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1、Im fine,and you?Im old are you?Im 12,How old are you?Me too!What is this?Its a pen. Bob:Spell it,please. Jenny:P-E-N. Bob:Thanks.U2早晨汤姆见到林涛,互相问好。林涛指着一个橘子问汤姆:这个用英语怎么说,如何拼写并且问它是什么颜色。就此情节用英文编一段对话。不少于8句。L-Lintao T-TomL:Good morning! T: L:Whats this?Its a orange. L:Spell it please. T:O-R-A-N-G-E. L:What

2、color is it?Its orange. L:U3认真阅读以下表格,假设这是你的一张胸卡,请根据表格中的内容写4-5句话来介绍一下自己的情况。First name:MikeLast name:HandTelephone number:5554-3678Hello!My name is Mike first name is last name is Telephone number is 5554-3678,Bey-bey!U4假如你的同学王芳丢失了一支钢笔,请你为她写一则寻物启事。有一位叫Tony的同学捡到一支钢笔,将它交给失物招领所,请你再写一则失物招领启事。LostMy pen.My

3、 name is Wng Fang,call 110.FoundIs this your pen?Call Tony:120.U5根据表格写短文,至少有四句。NameCollectionJim5basketballs,2soccer balls,3baseballsJim has a sport collection,He has 5 basketballs,2soccer balls, plays sports every day!U6写一篇短文介绍一下你自己和父母一天三餐分别喜欢吃什么食物。不少于40个词。I like hanburger for breakfast,for lunch I

4、 like rice and dont like broccoli I like chicken and rice for father likes rice for likes toamtoes for lunch,as for dinner,he likes potatoes and mother too.U7向同学们介绍一下你自己吧。包括:姓名、年龄、性别、你喜欢的食物、颜色、运动等。不少于60词。My name is m a 13 years old like ice-cream,hamburgers and French like wite and black like black

5、and white T-shirts,I like black and white like play tennis.U8写一篇短文介绍一下你自己和家人、朋友的生日,至少五句话。My birthday is july is my mothers birthday?Its june 2nd ,When is my fathers birthday?Sorry,I dont know.U9请根据下面提示写一篇短文。内容包括:(1)周末,经常跟朋友一起看电影。(2)谁是你最喜欢的电影明星?(3)那部电影是你最喜欢的,为什么?Do you like movies?Do you often go to

6、movies?I like movies very often go to movies with my friends on like action movies very I dont like re too Li is my favorite is a good like his movie Shaolin Temple very s an interesing s an interesing s very successful.U10你想在学校建立一个什么样的社团,请你为这个社团招收新成员做一个海报。Do you like sports?Do you play tennis?Do yo

7、u play volleyball?Do you ?We have tennis club and volley ball come and join us!U11下面是Ann一天的生活时间表,请以Anns Day为题,写一篇短文。6:30Have breakfast7:10Go to school11:Have lunch16:Play sports17:20Have dinner18:40Do homework20:Watch TV21:35go to bedAnns DayMy sister Ann has breakfast at 6:30,then she go to has lun

8、ch at11: 16:30 she play sports,after she has the evening,she does homework at 18: 20:20 she watches she go to bed at 21:35.U12请你根据下列课程安排写一封信,告诉你的朋友你上星期五的上课情况。FridayTimeSubject8:00-8:50English9:10-10:00Chinese10:10-11:math2:00-2:history3:00-3:art4:00-4:musicHow are you?Let me tell you about my Friday

9、,I have six have three classes in the morning and three in the the morning,classes begin st 8:00 and finish at 11: have English,Chinese and the afternoon,classes begin at 2:00,at finish at 4: have history,art and about you?Please write soon.七年级下册假设你是胡芳,你想在网上找一个笔友,请根据你的实际情况写一封电子邮件,内容包括姓名、年龄、国籍、语言、爱好等

10、等,开头已给出。Dear friend,My name is Hu want to find a pen m 14 years old,I live in Zhejiang,China,I speak Chinese.,I can speak like play computer games and watch movies,my favorite movie is like it very much.Please write and tell me about your self.Hu Fang给远方的笔友写一封信,介绍一下你的邻近环境。Dear Lisa,I want to talk to

11、 you about my neighborhood.Near my house is a from my house is a book store,Its very park is across from the the book store is a post from the post office is my school,its not very big but clean.Yours,Li Yang在我家附近的动物园里,有一头小象叫Larry,他来自非洲,七岁了,他喜欢吃水果和草。他对人们很友好。他喜欢玩水。他喜欢和游人玩。他既高大又强壮还有一个长鼻子,他的牙也很长。他的耳朵像两

12、把大扇子。我非常喜欢他。There is a baby elephant in the zoo .Its name is Larry .It comes from Africa .Its 7 years old .It likes eating fruit and grass. Its friendly to people .It likes playing with water and the people . It is tall and strong .It has a long nose .Its teeth are long , ears are very big like two

13、fans . I like it very much .假如你叫Carl Smith ,你擅长写作和交谈。希望在电视台从事记者工作。你的年龄是24岁,会英语和法语两种语言。写一封求职信。50词左右。Dear sir,Im Carl m 24years old . Im good at writing and talking .I can speak English and French . I want to be a reporter in your TV station .I think I can do wellin the new job .Please give me a chance .Ill try my best to do my job better .Thank you very much .Carl Smith假设现在是星期日上午8:30,Dave和他的同伴们正在公园玩,请根据下面提供的信息写一下他们的活动。Name Activity Place Dave 、Jim and Kevin Play soccerOver thereKate and SallyDanceUnder a

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