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1、清大教育 一对一个性化辅导 八上Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater?一.根据首字母提示补全单词。(10x1=10)1.We all know that Liu Qian is a great m . 2.We Chinese usually have 3 m a day,breakfast,lunch and supper. 3.-Whodoyouthinkisthebestp_?-MeiLanfang,Ithink. 4.People in big cities often go to the countryside ,beacause the air there i

2、s f . 5.Relaxing on the beach makes me feel very c .6.My home is very c to our school,so I often walk to school.7.Now we look at the s in class instead of (而不是)the blackboard.8.The food in the the restaurant is good and the s here is better,so many people come here.9.Here are 3 movie theaters ,I don

3、t know which one to c . 10.Now our country gives money to those p students to help them.二.用所给词的适当形式填空。(15X1=15)1.Myfatherismuch_thanmymother.(busy)2.Heisthe_inourclass.(outgoing)3.JeansCornerisa_(good)store.Itsells _ (good)clothes in town. 4.Kittyhasthe_(little)milkofthethree.5.LiuBingruns_ofall.(fa

4、st)6.Whodoyouthinkis (boring),TimorTom?7.Heisas_(friend)tousashissister.8.Tomis_(tall) of the two.9.Whichoneis_of all the problems?(easy)10.Thisradioisnotso_asthatone.(cheap)11.Its always interesting (watch) people (show) their talents. 12.She is good at (show) her talent.13.However,not everybody en

5、joys (watch) these shows.14.The people who watch the show usually play a role in (decide) the winner. 15. Which city is _ (beautiful),Beijing, Shanghai or Hangzhou?三.单项选择(25X1=25) ( )1.Thisbreadistoosmall.Doyouhave_? A.abiggerpieceB.abiggeroneC.abigbreadD.abigone ( )2.The girl sings . A.beautiful,be

6、autiful B.beautifully,beautifully C.beautiful,beautifully D.beautiffully,beautiful ( )3. is it from your home? 10 minutes by bus. A.How long B.How far C.What time D.When ( )4.China is one of in the world. A.larger country B.larger countries C.the largest countries D.largest country ( )5.Lastweekstal

7、entshowwasagreat_. A.sucess B.success C.succeed D.successfully ( )6.Youare_now,Victor.Soyoushouldwashyourclothesbyyourself. A.young enoughB.enoughold C.oldenoughD.enoughyoung ( )7.Theresgoingto_abasketballgametomorrow. A.have D.has ( )8.TheweatherinHarbiniscolderthan_. A.itinBeijing B.Beij

8、ing C.thatinBeijingD.inBeijing ( )9.Whichdoyouthink_theworstact? B.are D.tobe ( )10.Myrulerislongerthan_. A.Tom B.Toms C.Toms D.Toms ( )11.Thisclassroomis_newerthanthatone. A.quite B.very C.many D.alittle ( )12.Thisrestaurantneeds_twenty-year-oldboysaswaiters. A.moretwo B.twoanother C.twom

9、ore D.twomuch ( )13.Whois_studentintheschooltalentshow? A.agood B.abetter C.thebest ( )14.ThisT-shirtisas_asthatone. A.muchmoreexpensive B.expensive C.muchexpensiveD.Expensiver ( )15.Shanghaiislargerthan_inChina. A.anycity B.anyothercity C.allthecitiesD.anycities ( )16.What do you this new wa

10、tch? A.think at B.think of C.think over D.think hard ( )17.We hope life can get . and best B.better and better C.good and good D.well and well ( )18.We should study hard to make our dream .A.come over B.come back C.come true D.come up ( )19.All these talent shows have one thing _ comcmon. A.

11、on B. in C. at D. for ( )20.Our teacher asked us to_ _ a story about the moon. A. make up B. make of C. make in D. make out ( )21.Our city is becoming _ .A. more and most beautiful B. more beautiful and more beautiful C. more and more beautiful D. beautiful and beautiful ( )22.Which subject is_ _ of all? A. the most interested B. the most interesting C. the more interested D. the more interesting ( )23.The Yellow River is the second in China. A.long B.

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