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1、 旅客:1号车厢34号座位。 Seat No.34 of Carriage 1.列车员:这边请,靠中间的位置。 This way, please. That seat in the middle. 5. 旅客:这是几号车厢? Passenger: Which carriage is this, please?这是5号车厢。 Carriage 5. 6. 旅客:7号车厢怎么走? Excuse me, how can I get to Carriage 7?7号车厢,您往前走;走过两节车厢。 Please go ahead and pass the next two carriages. 7. 旅

2、客:你们这怎么也没车号呢? Excuse me, why are there no carriage numbers?先生,车号在这个位置,液晶显示。 Sorry, Sir. The number is displayed here, on the screen.8. 旅客:你好,我视力不好,您帮我看看。 Excuse me, I have bad eye sight. Could you please check it for me?哦,请拿好您的车票,您乘坐的是D31次,在站台对面。 Of course, please hold your ticket. Your train is D31

3、, its on the other side of the platform.9. 旅客:哪里可以吸烟? Excuse me, where can I smoke?站台上可以吸烟,请您不要走得太远。 Sorry, you can only smoke on the platform. Please do not go too far away.10.旅客:几点开车? Excuse me, when does the train leave?13:50,请注意开车铃声。 At 13:50. Please pay attention to the warning bell. 11.旅客:我可以到

4、外面走走吗? May I go out for a walk?当然可以,但注意不要误了车。 Sure,but please dont miss the train 12. 旅客:还有多长时间开车? Excuse me, how much times left before leaving?还有3分钟,您抓紧时间上车吧。 Three minutes. Please hurry up. 13. 旅客:列车员,你给看看这是几号座位? Excuse me, could you tell me whats the number of my seat?我帮您看下,您是特等座6号座位,您这边请,这是您的座位

5、。 Let me check for you. Your seat is No.6. Its a VIP seat. This way, please. This is your seat. 14.旅客:等会我,别关门。 Hold on, please. Please keep the door open.您好,这次列车时开往天津的C2021次,您看好车票,别坐错车。 Hello. This train C2021 leaves for Tianjin. Please check your ticket and dont take the wrong train. 15. 旅客:我有卡,坐几号

6、车? I have a fast pass. Which carriage should I take, please?您是金卡还是普卡?金卡座5号车厢的110号,普卡乘坐二等车6号车厢120号。 Is it a Golden Card or an Ordinary Card? If it is a Golden Card, you can take seat No.1-10 of carriage 5. If it is an Ordinary Card, you can take seat No.1-20 of carriage 6. 16. 列车员:您好,请您出示一下车票,这是到天津的C

7、2045次列车,您是去天津的吗? Hello, your ticket please. This is train C2045 leaving for Tianjin. Are you going to Tianjin?对。4号车厢。 Yes. Carriage 4. 17. 旅客:你好,这个座位在什么地方? Excuse me, where is this seat, please?1车66号座位在本节车厢最前排,您一直往前走。 Seat No. 66 of Carriage 1. It is at the end of this carriage. Please just go ahead

8、. 18.列车员:先生,您的大件行李可以放在大件行李搁放处,也可以放在最后一排座椅后面,多谢配合。 Excuse me, Sir. You could put your big luggage in the Left Luggage or behind the last row of seats. Thank you for your cooperation. 没问题。 No problem, thanks. 19列车员:您好,您带的物品较大,请您将放在这边大件存放处,好吗? Excuse me, your luggage is too big. Could you please put it

9、 in the Left Luggage ?好的,我正愁没处放呢。 OK. Im just wondering where I should put it. 20. 旅客:我的老母亲乘车,能帮我照顾一下吗? My old mother is traveling on your train. Could you look after her for me, please? 列车员:没问题,您放心。我一定会照顾好她的。 No problem. Ill take care of her. Dont worry. 21. 旅客:天津到北京有多少公里?时速多少? Excuse me, how long

10、is the distance between Tianjin and Beijing? Whats the traveling speed?有120公里,一般开到330km/h左右。 120km. We generally run at 330km/h. 22. 旅客:矿泉水在哪? Excuse me, where is the mineral water?在座椅第一排前面的水架子上面。 On the water dispenser in front of the first row. 23. 旅客:矿泉水是可以随便喝吗? Passenger: Could I take as many bo

11、ttles as I want?不好意思,不是的,每人只限一瓶。 Sorry, no, one bottle for each person. 24. 旅客:这个座椅能转过来吗? Passenger: Could I turn the chair around?可以,不过车是朝这个方向开。 Yes. But we are heading for this direction. 25. 旅客:列车员,几点到北京? Excuse me, could you tell me when we are to arrive in Beijing?女士,本趟列车6:25开车,6:55到达。 Madam, w

12、e leave at 6:25 and arrive at 6:55. 26 旅客:卫生间怎么走? Excuse me, where is the toilet?1车与2车连接处有。 There is one between Carriage 1 and carriage 2. 27. 旅客:请问我的座位在哪里? Passenger: Excuse me, where is my seat?哦,女士,您购买的是特等座位,在这边。我在VIP门口立岗,有需要随时为您服务。 Madam, yours is VIP seat. Fellow me, please. Ill be standing by

13、 the door of the VIP section. Please tell me if you need any help. 28. 旅客:9号座位在哪? Excuse me, where is seat No.9?您走到双人坐席最后一排就是。 Please just go to the last row of the double seats. 29. 旅客:这边是什么车? Excuse me, whats this carriage?您好,这边是特等车,售价99元。 This is the VIP section. The ticket costs 99 YUAN. (pay, spend, cost的区别)30. 旅客:这票好买吗? Is it difficult to buy the ticket?VIP就8张票,座位较少,如果您需要可以到车站买票。 There are only 8 VIP tickets. You can buy it in the station.31

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