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本文(届高考英语一轮复习语法专项突破第3讲代词和数词北师大版.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、届高考英语一轮复习语法专项突破第3讲代词和数词北师大版 深化认知一、人称代词的四点注意1人称代词有主格和宾格之分,主格在句中通常作主语,宾格在句中作宾语、表语和同位语等成分。主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格meyouhimheritusyouthemTom is a student. He works very hard.Tom是一名学生,他学习非常努力。He has a dog to keep him company.他有一条狗陪伴他。2人称代词指代的数前后要一致。The students must be made to understand how important ea

2、ch subject is to them.(them指代the students)必须使学生明白每门功课对他们来说多么重要。3句中没有谓语动词或在句中与动词不定式连用,人称代词常用宾格。Id like to go to climb the mountain this weekend.Me too.这个周末我想去爬山。我也想去。What! Me (to) play chess with him? No!什么!让我和他下国际象棋?不要!4在比较级的句子中,than, as后用主格、宾格皆可。To tell the truth, Lucy is more qualified for the job

3、 than she/her.说实话,露西比她适合这份工作。Not having heard of it before, Tom is as surprised as he/him.以前没听说过这件事,汤姆和他一样吃惊。二、物主代词的四大常识1物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,形容词性物主代词在句中通常作定语,名词性物主代词在句中可作主语、宾语和表语等成分。形容词性物主代词myourhisheritstheiryour名词性物主代词mineourshishersitstheirsyoursThe students are doing their homework.学生们在做作业。Yo

4、ur room is big while mine is small.你的房间大,而我的房间小。2形容词性物主代词不与a, an, this, that, these, some, any, several, no, each, such, another等词同时修饰一个名词,但在双重所有格中可同时修饰一个名词。a friend of mine 我的一个朋友each sister of his 他的每一个姐姐3介词the身体部位,此处不能用形容词性物主代词代替the。The policewoman took the thief by the arm.那个女警察抓住了小偷的胳膊。4当物主代词与a

5、ll和both连用时,必须放在all和both之后。With all their homework finished, the children went home happily.做完所有的作业后,孩子们高高兴兴地回家了。三、反身代词的三种句法功能反身代词包括oneself, himself, herself, itself, themselves, yourself, yourselves, myself, ourselves,在句中可作宾语、表语和同位语等成分。1作宾语(1)常用在to, by, for, of, in, between, among等介词后。You shouldnt k

6、eep the story to yourself.你不应该独享这个故事。(to oneself“独自享用”)You shouldnt leave the child by himself at home.你不应把孩子独自留在家里。(by oneself“独自”)One should not live only for oneself.人不应该单为自己而活。(for oneself“为自己”)We dont need to call him; he will wake up of himself.我们没必要叫他,他自己会醒的。(of oneself“自动地”)(2)用来构成固定搭配devote

7、 oneself to致力于dress oneself 自己穿衣 enjoy oneself 过得愉快boast oneself 自夸help oneself to 随便吃,随便用hide oneself 把自己藏起来make yourself at home 不拘束say to oneself 心里想seat oneself 坐下teach oneself 自学come to oneself 苏醒behave oneself 表现得体,有礼貌apply oneself 致力于2作表语、同位语用于be, feel, seem, look等后作表语,表示身体或精神处于正常状态;用作同位语时,主要

8、用于加强被修饰词的语气,可紧跟在被修饰名词后或句末。I am not feeling myself today, not serious, though.我今天不太舒服,但不严重。 (2013全国卷写作)I made them myself with red silk threads, cloth and other materials. 它们是我自己用红丝线、布条和其他材料制成的。四、几组常见代词的辨析1both, all, either, any, neither, none都任何都不两者botheitherneither三者或三者以上allanynone (2013山东高考单选)Ive

9、lived in New York and Chicago, but dont like either of them very much.我在纽约和芝加哥住过,但它们中的任何一个我都不喜欢。Because Henry and Mark had to work, neither of them came yesterday.因为亨利和马克要工作,所以昨天两人都没来。My brother would like to buy a good watch but none was available from that shop.我哥哥想买一块好表,但是在那家店里没有一块合适的。2it, that,

10、one, thoseit特指前面提到过的同一个人或者物that可以指代前面出现过的不可数名词或单数可数名词,指代单数可数名词相当于the one。其复数形式为those,相当于the onesone指代前面出现过的那类事物中的“一个”,其复数形式为onesthose指“the名词复数(尤其是有后置定语时)”I like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but I dont have enough money to buy it.我喜欢这座前面有花园的房子,但是我没有足够的钱来买它。 (2013辽宁高考单选)To her joy, Del

11、la earned first the trust of her students and then that of her colleagues.令黛拉高兴的是,她首先赢得了她的学生的信任,然后又赢得了同事的信任。We have various summer camps for your holidays. You can choose one based on your own interests.我们为你们的假期准备了各种各样的夏令营,你们可以根据自己的兴趣选择一个。Studying Wendys menu, I found that many of the items are simi

12、lar to those of McDonalds.研究了温迪的菜单,我发现其中很多东西和麦当劳的相似。3. other, the other, another, others, the othersother不能单独使用,只能修饰名词,表示泛指意义the other可单独使用,特指两个人或物中的“另一个”;常与one连用,构成one .the other .“一个另一个”,也可修饰名词表示“另外的”another可单独使用,也可修饰名词,泛指三者或三者以上的人或物中的“另一个”,代替或修饰单数可数名词。另外another后可接“基数词/few复数名词”形式,表示“另外的(多少)”others

13、单独使用,表示泛指意义,意为“其他的人或事物”,常与some一起出现the others意为“剩余的一些”Neither side is prepared to talk to the other unless we can smooth things over between them.除非我们能够消除他们之间的矛盾,否则他们双方都不打算与对方讲话。(2014浙江高考阅读D)I sat on the edge of the street and watched enviously the other boys on the block play baseball.我坐在街道旁,羡慕地看着其他

14、男孩在街上打棒球。Never will they give up the courage to have another try.他们从来没有放弃再次尝试的勇气。Being annoyed with others easily will be harmful to your health, so keep a goodtempered character all the time.易发脾气对健康有害,所以要一直保持好脾气。4none, nothing, no one/nobodynone既指人也指物,后面可接of短语,一般用来回答how many, how much和which的提问nothi

15、ng只指事物,后面不能接of短语,用来回答what的提问no one/nobody只指人不指物,其后不接of短语,一般回答who的提问Some people would rather ride bikes as bike riding has none of the troubles of taking buses.有些人宁愿骑自行车,因为骑自行车没有乘坐公共汽车的麻烦。Nothing in the world can delight me so much as having hamburgers in fast food restaurants.世界上没有什么比到快餐店吃汉堡包更令我高兴的了。With no one to turn to in such a fright

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