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1、不定代词用法一览表例 词含义作 用例 句both后接复数名词表示两个人或事物主语Both are teachers. 两个都是教师。宾语The teacher wanted both of us to go.老师要我们两个人都去。定语Both questions are easy.两个问题都很容易。同位语They both did it well.他们两个人都干得不错。注: 1. both与定冠词、指示代词、物主代词连用时,应放在这些词的前面。2. both在否定句中用作主语时,表示部分否定。如: Both of you wont go. 你们两个不需要都走。neither后接单数名词(与bo

2、th反义)表示两个人或事物都不主语Neither is mine.两个都不是我的。宾语I want neither of the books.那两本书我都不要。定语Neither sentence is correct.两个句子都不对。注: Neither在句子中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。Neither在句子中作主语时表示全部否定。如: Neither of you is Japanese.你们两个都不是日本人。You cant eat either of them=You can eat neither of them.either后接单数名词两个人或物中任一个主语Either will

3、 be all right.两个中哪一个都行。宾语He looked at the two pens, but didnt buy either(=bought neither).他看了两支笔,但一支也没有买。定语You may take either book (=take one of the two books).=You cant take both of the two books.两本书你可以任选一本。all最少表示三个以上(肯定)主语All of them are workers.他们都是工人。宾语The teacher asked us all about the matter

4、.老师问了我们所有的事。表语Thats all for today.今天就到这。定语All men are mortal.人总是要死的。状语He was all covered with mud.他浑身是泥。同位语They all came here.他们都到了。注: 1. all与定冠词、指示代词、物主代词连用时要放在它们的前面。如: Do you see all the birds in the tree?你看到树上所有的鸟吗? 2. all用作状语时,应放在实义动词之前,助动词之后。如:The books were all sold out.所有的书都卖完了。 3. not与all连用时

5、表示部分否定。none(与all反义,与no one, not any同义)最少表示三个(否定)主语None of them have come back yet.他们一个都还没有回来。宾语She chose none but the best.她只挑了最好的东西。表语Its none of your business.没你的事。同位语We none of us send anything to our teacher.我们谁也没有给老师送东西。 none用在表示最少三个以上的否定。None指不可数名词时,其谓语用单数;指可数名词时,谓语动词可用单数也可用复数。一般来说,从整体上来看,应用复数

6、。例如:None of the money is mine. 这些钱都不是我的。None of the answers is(are) correct. 这些答案都不对。manymuchmany+可数名词,much+不可数名词主语Did many oppose it? 有许多人反对它吗?There is much milk in my cup. And there is not much in yours.我的杯里有许多奶,而你的杯里没有多少了。宾语I have as many as my sister has. 我和妹妹拥有的一样多。Eat as much as you like. 你尽量地

7、吃吧。定语We have many friends. 我们有许多朋友。There is much water left.还剩下许多水。someanysome用于肯定句,any用于否定句,疑问句和条件句中。主语Some of us were late for school.我们中有些人上学迟到了。宾语I want to eat some of the cakes.我想吃些蛋糕。定语I have some questions to ask. 我有些问题要问。Do you have any questions to ask? 你还有问题要问吗?注: some有时可以用于表示“请求”的疑问句中,例如:

8、 Will you please give me some tea? 给我来些茶好吗?fewa few修饰可数名词。a few表示肯定,few表示否定。主语Few of us study English. 我们中很少有人学习英语。A few of the girls are tall. 女孩中有几个个子高。宾语We have few of books. 我们几乎没有书。定语He is a man of few words. 他是个沉默寡言的人。littlea little修饰不可数名词。a little表示肯定,little表示否定。主语There is little left. 所剩无几。宾

9、语He has done little for us. 他很少为我们做事。定语I have a little money with me. 我身上带着一点钱。eacheveryone(each指两个以上,every指三个以上)Each强调个性,every强调共性,one表示某个主语Each has his own work. 每个人都有自己的工作。One must do ones duty. 人尽其量。宾语We must help each of the students. 我们必须帮助每位同学。定语Every one of us must study hard.我们中每位都必须努力学习。同位

10、语They each had beautiful cars.他们每人都有一辆漂亮的小车。注: 1. one的所有格为ones;反身代词是oneself;复数形式是ones。One前面可用形容词或指示代词修饰,例如: the red one, this one。但不能用形容词性物主代词修饰。例如: my one, his one的表达是错误的。 2. every的后面不能接of短语,而every one, each后面则可以接of短语。otheranotherother表示“两个”之中的另一个; another表示三个以上或不明数量中的另一个。主语I have two rubbers. One

11、is white, the other is red.我有两块橡皮,一块是白色的,一块是红色的。宾语Show me another. 把另一个给我看。定语The other students are playing football. 另外一些同学在踢足球。Would you like another glass of water?你还要喝一杯水吗?each other表示两者之间的“互相”宾语We must learn from each other and help each other.我们必须互相学习,互相帮助。定语We should point out each others sho

12、rtcoming.我们必须互相指出缺点。one another表示最少三以上的“互相”宾语They talked with one another. 他们互相交谈。They helped one another with English. 他们在英语上互相帮助。注:other相当于名词时,其复数形式为others,其所属格形式为others和others。each other的所属格为each others。one another的所属格为one anothers。不定代词不是指明代替任何特定名词的代词叫做不定代词。常见的不定代词有all,both,each,every,some,any,ma

13、ny,much,(a)few,(a)little,one,ones,either,neither,other,another,no,none以及含有some-,any-,no-等的合成代词(如:anybody,something,no one)。这些不定代词大都可以代替名词和形容词,在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语。但none和由some,any,no,every+thing,-body,-one构成的复合不定代同(如somebody等)只能作主语、宾语或表语;every和no只能作定语。(这些词作定语时,有些语法书称之为形容词)下面我们把一些主要的不定代词用法归纳如下:one的用法

14、一个),可以指人,也可以指物。在句中可作主语、宾语和定语。One should not praise oneself. 一个人不应炫耀自己。(one作主语和宾语)If one wants to visit the city,one must find ones own guide.如要参观这个城市,得自己找向导。,ones(one的复数形式)可用来代替前面出现过的少数名词,以避免重复。Do you have a car?Yes,I have one. 你有一辆小汽车吗?是的,我有一辆。I like small cars better than large ones. 我喜欢小汽车,不

15、喜欢大汽车。3.one的前面可用this,that,the,which等词修饰。There are three pens,which one is yours,this one or that one or the one in the pencil-box?这儿有三支钢笔,哪一支是你的?这支?那支?还是在铅笔盒里的那支?4.a+形容词+one这一形式,经常见到或使用。I have an old bike,but he has a new one.我有辆旧自行车,他有辆新的。own后面不用oneYour shoes dont fit me, Id better wear my own.我穿你的鞋不合适,我最好还是穿我自己的。it和one的比较it用来指特定的东西(the+名词);而one则用于

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