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1、5. 6.Read and choose. 选出与所给单词同类的一项。(将选项写在题前括号内)(16分)( )1.A. Chinese B. art C. subject ( ) 2.A.your B.I C. my ( ) 3.A.favourite B. PE C. music ( ) B. like C. English ( )5.A. dance B. Monday C. play( )6.A. have B. erhu C. piano( )7.A. Friday B. Tuesday C. often( )8.A. like B. basketball C.

2、 football( )9. A. science B. English C. teacher( )10.A. friend B. good C. father.Read and count. 给星星排排队。(根据星星身上的星期,给星星按顺序排排队,只写选项)(20分)A B C D E F G正确的顺序是:_. Read and choose. 判断划线部分读音是否相同,圈出相应符号。. Read and match .对号入座。(将单词与对应图片连线)(18分)1. read A. 2. snow B. 3. summer C.4. cook D. 5. Chinese E. 6. doc

3、ter F. 期末专项复习(句子) 时间:90分钟 满分:100分 . Read and translate .英语汉语对对碰。(根据英语句子,选择正确的汉语,将正确选项写在题前括号里)(10分)( ) 1. What subjects do we have today?( ) 2. My hobby is play the erhu .( ) 3. We have PE on Tuesday.( ) 4. Its hot in summer .( ) 5. We can go skating in winter . ( ) 6. Hows the weather in Beijing ?(

4、) 7. Its swowing . ( ) 8. Lets go home . .( ) 9. She is an art teacher . ( ) 10. I am running . Read and choose .问答语对对碰。(根据问句,选择正确的答语,将选项写在题前括号内) (20分)( ) 1. Is that your father ? A. Shes a farmer .( ) 2.How is the weather in Harbin ? B. Its sunny.( ) 3.What are you doing ? C. Im writing an email to

5、 Tom.( ) 4.What does your mother do ? D. I like summer .( ) 5.What season do you like ? E. No.( ) 6.What day is today ? F. I like dancing .( ) 7.What do you do on Saturday ? G. We have English today .( ) 8.Whats your hobby ? H. Hold on , please .( ) 9.What subjects do we have today? I. Its Wednesday

6、.( ) 10.May I speak to Li Ming ? J. I often play basketball. Read and judge. 我是外交官。(判断英语句子与汉语意思是否一致) (12分)1. Put on your raincoat. 穿上你的外套。 ( )2. Hes a cook.他是一名厨师。3. I m writing an email . 我正在写一封信。4. I have science today . 我今天上的英语课。5. May I have a look? 我可以看一看吗?6. He likes playing the erhu . 他喜欢弹钢琴。

7、. Read and choose.单项选择。( )1、Jim,Tom is calling. _ . A、Im coming. B、Angel is coming. C、Sorry.( )2、My mother _ long hair .A 、has B、have C、does( ) 3、Its will snow in Tianjin. _ Beijing?A、How B、What about C、What( )4. Winter is . A. cool B. cold C. hot( ) 5. Danny often on Friday . A. dances B. dance C.

8、play( ) 6. She likes playing piano . A. a B. C. the( ) 7. Do you like computer studies ? . A. Yes , I am B. Yes , I do C. Yes , I like.Read and translate . 写出下列句子的汉语意思。1.This is Tom speaking .2.She works in a hospital .3.Lets climb the hill .4.I often fly my kite .5.I can dance on Friday .6.Do you l

9、ike running ?7. We make things in the art room .8.Hes cooking now . Read and make the sentences. 连词成句。1. My has short father hair ._2. Lets to park the go . 3. weather tomorrow the Hows ?_?4. I kite fly often my ._.5. often on draw I pictures Monday . 期末专项复习(情景选择) ( )1、你给李明打电话,接电话的是他姐姐,他姐姐让你等一下,她会说:

10、_A. Hold on,please. B. May I speak to Ling Ming?( )2、郭阳想叫你一起去打球,你同意了,你会说:A. Sorry! B. OK!( )3、Jenny给Tom打电话,Jenny 说:A. Hello! This is Tom speaking.B. Hello! This is Jenny speaking. ( )4、当你询问你可以和李明通话吗,你会说:A. May I talk to Li Ming?B. May I speak to Li Ming?( )5、你问Danny,他可以和你一起出去打球吗,你会问:A. Lets go and p

11、lay basketball.B. Shall we go and play basketball?( )6、Danny 想知道你的头发是长还是短,你回答:A. I have short hair. B. You have short hair.( )7、郭阳想知道你的爸爸是干什么工作的,你回答:A. She is a nurse. B. He is a policeman.( )8、你想知道Grace的姐姐在哪工作,她告诉你:A. She is cute. B. She works in a hospital.( )9、你看见美术室里挂着一幅漂亮的油画,你会说:A. How cute! B.

12、 How beautiful!( )10、你问李明,他的哥哥是干什么工作的,你会问:A. What does your brother do, Liming?B. Where is your brother,Liming?( 11.Tom 对Guo Yang 说该上课了,他会说: AIts time for school . B. Its time for class . ( ) 12. Jenny 问Denny 周日经常干什么,Denny回答说: A. What do you do ? B. I often make things . ( ) 13. Wang Hong 对Lingling 说“一起回家吧!”Lingling会说: A. OK! B. No , I am not . ( ) 14. Guo Yang 问Lily周六经常干什么,他会问: A. What day is today ? B. What do you often do on Saturday , Lily ? ( )15.李明说他星期天经常弹钢琴,他会说: A. I often play the pi

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