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1、 ( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. . 听句子,选择正确答语。( )6.A.Often. B. Two days. C. About an hour.( )7.A.Go swimming. B. Go skiing. C. Go fishing.( )8.A.Because its interesting. B. Because its wonderful. C. Because its boring.( )9.A.I used to listen to music. B.I enjoy dancing. C.I like fishing.( )10.A.Good i

2、dea! B. You are right. C. Thank you.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(满分7.5分) ( )11.They are talking about _. A. robots B. computers C. UFOs( )12.Whats a UFO like? A.A plate. B.A plane. C. He doesnt know.( )13.Is he sure he will have a robot in 20 years? A. Yes, he will. B. He is not sure. C. No, he wont.( )14.Wh

3、at does the girl want to know? A. What to look up on the Internet. B. How to use the Internet. C. Where to buy computers.( )15.The boy wants to be _. A. a teacher B. a robot C. a scientist. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读三遍。( )16.Where is Lily? A. She is at school gate. B. She is at the bookshop. C. She is in the li

4、brary.( )17.What is Lily going to do then? A. She is going home. B. She is going to catch a bus. C. She is going to buy a newspaper at the post office.( )18.Where is the post office? A. Next to the bookshop. B. At the second turning. C. In the next street.( )19.Is she going to stay in the post offic

5、e for a long time? A. No, she isnt. B. Yes, she is. C.I dont know.( )20.When is she going back home? A. At six oclock. B. At five oclock. C. Before five oclock.笔试部分(120分). 单项选择。(满分30分)( )21. -Whats _matter with you? -I have_ flu A. the, / B . /, the C. the, the( )22. Would you mind _ the room? A. cl

6、ean B. cleaning C. to clean ( )23. .As we know, water is very important _ us. A. of B. to C. on ( )24. There _ a school sports meet next weekend. A. is going to have B. is C. is going to be ( )25. Why _ climb mountains this weekend? A. dont B. didnt C. not ( )26. Its cold outside, youd better not _

7、out.A. to go B. go C. going( )27.I _ ask my father to give up smoking. Its bad for his lungs.A. must B. need C. shouldnt( )28.-_ do you brush your teeth? - Twice a day. A .How much B. How often C. How long ( )29. -Whats your hobby?-I _ listen to music, but now I enjoy dancing. A. am used to B. used

8、to C. am used ( )30. _ lovely dog! A. How B. What a C. What( )31.Winter is coming. The weather is getting_. A. colder and colder B. cold and cold C. more and more colder( )32.- I am sorry I broke your pen. Let me buy you a new one. -_. I have another one.A. Never mind B . OK C. Thanks( )33. -You are

9、 going to visit the Great Wall,_?-Thats right.A. are you B. arent you C. dont you( )34._ is necessary for us _ read good books. A. It, to B. That, to C. It, ( )35._ is bad for your health.A. Stay up late B. Staying up late C. To stay up late. 完形填空。(满分10分)Once there was a poor woman. She lived by her

10、self in a little house in a village. She didnt have much money_ 36_ she was very kind and happy.One day a young man named Smith came to her door. He was a little thin and tall. He was very _37_ and asked the old woman for help.The old woman said,“Come in and have dinner with me, but I only have _38_

11、.” They had dinner together. After dinner, the old woman told Smith to _39_ some potatoes with him. He _40_ her and then left.Ten years later, Smith came back to the old womans door again and _41_ her a bag of money. She was very _42_.Smith said, “Ten years ago you gave me some potatoes. I _43_ some

12、 potato plants . From those plants, I grew some more plants. Now I am a _44_ farmer because I have enough money to live, but I never_45_ how kind you are to me.”( )36.A. so B. or C. but ( )37. A. full B. hungry C. tired( )38. A. potatoes B. meat C. apples( )39. A. take B. buy C. plant ( )40. A. than

13、ked B. helped C. loved( )41. A. threw B. asked C. gave( )42. A. interested B. sad C. surprised( )43. A. ate B. grew C. found( )44. A. busy B. happy C. rich( )45. A talked B. forget C. wroteIII.阅读理解(A,B两篇一题一分,C篇一题两分,共20分.)(A) 根据短文内容,判断正( T )误( F ) (5分)Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy,

14、 wealthy and wise. This is an old English saying. It means that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich and clever.This is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten hours sleep every night. People who do not have enough sleep cant do their work very well. They wont be wise and they may not become healthy!The body also needs exercise. Walking , running , swimming and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. Exerci

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