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1、Good Afternoon. My name is Darrell. Could you tell me your full name please?My name is Shi-in Lee.And what should I call you?You can call me Shi-in please.Thank you. Do you work or are you a student?I work. I do interpreting and translation.Oh. Can you tell me about your job?Well, there are differen

2、t types of um interpreting. There is medical interpreting, and theres legal interpreting, business interpreting, and conference interpreting etc. And they are all very different and you get to meet different types of people. Um, its very rewarding because you are helping people who doesnt have much

3、English and you get paid for you job as well. So you get to learn a lot about current issues, and at the same time, you get a lot of headaches too, because you get to hear a lot of problems from your clients. So its a very interesting job, and Im enjoying it still, after seventeen years.And err, whe

4、n is the busiest time in your job?I cant say that ummy busiest you know at a certain time of the year, its very hard to predict so I really cant say - say around, well Summer is the busiest time of the year, or winter is the busiest or, I really cant say that a certain time of the year is the busies

5、t.And if you could change your job, what would you prefer to do?Sometimes umm, although Im working and Im helping people and without an interpreter I guess nothing much can happen, because there wont be any communication, proper communication between you know, two parties. But then again, interprete

6、rs are not supposed to give an opinion. So you are left with the feeling that you are not contributing at all towards the result of the session. So if I changed my job I think I would pick something which is completely different from interpreting and where I can actually contribute towards the resul

7、t of the discussion. So thats what I might do in the future, you never know.What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?Well actually, I like all sorts of music. My husband says I have Catholic tastes in music. So I like classical music, of course, because I played piano when I was a little girl. A

8、ctually, not just as a little girl, I still play. So I like classical music, and I like jazz, blues, you know, even heavy metal. Whatever is good I can appreciate it.Do you play a musical instrument?Yes I play piano and I play a little bit of violin as well.And what musical instruments do most peopl

9、e play in your home country?Um in Korea, I think most girls from a proper family would play at least one musical instrument and which is normally piano. So, a lot of girls would you know, start playing piano when they are five or say seven. And I started playing piano when I was six I think.If you c

10、an play a musical instrument, does this help you to enjoy music more?Yes and no. In some ways it makes you, I guess take more interest in music and when you listen to the music you know how to appreciate it properly.But then again if you get to hear certain pieces of music on the radio which youve p

11、layed before, straight away you find yourself sort of analysing the performer. So you really cant relax, so its sort of- its not maybe enjoyable as much. It suddenly, it becomes a chore; your mind is at work, analysing and assessing the performance. So I guess yes and no.Thank you. Now Id like you t

12、o speak for one or two minutes on a topic. You have one minute to plan your answer. Here is a pencil and paper to make notes. Here is your topic: Id like you to describe your favourite teacher.Thank you. Can you start speaking now please? You have one to two minutes. I will tell you when the time is

13、 up.My favourite teacher, um, his name is Kwan Sing Pak. He was my English teacher when I was in High school in Korea. You know in Korea, all the English teachers are basically Korean. Umm.he was my teacher um, for two years, um Year eleven and Year twelve. You know the girls of that age um they nor

14、mally like teachers, you know good looking, with the looks, with good sense of humour and- and all. But this specific teacher was not physically attractive at all. He was rather, not terribly good looking. (Im sorry to be saying this). But I really adored this teacher because um, I guess to start wi

15、th I loved studying languages and he was teaching English and I really loved learning English from him. And he was very passionate about his job, teaching, and he was actually enjoying it, and I could tell he was enjoying it. He had good teaching skills. He encouraged and nearly coerced, you know, c

16、ontribution from the students.And you could actually be quite sure sitting in his class that when you give answers, how silly they might sound, you would never be laughed at or anything. So you were feeling quite free to have a conversational discussion with the teacher or other students in the class. And what was also quite special about him was that he had good sense of humour, much so much

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