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1、每个句子读一遍。(5分)。 A B C D E1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_二选择恰当的应答语。(5分)( ) 6. A. In 1927. B. In America. C. By a foreigner.( ) 7. A. Oh, great! B. Yes, I do. C. Me, too.( ) 8. A. Yes, Id love to. B. Id like to visit Brazil. C. Youre right.( ) 9. A. So do I. B. I dont think so. C. Its a very beautiful city.( ) 10. A. I

2、like music that I can sing along with. B. No, I dont. C. Its too boring.三听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。(10分)( ) 11. A. Usually. B. Never. C. Sometimes.( ) 12. A. To Yunnan. B. To Beijing. C. To Shanghai.( ) 13. A. He was born in Qufu. B. He knows Confucius well. C. He is as famous as Confucius.( ) 14.

3、A. A dentist. B.A reporter. C. A fisherman.( ) 15. A. Jim. B. Tom. C. Sam.( ) 16. A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.( ) 17. A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot.( ) 18. A. Loud music. B. Soft music. C. Rock music.( ) 19. A. To make money for his education. B. To make money for his parents. C.

4、To raise money for the poor children.( ) 20. A. At home. B. At school. C. In hospital.四根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。短文读三遍。( ) 21.Why is there no one to answer the phone?A. Because the telephone was broken. B. B. Because no one wants to answer it.C. Because the office has moved to another place.( ) 22. The offices

5、 new telephone number is_.A. 847-6896 B. 847-8696 C. 847-8966( ) 23. We can find the office _.A. in front of a bank. B. in the city park. C. on the right of Church Bank.( ) 24. How many hours is the office open a day?A. 7. B.8. C. 9.( ) 25. What can one get for free if he or she spends $500 or more

6、on a holiday? A. A travel bag. B. A guidebook. C. Two tickets.笔试部分(90分)一单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)A)从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案.( ) 26. The Chinese book _Marys . Look! Her name is on the cover. A.could be B. can be C. must be D. need be( ) 27.-Was this cap made_your grandma? -Yes, it was. in B.of C. by D. for( ) 28. Th

7、is bookcase belongs _. A. Linda B. Lindas C. to Linda Lindas( ) 29. You dont know _I want to see you again. Its a year since I last saw you.A how soon B. how long C. how often D. how much( ) 30. _teenagers _the Internet! Or it will have a large influence on them.A. Change, into B. Consider, as

8、C. Divide, into D. Keep, away from( ) 31. -Wheres my pen?. -Oh, sorry ,I have taken yours _. A. by the chance B. by accident C. by mistake D. by choice( ) 32. Not only I but also my mother _this sweater now. A.likes B. like C. enjoy D. liked( )33. Did you hear _ in your room? -No, I didnt.A.anything

9、 unusual B. something unusual C. unusual anythingD. unusual something ( )34.Teenagers should_to make their own decisions.A.allow to B. allowed to allowed to allow to( )35. -Excuse me. Could you tell me _get to the nearest post office? - Sorry, I am new here.A. how can I B. how I can C.what

10、 I can D.what can I( )36. He wants to get his hair _.A. cutting B. cutted C. to cut D. cut( )37. Do you know when the telephone _? In 1876. A. invented B. was invented C. is invented D. has invented( ) 38. I like people _ talk little but do much.A. whose B.whom C. who D. whereB)从下面各题所给的四个选项中,选出与句子中划

11、线部分意思相同或相近的选项.( )39. Abings was famous for his musical ability. A. know for B. know as C. known for D.known as( )40. I havent seen him for several days.A.many B. some C. a few D. a little二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读短文,从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。 Mr. Black lived in a village before he became a famous lawyer (律师). He

12、remembers how hard his life was when he studied in college and his parents had to 41 a lot of money for him. He works hard now and tries to make as much 42 as possible.He lives in a beautiful house with his family, and his 43 Richard is clever. He loves his son very much and sends him to the best sc

13、hool in the city. He wants Richard to live a 44 life and he buys anything the boy wants. He also hopes his son will become a great scientist.He doesnt know Richard 45 studying and spends a lot of time playing games. Now he is interested 46_ fishing and sometimes misses classes, so he failed all his

14、last exams. Miss Brown, his head teacher, has told him not to do this, 47 he doesnt listen to her. She became 48 when he was late again one afternoon.“Ill 49 your father tomorrow evening, Richard,” said Miss Brown, “Ill tell him he needs to find a good way to educate (教育) you!” “You had better 50 to him, madam,” answered Richard, “Or youll have to pay for a consultation (咨询)!( )41A. lend B. borrow C. donate D. lose( )42 A. houses B. cakes C. money D. friends( )43. A. daughter B. cousin C. wife D. son( )44. A. happy B. hard C. sad D.

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