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1、Unit 1: Mocky the jugglerUnit 2: I like BobbyUnit 3: Its too expensive Unit 4: Where is it?Unit 5: Our townUnit 6: ReviewTeaching aims:知识技能:1. Listening 充分利用现有的电教资源,如录音机、多媒体英语教学软件、自制课件等手段,让学生在一定的语言环境中学习英语,尽可能多地给学生一个英语母语的世界。使学生能够听懂一些简单的基本的日常用语。2. Speaking 尽可能多地给学生提供说的机会,把自己所学的内容联系生活实际。在实际的生活中讲英语,真正做到

2、会讲英语。3. Reading 能够将所学的对话正确地读出来,并在此基础上注重语感、语音语调、发音等。多做练习,不断提高读英语的感觉。认读字母和带有此字母的单词。4. Writing 在正确书写英文单词及对话的基础上,注意书写的艺术。书写要工整、美观。过程方法:1 通过教师的引导作用,充分调动学生的主动性,在一定的语言情景中,激发学生的兴趣,在原有的语言基础上,进行新的语言的拓展,从而传授新的语言知识。让学生在轻松、愉快的氛围中接受新的知识,巩固原有的就知识,将新旧知识有机的贯穿起来。让学生灵活的运用所学的英语。2 充分利用现有的教育资源,如自制的英语教学课件,录音机、英语动画片等为学生提供一

3、个英语母语的氛围。让学生真实地感受正宗的英语,培养学生英语的语感。3 可以为学生介绍一些英语国家的风俗习惯,让学生对他们有一些了解。可以了解一些外国的节日,外国一些重要的城市及他们的特点。还可以上学生利用现有的网络资源自己搜索一些外国的故事,然后介绍给同学们。了解这些对学生学习英语有很大的作用。情感态度与价值观:1 注重培养学生良好的讲英语的习惯,培养学生尽可能多地在现实生活中用英语。2 在对学生进行英语教学的同时,还应对学生进行思想道德的教育,帮助学生树立正确的人生观,价值观及正确的学习观。3 培养学生的学习意识,对于申奥成功,无疑是北京对世界张开怀抱的一个机会,学生作为未来世界的主动力,在

4、学习中提倡培养学生的创新意识。这样才能在竞争如些激烈的社会中立足,做一个社会主义新人。Teaching Emphasis:一些日常用语的应用,如:What does shet How much is it?Where is it?Its oninSome new words and some expressionTeaching difficulty:Can ask and answer the sentences in life Can understand the daily speaking Can read and write the words correctlyPS:Teacher

5、s activities=TStudents activities=STeaching planning 周次内容课时1Ready 2 3Unit 1Mocky the juggler84 5 7Unit 2 I like Bobby8 9Unit 3 Its too expensive10Review311 12Unit 4 where is it13 14615 16 17Unit5 Our town18 19Unit 6 ReviewUNIT ONE Mocky the juggler 新课标体现:鼓励学生使用英语礼貌用语,培养学生说英语的习惯,让学生在潜移默化中理解并运用所学的知识。让

6、学生充分发挥自己的想象,构造一个生动的故事情节,增加学习英语的积极性。 知识技能:1 Listening:Can understand some sample sentences Can understand the new words and point it 2 Speaking:Can use the daily sentences in life Can speak something in English3 Reading:Can read the words and dialogue correctly Can differentiate some words pronunciat

7、ion 4 Writing:Can write the words correctly and beautiful Can copy the dialogue correctly过程方法:1、利用现有的教设备资源,使学生可以更加直观的对所要学习的内容有整体了解,并且可以培养学生良好的发音习惯,为以后的学习打下基础。2、在教授对话的同时,把单词或重点句型出示给学生,这样可以使学生更方便于学习,掌握,和运用。3、在教学时多采取同学之间互相帮助的功能,可以加深同学之间的感情,还可以帮助班主任更好的完成思想道德教育工作。Sentences : she Vocabulary: a student a p

8、oliceman a doctor a vet a pilot a juggler a nurse can cant Teaching Difficulty:Read and write the words correctly Can know some vocation in lifeUNIT ONEMOCKY THE JUGGLERTHE 1st per1 Use greetings and polite expressions in life 2 Can understand and read the dialogue 3 Can read and write the words cor

9、rectly 4 Can make the dialogue Teaching emphasis:1 use greetings and polite expression in life2 understand the sentences Teaching process:Step 1: use greetings and polite expression in life. Example:T: Good morningafternoonGoodbyePleaseThank youYou are welcomeExcuse mesorryS:Step 2: show new words s

10、how the new words cards like a student a teacher a policeman a vet a doctor Read the words after the teacher to repeat it Step 3: model the dialogue dance” repeat the sentences after the teacherLike this to do other sentences review the word can and cant to know the differences into can and cant. t

11、Picture1: where are Ann, Ken and Mocky?Picture2: what are Ann, Ken and Mocky looking at?Picture34: what is pointing to?Picture67: who comes to in the green shirt?Picture910: what is ChineseStep5: listen to the radio “what did they say?” by listening by looking By listening by reading with the radioS

12、tep6:Blackboard writing She dance Step7: to tell the story to their families课后反思:学生对所学习的故事很感兴趣,学习兴趣浓厚。能够根据图片复述故事内容。The 2nd per1 to review the sentences 2 to learn some new words3 to use the classroom commands 1 can understand the teachers speaking in classroom.2 ask and answer with “what does answer “yes, she can No, she cant 1 ask and answer with “what does open your booksStep2: sentences to write “what does she the blackboard and explain it ,then read it to read it after the teacher turn, ask “what does look at the pictur

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