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1、过重的8slim adj. 苗条的9have/keep a good figure 有/保持好身材10medium height 中等身材11average height 一般身材(二)着装与配饰1dress n. 衣服;连衣裙vt.&vi. (给)穿衣服;穿的服装2uniform n. 制服3tie n. 领带;鞋带;结vt. (用绳、线)系;拴;扎4sleeve n. 袖子;袖套5loose adj. 松散的;宽松的6fit adj. 适合的vi. (使)适合;合身7dress well 穿着讲究8be in fashion 在流行中9be out of fashion 落伍的;过时的10

2、follow the fashion 赶时髦(三)表情1facial adj. 面部的2satisfied/content adj. 满意的3pleased/delighted adj. 高兴的4confused adj. 困惑的5cheerful adj. 兴高采烈的6desperate adj. 绝望的7numb adj. 麻木的;失去知觉的;迟钝的8frightened/scared adj. 害怕的9embarrassed adj. 尴尬的10shocked adj. 震惊的11amazed adj. 吃惊的12sympathetic adj. 同情的13gloomy adj. 忧伤的

3、14indifferent adj. 冷漠的15be curious about 对好奇1external adj.外部的;外表的;外面的2respectful adj. 尊敬的; 有礼貌的;谦恭的3amusing adj. 有趣的;使人发笑的;消遣的;愉快的4approval adj. 赞成的; 满意的5bitter adj. 痛苦的; 怀恨的二、必背话题佳句1He is always welcomed because he dresses well and behaves gracefully, considerately and politely, giving others a goo

4、d impression.他穿戴得体、举止文雅、礼貌周到,能给别人留下好的印象,所以他总是受欢迎。2She doesnt have a pretty face, doesnt have a good figure, doesnt have outstanding charm.She is just a very ordinary girl.她没有靓丽的脸庞,没有苗条的身材,也没有什么令人陶醉的魅力。她只是一个非常平凡的女孩。3Students should dress up in school uniforms during the celebration to be held tomorro

5、w.在明天举行庆祝活动期间,学生应穿校服。4The teacher is satisfied with our satisfying performance in class, which can be seen from her satisfied expression on her face.老师对我们在课堂上令人满意的表现很满意,这可以从她脸上满意的表情看出来。5Nowadays more and more young people prefer to follow the fashion, on which different people have different views.现

6、在越来越多的年轻人喜欢赶时髦,对于这一现象,不同的人有不同的看法。.单词拼写/用所给词的适当形式填空1I have this image of you as always being cheerful (兴高采烈的) and optimistic.2Her hair tied (系) back with a peach flower, the girl looks very lovely.3.Having been told by his doctor that he was overweight (超重的), hes eating all the fibre and fruit he can

7、.4As far as Im concerned, to be well dressed (穿) neednt mean luxuriously dressed.5This suit fits (合身) me well except that the trousers are too long.6I especially like this flowery skirt.My wife must be very elegant (文雅的) in it.7A real friend is the one who will appear interested and sympathetic (sym

8、pathy)8The professor was delighted (delight) to find that two thirds of the project had been finished.9He was very embarrassed (embarrass) to hear people speak so highly of him.10Hearing the news, all present were shocked (shock) and looked at each other, speechlessly.选词填空be curious about, a confuse

9、d look, keep a good figure, in fashion, average height, out of fashion1When she was forty, she still kept_a_good_figure by means of exercising regularly and sticking to a diet.2Children are_curious_about the world around them.3Long skirts have come into fashion again.Faded jeans are still in_fashion

10、 too.4I noticed there was a_confused_look on his face and asked him if there was anything I can help him with.5Men are attracted to women of average_height or even shorter.6These pointed shoes are out_of_fashion now, but they were in fashion two years ago.补全句子1当你去参加明晚的晚会时,你应该系领带。You are supposed to

11、wear tie when you take part in the party to_be_held tomorrow evening.2她脸上有迷惑的表情,这说明她没理解我所说的话。There was a confused look on her face, which_showed_that she didnt understand what I said.3她身穿白色高领毛衫,黑色紧身夹克,黑色骑马裤,使她看上去很有活力。She was wearing a white turtleneck sweater, a black tight jacket and a pair of blac

12、k riding pants, making_her_look_energetic.子话题(二)内在品质(一)性格1character n品格2personality n. 个性;性格3outspoken adj. 直率的4straightforward adj. 简单的;坦率的5sweettempered adj. 性情温和的6independent adj. 独立的7moody adj. 喜怒无常的;易怒的8arbitrary adj. 随心所欲的;专断的9aggressive adj. 侵略的;咄咄逼人的10stubborn adj. 固执的;倔强的11rigid adj. 死板的;僵硬

13、的;固执的12violent adj. 暴力的13a strong personality 很强的个性14be independent of 独立于(二)品质1virtue n. 美德;品行2dignity n. 尊贵;高尚3mean adj. 小气的4generous adj. 慷慨大方的5reliable adj. 可信赖的;可依靠的6determined adj. 坚定的;有决心的7shallow adj. 肤浅的;浅的8thoughtful/considerate adj. 考虑周到的9confident adj. 自信的;确信的10diligent adj. 勤奋的11strongw

14、illed adj. 意志坚强的12merciful adj. 仁慈的13grateful adj. 感激的14be devoted to 致力于;专注于15be punctual for 守时16be responsible for 对负责17be enthusiastic about 对热心(三)智力与能力1intelligence n. 智力;才智;智慧2disability n. 残疾;无能3intelligent adj. 聪明的;明智的4talented adj. 有才能的5outstanding adj. 杰出的6capable adj. 有能力的;有才能的7creative adj. 创造性的8stupid adj. 愚蠢的;笨的9learned adj. 博学的;有学问的10have a talent/gift for 有才能11be qualified for 适合;胜任1humble adj.谦逊的;谦虚

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