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1、外贸采购单模板篇一:外贸采购订单双语版采购订单 Purchase Order 采购订单号: 订单日期:申请人: 审核:注: RemarkPlease click our requirements of the invoice issued corresponding tax rate, invoice note column must indicate the order number and the corresponding our your companys delivery order number.1. 请按我司要求开具相应税率的发票,发票备注栏内必须注明我司对应的订单号码和贵司的送

2、货单号码。2. 贵司送货时出示的送货单必须正确无误地填写我司的订单号码、规格、数量。When sending your company produce the delivery note should be correct and fill in we order number, specification, quantity. When sending to each product must make proper and packaging, packaging to indicate this product in the drawing number, name, and the c

3、orresponding number1Please strict quantity to quality, on time delivery if because of your company quality, quantity, delivery time and so on the force majeure cause influence our, our company has right to pursue responsibility;For our losses to your company, our company have the right to claim for

4、compensation.The goods sent to us by our inspection, and get our purchasing notice, and then after that month to our invoice issued by.6.凡是经检验不合格的产品应在15个工作日内补回,如未 能及时补回给我司照成损失,我司有全向贵司要求索赔。如有特殊情况,应及时和采购沟通,并在协All by inspectionqualified products should be in 2 working days, such as failed to recover in

5、 time according to supplement to our company, we have the into loss to your company claim.3. 送货时必须对每一款产品做出妥善的包装,并在包装上标明该产品的图号,名称,及相应的数量。4. 请严格按质按量按时交货,若因贵司质量、数量、交货时间等非不可抗力原因影响我司的,我司有权追究责任;给我司造成损失的,我司有权向贵司进行索赔。5. 货物送至我司后,经我司检验合格且得到我司采购通知后,方可向我司出具当批货物发票。2商日期内补回。篇二:外贸采购合同范本-进口 模版20111213 CONTRACTThe Bu

6、yer: China IPPR International EngineeringCorporation中国中元国际工程公司Address: 5 Xisanhuanbei Rd, Haidian District, Beijing 100089 China中国北京市海淀区西三环北路5号Tel.: +86 10-68732980 Fax: +86 10-88424202The Seller:Address:Tel.: Fax:买卖双方依据安徽水环境改善项目杨台子污水处理厂二期工程中标合同号:11CN01GTG4IWS8203(YTZ),经协商同意签订本合同,按如下条款由买方购进卖方售出以下商品:

7、This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller in accordance with ANHUI WATERENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTYANGTAIZI SUB-PROJECT Equipment of WaterTreatment Plant Contract No. 11CN01GTG4IWS8203(YTZ) whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned c

8、ommodity according to the terms and3conditions stipulated below:1. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS & SPECIFICATIONS, QUANTITY, UNIT PRICE合同号Contract No.: 签约日期Signing Date: 签约地点Signing Place:技术规格(包括技术服务),配置清单祥见本合同附件五。Technical Specification includingtechnical service, Equipment List(if any) as per Appendix V of

9、 this Contract.2. 原产地及制造厂商COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS:3. 专利PATENT RIGHTS:卖方应保证买方在中国使用货物或货物的任何一部分时免受第三方提出的所有侵犯其专利权、商标权、著作权或其他知识产权的索赔或起诉。The Seller shall indemnify the Buyer against all third-party claims of infringement of patent, trademark, copyright or other intellectual propertyrights aris

10、ing from use of the goods or any part thereof in the PRC.4. 交货期限TIME OF DELIVERY:合同生效后2个月内。Within two months after the contract become effective.45. 装运港和目的港PORT OF SHIPMENT&DESTINATION:装运港Port of shipment:目的港Port of destination: Bengbu, Anhui, PRC6. 付款方式TERMS OF PAYMENT:6.1 买方应于装运前三十(30)天通过买方银行开出以卖方

11、为受益人的合同全款不可撤销转让信用证。见单后90天付款。The Buyer shall, within days before shipment date, open an Irrevocable transferred Letter of Credit payable at 90 days after sight in favor of The seller for the total value of shipment所有发生在买方银行的费用由买方承担,发生在卖方银行的费用由卖方承担,所有付款单据通过双方银行传递。All thebanking charges incurred in the

12、 Buyers Bank shall be borne by the Buyer, while those incurred outside the Buyers Bank shall be borne by the Seller. All the documents for payment made by either the Seller or the Buyer shall be transferred through both parties Bank. 款项通过买方银行按以下方式和比例向卖方支付。Thecurrencies for payments shall be paid thr

13、ough the buyers bank to the Seller in the following manner and percentage。6.2 买方应根据下属条款支付卖方The Buyer shall make 5the payment to the Seller as follows:6.2.1 买方在收到下列单据后90天内向卖方支付百分之八十(80%)的合同款Eighty (80%) percent of the Contract price shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller 90 days after sight against

14、 the following documents:A. 卖方签署的发票三(3)份正本三(3)份副本,注明合同号、货物描述、数量、单价和合同总值;Sellersmanually Signed Commercial Invoice in three (3) originals and three (3) copies indicating the Contract no., ID Number, description of the goods, quantity, unit price and total contract price.B.i) 空白抬头、空白背书的全套可议付已装船清洁提单(注明

15、“运费已付”),并注明“中国中元国际工程公司”For marine transportation, full set of clean on Board “Freight prepaid”Ocean Bills of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed notifying China IPPRInternational Engineering Corporationii) 注明“运费已付”的空运提单,收货人为“中国中元国际工程公司, 并注明唛头For Air transportation, original airway bill showi

16、ng “freight prepaid” and marked “consign to6China IPPR International Engineering Corporation” indicating the shipping mark.C. 由最终用户签署并盖章的货物收货证明(格式见附件二 )五份正本四份副本。Five originals andFour duplicate copies of certificate of delivery signed and Stamped by the end-user as per Appendix II;D. 由最终用户和收货人共同签署并盖章的安装调试完成证明(格式见附件

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