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推荐新课标高考英语复习题课时8 课标词汇8 与连词和状语从句含答案Word文件下载.docx

1、3The different kinds of media _ that we obtain a large amount of valuable information in time.各种各样的媒体使我们有可能及时地获得许多有价值的信息。4Many countries are reported _ to research and develop the new sort of cars so as to face the energy crisis.据报道,很多国家正采取各种手段研发新型汽车,以应对能源危机。5Not until the entire river was covered w

2、ith rotten fish which died from acid rain _ how serious the pollution was.直到整条河里漂满了酸雨导致的死鱼,村民们才意识到污染有多严重。6The local officials admitted that _ the whole city to take specific action to control the quantity of the private vehicles so as to relieve the traffic burden during the rush hours.当地官员承认是时候全市采取

3、特别行动控制私车数量,以缓解高峰时期的交通压力。7He hurried to the railway station out of breath,_ that the train leaving for Shanghai had been away for half an hour.他上气不接下气赶到火车站,不料却被告知开往上海的火车已经离开半小时了。8While the class teacher _ the importance of doing homework independently his students still spent most of the time copying

4、 others homework.班主任强调了独立完成作业的重要性,但学生们仍然抄袭作业。9After a thorough inspection,the repairman gave me a disappointing report that the reason why my car _ was that the pipe had been damaged because of the freezing weather.在彻底检查后,修理工给了我一份失望的报告,说车子坏了的原因是由于天太冷管子受损。10_ to help us handle this tough problem in y

5、our spare time because it is very difficult for us to think of a means as effective as yours.你能在业余时间帮助我们解决这个棘手的问题真是太好了,因为我们很难想到和你一样行之有效的办法。.单词拼写1His difficulties in his work issue from his _(缺少) of experience.2He always manages to _ (获得)what he wants.3This company is more concerned with quality than

6、 with _(数量)4Dont _(负担) yourself with unnecessary problems.5If you run very fast,you may lose your _(气息)6I suppose so,if you can _ (对付) it with care.7We won the contract but only through a lot of _ (艰难的) negotiating.8In the short term,the medicine may not be very _(有效的)【基础语法演练】高考经典演练单句语法填空1(2015北京高考)

7、He is a shy man, _ he is not afraid of anything or anyone.2(2015江苏高考)It is so cold that you cant go outside _ fully covered in thick clothes.3(2015湖南高考)_ the job takes a significant amount of time, most students agree that the experience is worth it.4(2015北京高考)You wont find paper cutting difficult _

8、 long as you keep practicing it.5(2015北京高考)_ the damage is done, it will take many years for the farmland to recover.6(2015浙江高考)Just _ a single word can change the meaning of a sentence, a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph.7(2015重庆高考)If you miss this chance, it may be years _ you

9、 get another one.8(2015陕西高考)I believe you will have a wonderful time here _ you get to know everyone else.9(2015四川高考)There is only one more day to go _ your favorite music group play live.10(2015天津高考)We need to get to the root of the problem _ we can solve it.11(2015安徽高考)_ scientists have learned a

10、lot about the universe, there is much we still dont know.12(2015安徽高考)_ he once felt like giving up, he now has the determination to push further and keep on going.13(2015福建高考)_ the students came from different countries, they got along quite well in the summer camp.能力提升演练.用所给词的适当形式填空1The new teacher

11、 is still very much an unknown quantity but we have hopes that he will be a _ (value) member of our team.2The wood was so _ (rot) that you could put your finger through it.3The move from London was _ (entire) unwelcome to her.4I was completely _ (breath) when I got to the top of the mountain.5Our En

12、glish course places great _ (emphasize) on conversational skills.6I gave the radio a thorough _ (inspect) before buying it.7Beside your earlier work this piece seems rather _ (disappoint)8Its very cold today;the temperature has dropped to _ (freeze) point.9I am well aware that this is a _ (toughly)

13、job.10News _ (medium) have a great influence on peoples mind.根据汉语提示填入适当的连词1_ I am washing the floor,you can be cleaning the windows.我洗地板的时候,你可以擦窗户。2_ I came home,I met an old schoolmate of mine.我回家的时候遇到了我的一位老同学。3Ill ring you up _ I get an answer from him.一有他的答复我就给你打电话。4Youd better make a mark _ you have any questions.你最好在有问题的地方做个记号。5He would keep in touch with us _ he was.他无论在什么地方,总是与我们保持联系。6_ you are al

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