorrowsorrow 悲伤、悲痛、懊丧sorry 遗憾的sob 哭泣骚包在哭泣subtle 敏锐的、敏感的/sorrow30. Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they have _ vision. A. vigorous B. exact C. acute D. vividvigorousvigorous 精力旺盛的, 有力的, 健壮的/vigorousexactexact 确切的, 精确的, 准确的/exactvividvivid 生动的, 形象的, 鲜明的/vividacuteacu

5、te 敏锐的/acutevisionvision 视力, 眼界/vision1. By moving the radar beam around slowly in circles, we can _ the surroundings. A. explore B. expose C. exploit D. addleaddleaddle 混乱的、糊涂的挨逗的感觉addle egg 变坏了的蛋/addleexploreexplore 开发、研究、探索/exploreexposeexpose 暴露/exposeexploitexploit 开发、剥削explode 爆炸lodestar 北极星th

6、e exploited 被剥削者/exploit2. The lady dressed in the latest Paris fashion is _ in her appearance but rude in her speech. A. elaborate B. excessive C. elegant D. exaggeratedelegantelegant 优雅的、优美的露大腿走来走去/elegantelaborateelaborate 详细规划、详细设计、精心制作collaborate 合作共同劳动/elaborateexcessiveexcessive 过度的、过分的/exces

7、siveexaggerateexaggerate 夸张、夸大有个下鸡蛋的速度又被夸大了/exaggerateruderude 粗鲁的、原始的rudiment 基本原理rud原始erudite 博学多才的从原始中出来/rude3. A window in the kitchen was _ ; there was rubbish everywhere, and the curtains and carpets had been stolen. A. scattered B. scraped C. scratched D. smashed curtaincurtain 窗帘certain 确信的、

8、确定的 /curtainsmashclash 冲撞911crash 坠落、坠毁smash 粉碎、破碎 ash 废墟abash 羞愧cash 金钱/smashscatterscatter 分散、拆散disperse 分散 /scatterscrapescrape 刮skyscraper 摩天大楼乱到天了/scrapescratchscratch 抓、挠、刮scratch you head 思考、思索/scratch4. As a _ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.

9、A. flexible B. versatile C. sophisticated D. productive versatileverse旋转的词根versatile 多才多艺的转尾巴verse 诗歌conversation 谈话共同扭转话题reverse 颠倒、倒转转回来diverse 不同的dim 光线暗淡的、视线模糊的两个MM太暗看不清distress 沮丧两份压力stress重压distressing 沮丧的 controversy 相矛盾的、相背的universe 宇宙/versatileflexibleflex转flexible 弹性的、灵活的、易弯曲的、柔韧的/flexible

10、sophisticatedsoph聪明的词根more是惷的词根sophisticated 聪明的、复杂的、老于世故的sophomore 大二学生 naive 天真的、可爱的 innocent 天真的、可爱的、无辜的青春本来就没钱/sophisticatedproductiveproductive 生产的reproductive 复制的、生殖的、再生的再生一些东西abduct 诱骗、诱拐不正当的引导duct、duce词根是引导kidnap 绑架kid小朋友nap睡觉conduct 行为共同的引导/productive5. There are not many teachers who are s

11、trong _ of traditional methods in English teaching. A. sponsors B. contributors C. advocates D. performerstraditionaltraditional 传统的conventional 传统的肯纹身的/traditionalsponsorsponsor 捐助者、捐资者spontaneously 天生的、自发的、自愿的spontaneous/sponsorcontributorcontributor 贡献者、捐献者tribut给予/contributoradvocatevoc,vok是声音ad

12、vocate 支持、拥护一再的给予声音vocal 呼唤、召唤、声音的evoke 引起、引发说出来provoke 引起、引发往前说provocative 挑衅的breach 打破、突破break 打破/advocateperformerperformer 演员、表演者/performer6. On weekend, my grandma usually _ a glass of wine. A. subscribes to B. engages in C. hangs on D. indulges in subscribesubscribe 订阅subscription 订阅量、订金/subscribeengage inengage in 从事某事、忙于某事engaging 迷人的、吸引人的engagement 约会、订婚tryst 约会 试着到街上约会/engage inhang onhang on 坚持、紧握着、抓住不放/hang onindulge inindulge in 沉浸于其中、放纵的、享受割了个L,不郁闷dull 钝的、枯燥的、白痴的、傻乎乎的、呆滞的、索然无味/indulge in7. At the party we found that shy girl _ her

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