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学年高二英语牛津译林版选修11导学案Unit 4 Period 3Word版含答案文档格式.docx

1、(使)变锋利sharp adj.锋利的;敏锐的11shuttle n往返班车,航天飞机shuttle vi. & vt.频繁往返.Phrases:1take up开始,从事2be set in以为背景3be landscaped with用美化景观4provide.with提供5whats more另外;而且6concentrate on集中精力于7range在范围内变化8equip with 用装备.Fast reading根据课文内容选择最佳答案(1)The subtitle“your home away from home”means .AYour new home i

2、s far away from your old home in Zhenhua UniversityBYou will find a new home away from your homeCYour home has a long distance from Zhenhua UniversityDYou will set a new home in Zhenghua University(2)The passage is mainly written to .Aintroduce Zhenhua University to readersBpersuade readers to becom

3、e excellent studentsCshow Zhenhua University is famousDpromote or advertise for Zhenghua University(3)The grounds are landscaped with a small lake and places to walk,sit and relax.The underlined phrase means .Ascenery of an area of landBimprovement of the appearanceCgardeningDdesign答案(1)B(2)D(3)B.Ca

4、reful reading根据课文内容完成下表,每空一词Location (1) the city (2) to choose fromIncluding traditional courses of art and science;new courses such as Information Technology,Journalism; (3) programmes at both graduate and postgraduate levelsThe (4) of the students8,000 undergraduate students and 3,500 postgraduat

5、e students (5) Including 20 hours of classes a week in chosen courses;having two hours a week for writing essays,2 hours focusing on developing debating skills and 2 hours of sport;having (6) ; (7) afterclass activities; (8) many clubs (9) A modern library,4 restaurant areas,dormitories with TV,lect

6、ure halls and study rooms,sport facilities,a recreation centre for students and so onThe administration (10) The same as many other universitiesadmission requirements in China答案(1)Outside(2)Courses(3)having(4)number(5)Timetable(6)lectures(7)taking(8)joining(9)Facilities(10)requirements1You can study

7、 with us and obtain your bachelors degree,your masters degree and even your PhD.你可以和我们一起学习并获得你的学士学位、硕士学位甚至哲学博士学位。归纳拓展obtain vt.获得,得到,达到(目的)vi.(规则、制度等)通行;流行,存在易混辨析 obtain/gain/earn/get/winobtain应用范围广,含有“如意地达到目的”或“得到希望的东西”等意义gain有“在斗争中或竞争中达到目的”之意,所得到的东西常有一定的价值earn赚得,经过努力得到回报get得到,最普通用语win赢得语境感悟(1)He f

8、ailed to obtain a scholarship.他没有获得奖学金。(2)They obtained a loan from the government.他们从政府那里得到一笔贷款。(3)The custom still obtains in some areas.某些地区仍保留着这一习俗。即时跟踪完成句子(1)He always manages .他总是设法得到他想要的东西。(2)The scientist by a new discovery.那位科学家由于一次新发现而出了名。答案(1)to obtain what he wants(2)attained great fame2

9、In addition,we have two hours a week for writing essays and reports,two hours focusing on sharpening debating skills and two hours for sport.另外,我们每周还安排两小时写文章和报告,两小时集中训练辩论技巧以及两小时运动。sharpen v(使)变锐利;削尖;变锋利;加剧sharp adj.锋利的,尖的;敏锐的;严厉的;adv.(指时刻)整,准(常放于数字后)sharpener n削尖用的器具sharpen up 提高,改进be sharp with sb

10、对某人严厉a sharp child 机灵的孩子a sharp criticism 尖锐的批评a sharp tongue 伶牙俐齿(1)She needs to sharpen up before next months competition.下个月比赛之前,她的水平需要提高一下。(2)This exercise will help students sharpen up reading skills.这个练习将帮助学生提高阅读能力。(3)The sword is very sharp.这把剑很锋利。即时跟踪翻译句子(1)她目光敏锐(听觉灵敏)。 (2)会议在9点整开始。答案(1)She

11、has sharp eyes(ears)(2)The meeting began at 9 oclock sharp.1In addition,we have two hours a week for writing essays and reports,two hours focusing on sharpening debating skills and two hours for sport.focus on 把焦点对准,集中注意力于focus on 集中于focus.on. 把集中于bring/throw sth into focus 使某事物成为焦点(受到关注)in/out of f

12、ocus 焦点对准/没对准(1)Many firms are focusing on increasing their markets overseas.许多企业都专注于扩大国外市场。(2)She felt all the eyes focused on her.她觉着所有人都在注视着她。(3)The childrens faces were badly out of focus in the photograph.照片上孩子们的脸非常模糊。即时跟踪(1)完成句子He me.他注视着我。He was too shortsighted .他由于近视过深而无法把视力焦点对准在该物体上。答案focu

13、sed his eyes onto focus on the object(2)单句语法填空The students listened carefully to the teacher with their eyes (focus) on the blackboard.答案focused2We encourage each student to take up a new sport or to try a new form of exercise.我们鼓励每一个学生开始从事一项新的体育活动或者一种新的锻炼方式。take up 占据(时间、空间);开始养成习惯;开始从事;继续(谈论或处理某事)take up less space 占据较小的空间take up too much time 占去太多时间take up arms 拿起武器(去战斗)take up a job/struggle 从事工作/斗争take away 减去,取走take back 取回,归还take down 取下;写下,记下;把某物拆卸take in 吸收;欺骗take sth for granted 认为某事当然,想当然take interest in. 对感兴趣take pride in 引以为豪(1)Ch

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