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1、1. A) A six- mon th-l ong n egotiati on. B) Preparati ons for the party.C)A project with a troublesome clie nt. D) Gift wrapp ing for the colleagues.2. A) Take weddi ng photos.B) Advertise her compa ny.C) Start a small bus in ess.D) Throw a celebrati on party.3. A) Hesita nt. B) Nervous.C) Flattered

2、. D) Surprised.4. A) Start her own bakery.B) Improve her bak ing skill.C) Share her cook ing experie nee.D) Prepare for the weddi ng.Questio ns 5 to 8 are based on the record ing you have just heard.5.A) They have to spe nd more time study ing.B)They have to participate in club activities.C)They hav

3、e to be more resp on sible for what they do.D)They have to choose a specific academic discipli ne.6.A) Get ready for a career. B) Make a lot of frien ds.C)Set a Ion g-term goal. D) Behave like adults.7.A) Those who share her academic in terests. |B)Those who respect her stude nt commitme nts. |C)Tho

4、se who can help her whe n she is in n eed.D)Those who go to the same clubs as she does.8.A) Those helpful for tapp ing their pote ntial.B)Those con ducive to improvi ng their social skills.C)Those helpful for cultivati ng in dividual in terests.D)Those con ducive to their academic studies.Section BD

5、irection s:I n this sect ion, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questi ons. Both the passage and the questi ons will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) , B), C) and D). Then

6、mark the corresponding letter onAn swer Sheet 1 with a sin gle line through the cen tre.Questi ons 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.A) They break away from traditi onal ways of thinking.B)They are prepared to work harder tha n anyone else.C)They are good at refining old formula

7、s.D)They bring their pote ntial into full play. |10.A) They contributed to the popularity of skiing worldwide.B)They resulted in a brand new style of skii ng tech niq ues.C)They promoted the scientific use of skiing poles.D)They made explosive n ews in the sports world.11.A) He was recog ni zed as a

8、 genius in the world of sports. |B)He competed in all major skiing events in the world.C)He won three gold medals in one Win ter Olympics.D)He broke three world skiing records in three years.Questi ons 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.A) They appear restless.B)They lose con s

9、cious ness.C)They become upset.D)They die almost in sta ntly. |13.A) It has an in sta nt effect on your body chemistry.B)It keeps retur ning to you every now and the n.C)It leaves you with a long last ing impressi on.D)It con tributes to the shap ing of you mind.14.A) To succeed while feeling irrita

10、ted.B)To feel happy without good health.C)To be free from frustration and failure.D)To enjoy good health while in dark moods.15.A) They are closely conn ected.B)They function in a similar way.C)They are too complex to un dersta nd.D)They reinforce each other con sta ntly.Section C In this sect ion,

11、you will hear three record ings of lectures or talksfollowed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. Afteryou hear a questi on, you must choose the best an swer from the four choices markedA), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a sin

12、gle line through the cen tre.Questio ns 16 to 18 are based on the record ing you have just heard.16.A) They differ in their appreciati on of music.B)They focus their atte nti on on differe nt thin gs.C)They fin ger the pia no keys in differe nt ways.D)They choose differe nt pieces of music to play.1

13、7.A) They man age to cooperate well with their teammates.B)They use effective tactics to defeat their competitors.C)They try hard to m eet the spectators expectations.D)They attach great importa nee to high performa nee.18.A) It marks a breakthrough in behavioral scie nee.B)It adopts a conventional approach to research.C)It supports a piece of conven ti onal wisdom.D)It gives rise to con troversy among experts.Que

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