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1、句子结构:主语+及物动词+宾语(confidence) 可以用定语从句扩充: Participating in sports frequently can boost peoples confidence, which is important not only to the youth but also to the elderly. 注: 不可以说“regular doing exercise”,因为形容词 regular 不可以修饰 doing 中文:经常参加体育活动能够提高人们的自信心,这不但对年轻人而且对老人很重 要。 翻译 2:教学的质量对学生成绩有很大的影响。错误的句子 :Tea

2、ching qualities are important to students improve academic performance 错误 1 quality 表示质量的时候不可数 错误 2 to 是介词,后面不用加句子 The quality of teaching can make a huge difference to students academic performance. 主谓宾 也可以用并列句拓展The quality of teaching can make a huge difference to students academic performance. an

3、d therefore, parents prefer to choose prestigious schools for children. 教学的质量被认为是决定学生成绩的关键,因此,家长喜欢为孩子选择名校。 翻译 3:家长和老师应该努力去减少小孩看电视的时间。parents and teachers should do their efforts to curb the time of watching TV on children. 错误 1 make an effort to 固定表达 错误 2 curb 一般是抑制某种行为,而不是接 time. 错误 3 “watching TV

4、on children”也不通。parents and teachers should make an effort to limit childrens screen time. 主语(parents and teachers)+及物动词(make)+宾语(effort) 拓展的句子:Parents and teachers should make an effort to limit childrens screen time, thereby protecting childrens eyesight and encourage them to do more out-door acti

5、vities. 错误:protecting 和 encourage 不对称 s eyesight and encouraging them to do more outdoor activities. 这句话的分词最好不要改成定语从句,因为前面不知道是修饰“screen time”还是 “limit screen time” 家长和老师应该努力去减少孩子看电视的时间,这样会保护孩子的视力,鼓 励他们做户外运动。翻译 4:经济的下滑(economic slowdown)导致失业率的上升 Economic slowdown made the climbing unemployment rate.错

6、误 1 不要用过去时 错误 2 用不定冠词好一点,因为正在上升的失业率一般不可能是唯一的。Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate. 主语+及物动词+宾语 Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate, in view of the fact that employers are reluctant to recruit new employees so as to cut overhead. 可能产生歧义,” recruit new employee

7、s” 是雇佣,“reluctant to recruit new employees”是不愿意雇用。到底是哪个事情导致“cut overhead”?Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate because employers intend to cut overheads and refuse to recruit new employees. 经济下滑已经导致失业率上升,因为雇主打算裁员而且拒绝雇用新员工。另外一个豆瓣的学生写的句子也不错,我发出来:Economic slowdown has led to a clim

8、bing unemployment rate, as people balk at starting up new businesses and a number of giant companies downsize their workforce. 经济下滑已经导致失业率上升,因为人们对开展新失业犹豫不决,而且很多 大公司裁员。翻译 5:经济的发展需要年轻的劳动者 The economic development requires a great number of fresh working forces 错误 1 working force 没有这个表达 A countrys econ

9、omic development relies on a supply of young workers 也可以用分句扩充,“the problem is that”是表语从句 s economic development relies on a supply of young workers, but the problem is that the aging society has an adverse impact on the labour force.一个国家的经济发展依靠一定量的年轻劳动力,但是问题是老龄化的社会对 劳动力有负面影响。翻译 6:工作很多的人没有时间去休息 Peopl

10、e do with heavy workload cannot have adequate times to rest and recharge batteries 错误 1 do 不知道功能是干嘛的。错误 2 time 不可数 错误 5 cannot 是表示不可能,这里应该是 do not People with a heavy workload do not have adequate time to rest 主语+及物动词+宾语,“to rest and recharge batteries”不定式充当 time 的后置定语 也可以用定语从句扩充 People with a heavy

11、 workload do not have adequate time to rest, which can be harmful to their fitness. 工作很多的人没有足够的时间去休息和充电,这样对他们的健康有害。翻译 7: 在中国,很多学生晚上都要自习 Large number of students in China have to study at night. 错误 1 “a large number of ” 固定搭配 A large number of students in China have to do self-study at night. 主语+及物动词

12、+ 宾语 也可以用状语从句来扩充 A large number of students in China have to do self-study at night, so extra-curricular activities have to give way to studies. 在中国,许多学生都要在晚上自学,所以课外活动不得不给学习让路。翻译 8: heritage sites 因为城市发展而受到威胁 The development of cities have pose a threat on heritage sites. 错误 1 have pose 动词错误而且主谓不一致

13、错误 2 pose a threat to 固定搭配 The development of cities has posed a threat to heritage sites. 句子的结构: 主语(development)+ 及物动词(pose)+ 宾语(threat) 还可以用并列句扩充 The development of cities has posed a threat to heritage sites, but the government has no idea whether to protect or demolish these constructions. 城市的发展

14、已经威胁到历史遗迹,但是政府还没有办法是否去保护还是毁坏 这些建筑。翻译 9:我们不能够忽视面对面的交流 It cannot be ignored by people to have some face-to-face communication. 错误 1 it 指代不清楚 错误 2 “to have face-to-face communication”不定式一般是表示没有发生而有可能发生的 事情。We should not ignore face-to-face communication. 主语+ 及物动词+宾语(communication) 还可以用状语从句扩充 We should not ignore face-to-face communi

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